
xiū nǚ yuàn
  • convent
  1. 根据美国全国广播公司的报道,专家们对在Ursuline修女院找到的三具骨骸做了一系列的DNA测试。

    According to NBC , a team of specialists have begun a series of DNA tests on three different skeletons found in an Ursuline convent in Florence .

  2. 藏在修女院,这是最安全的地方。

    In the convent . it 's the safest place in the world .

  3. 修女院院长及其故事与《红字》的比较研究

    A Comparative Study of the Prioress and Her Tale and The Scarlet Letter

  4. 玛丽在修女院呆了一年,直到她过了18岁的生日。

    Marie pinned in the convent for a year , until her eighteenth birthday was passed .

  5. 他才是实际管理修女院的人。

    He practically runs the convent .

  6. 如今当地总主教已介入此事,并请求梵蒂冈准许关闭该修女院。

    Now the local archbishop has intervened and asked the Vatican for permission to close the convent .

  7. 随着社会发展,这些矛盾不断激化,最终导致了宗教改革形势下修女院变革运动的爆发。

    With the development of society , these contradictions were intensified to induce the reform of the nunnery .

  8. 在南部奥伯丁的一个卡多雷女祭司的修女院,秩序在这个组织中是被认为最重要的。

    A convent of Kaldorei priestesses in southern Auberdine , the Order is arguably the most demanding and exacting of all Her organizations .

  9. 他悠荡到仁爱会修女院前面,蓦地停了下来,朝着耶稣会这位十分可敬的约翰。康米伸过一顶鸭舌帽,求他施舍。

    He jerked short before the convent of the sisters of charity and held out a peaked cap for alms towards the very reverend John Conmee S.

  10. 然而在我八岁那年,我去一所天主教修女院学校上一年学,我对基督教的另一面有了了解。

    However , at the age of eight , I went to a Catholic convent school for a year and became acquainted with another aspect of Christianity .

  11. 他的生活都集中在这一刻里。他坐在她身旁,静静地望着她,或者和她谈谈过去的那些年,她的童年时期,她在修女院的情景和她那时的小朋友。

    He seated himself close to her , he gazed at her in silence , or he talked to her of years gone by , of her childhood , of the convent , of her little friends of those bygone days .

  12. 它的牧师和修女修建了孤儿院、学校和诊所,这些机构如今仍在运营。

    Its priests and nuns founded orphanages , schools and clinics , which carry on today .

  13. 17年前,麦凯恩的妻子在德兰修女开设的孤儿院中看到了布里奇特,并把她带回美国收养。

    Bridget was brought to the U.S.17 years ago by McCain 's wife after she saw the girl in an orphanage run by Mother Teresa 's nuns .