
  • 网络order
  1. 我们觉得需要创立一个这样的修道会。

    We felt we needed to found an order like that .

  2. 多明尼加修道会被教宗何诺里三世所认可。

    The Dominican order was sanctioned by Pope honorius III.

  3. 预期MichelleMartin将会前往法国一个女修道会,继续服满缓刑。

    It 's expected that Michelle Martin will move to a convent in France to serve out her probation .

  4. 但部分天主教修道会获得了比其他修道会更大的成功。

    But some Catholic orders are having more success than others .

  5. 我要打给再统一修道会。

    I 'm calling about the order of the reunification .

  6. 他告诉我修道会是错的。

    He told me that the order was wrong .

  7. 方济各会是托钵修道会的一种。

    The Franciscans were a mendicant order .

  8. 我一直以为共济会和德莫莱修道会是反天主教的,尽管不明白为什么。

    I always thought the Masons and DeMolay 's were anti-Catholic , though I didn 't understand why .

  9. 作为发言人的凯瑟琳·玛丽修女表示,当前第1年的见习神职人员占到了修道会全部人员的10%。

    Sister Catherine Marie , a spokeswoman , says the current group of first-year students represents ten percent of the whole order .

  10. 然后,就好像当年在灰袍修道会时他师傅曾经教过他的那样,他努力让精神澄净开始进入冥想。

    Just as his masters in the ashen order had taught him so many years ago , he cleared his mind and began to meditate .

  11. 严规熙笃隐修会,通常指的是特拉比斯特派修道士,这是一个信仰全靠自己修行来走上真正的救赎之路的隐修修道会。

    The Order of Cistercians of the Strict Observance , commonly referred to as the Trappists , is a monastic order that focuses on the work of one 's own hands as the true path to salvation .

  12. 腓尼基人、迦太基人、罗马人、拜占庭人、法蒂玛王朝、诺曼人、西西里人、西班牙人、法国人、一个欧洲世俗宗教修道会和英国人都曾想征服或统治马耳他,其中很多成功了。

    The Phoenicians , Carthaginians , Romans , Byzantines , Fatimids , Normans , Sicilians , Spanish , French , a European lay religious order and the British all tried to conquer or rule Malta , and many succeeded .