
  • 网络Modify Ranges
  1. Categories允许您将修改范围限制得很窄。

    Categories allow you to scope changes narrowly .

  2. categories的使用加强了我之前的建议:它将对Object的修改范围限制为easybDSL中use子句。

    The use of categories reinforces my previous recommendation : it limits the scope of changes to Object to the body of the use clause in the easyb DSL .

  3. 规范个人帐户修改的范围和内容;

    To standardize the range and the contents of personal account modification ;

  4. 修改在范围或封闭范围中定义的变量。

    Modify variables that are defined on the scope or on enclosed scopes .

  5. 每升一级增加定单修改的范围。

    Each level of skill increases the range at which orders may be modified .

  6. 要从您搜索的范围排除封闭模型,可以点击修改搜索范围并清除搜书整个工作空间复选框。

    To exclude closed models from your search scope , click Modify search scope and clear the Search entire workspace check box .

  7. Admin记录会被用来决定谁能够修改这个系统范围的设置。

    The Admin record is used to determine who can modify the system-wide settings .

  8. 相反,只存储已修改的字节范围而非完整块的方法称为逻辑日志记录,这是XFS所使用的方法。

    In contrast , the approach of only storing modified spans of bytes rather than complete blocks is called logical journaling , and is the approach used by XFS .

  9. 例如,文件系统开发者可能会设计出一种日志,该日志存储在主机文件系统上需要修改的字节范围。

    For example , a filesystem developer could design a journal that stores spans of bytes that need to be modified on the host filesystem .

  10. 共和党众议员拉马尔史密斯认为,有关破产法条款的修订,并不能缩小符合房贷修改条件的范围,更不能解决没收房产的危机。

    Republican Representative Lamar Smith said that the changes in bankruptcy provisions failed to sufficiently narrow the scope of mortgage situations eligible for modification and will not solve the foreclosure crisis .

  11. 您可以自定义工具栏,只需要选择Options=>Toolbaroptions来修改外观、搜索范围和产品信息范围

    You can customize the toolbar by selecting Options = > Toolbar options to change the appearance , search scope , and product information scope

  12. 如果FASB要求CircuitCity修改它对保修范围扩大和产品维修合同的会计处理,那麽对它的财务报表会产生何种影响?

    How will Circuit City 's financial statements be affected if the FASB requires them to change the accounting treatment for extended warranty and product maintenance contracts ?

  13. NET技术构建基于Web的动态交互式综合测评系统,该系统可以在Windows2000/XP局域网或Internet上使用,测评内容修改方便,适用范围广泛。

    NET and based on Web , the dynamic interactive comprehensive qualification assessment system can be widely used in LAN and Internet with Windows 2000 / XP . The assessing items can be easily modified to meet with the user 's demands .

  14. 尽管考虑到华约解散及苏联解体,这一版本的条约已进行了修改,但很大范围内仍然有效。

    Although this version was adapted to take account of the demise of the Warsaw Pact and the Soviet collapse , it remains broadly in force .

  15. 扩展性:可以轻松修改在节点测试范围内新添加的元素,只需添加新的处理代码,而不必更改现有的代码。

    Extensibility : Newly added elements that fall within the scope of the node tests can be easily accommodated by adding new processing code without modifying the existing code .

  16. 建议我国仲裁法修改时扩大仲裁范围,并将仲裁协议中必须约定仲裁机构的规定删除。

    Suggested when our country arbitration act revision expands the arbitration scope , and will arbitrate in the agreement to have to agree the arbitration organization the stipulation deletion .

  17. 对于合格的投资者,美国在其海外投资保险制度的发展过程中通过对其《对外援助法》的修改而使其范围有一点变化。

    For qualified investors , the United States in the development process of its overseas investment insurance system , through its Foreign Assistance Act to modify its scope a little change .

  18. 新的《国家赔偿法》对旧的国家赔偿法来说,是个巨大的进步,它对求偿的渠道进行了疏通,对赔偿程序也作了重大的修改,赔偿的范围有所拓宽。

    The new national compensation law is a huge progress , it clear channel of asking for compensation , perfect the compensation procedures , expand the scope of the compensation and ensure the cost pay .

  19. 对将近255个道具的修改,修改的范围从仅仅更名,到增强或减弱状态参数,到价格的增长,到重做的具有新特效、新状态参数和新图形的道具。

    Changes to most of the255 items , ranging from mere name changes , to boosts or blows in stats , to price increases , to being reworked into brand new items with new effects , stats and graphics .

  20. 生成初始问卷后,通过专家咨询对题项表述进行修改,在小范围测试后,删除了偏离原设定变量的题项,最终得到共包含2个部分的企业中层管理人员培训转化影响因素问卷。

    After generating the initial questionnaires , the author modified the items expression through consulting expert . Delete the variables items which deviated from the original setting in the small-scale tests , in the end , gain the questionnaire of Corporate Middle Managers Training Transformation Factors which contains two parts .