
xìn xī bào zhà
  • information explosion
  1. 随着Internet的发展,信息爆炸不可避免地产生了。

    With the development of Internet , inevitably , " Information Explosion " has come into being .

  2. 在这个信息爆炸的时代,Internet带给人们丰富的资讯,提供方便的同时也推动了经济的发展。

    In the era of information explosion , the Internet brings people rich information . It provides convenience and promotes economic development .

  3. 随着Internet网络的高速发展,信息爆炸时代也随之到来。

    With the rapid development of Internet Technology , the information exploring era is coming .

  4. 随着Internet和大型数据库的出现,信息爆炸但知识匮乏的问题日益显著。

    With the emergence of Internet and large databases , a conflict has arisen from " astronomical information but poor knowledge " .

  5. 面对这些极度膨胀的数据,人们受到信息爆炸和数据过剩(DataGlut)的巨大压力。

    Facing the great capacity of data , people are under the pressure of information explosion and data glut .

  6. 随着Web以及相关技术的高速发展,信息爆炸已经出现在当今的互联网上。

    With the rapid development of the Web and the correlative technology , the information explosion known as " Big Bang " has taken place on the Internet .

  7. 互联网给我们带来信息爆炸、快速经济的同时,也带来了很多不利于经济发展和人民生活的不良信息,对WEB信息的过滤成为一个热门的研究课题。

    Internet brings us information explosion and the rapid economic development , and it also brings harmful information , so filtering the information from WEB becomes a hot research field .

  8. 这使得一方面出现信息爆炸,而另一方面,人们迫切需要从Web上快速、有效的获取信息和知识。

    One result of this is the " Information Exposure ", and the other result is the people 's urgent need to quickly get valid knowledge and information from the web .

  9. Web发展造成了信息爆炸和知识贫乏的矛盾,基于XML和RDF发展的语义网是解决这一问题的关键。

    The development of the Web results in the situation that information explodes while knowledge is poor . The semantic web based on XML and RDF is the key to solve the puzzledom .

  10. 在信息爆炸的时代,MIS系统(企业大型应用有CRM,DSS,ERP系统)越来越受到行业的重视,系统中引入声音、图像、动画、视频等媒体元素也越来越普及。

    At the times of information explosion , MIS ( others are CRM , ERP in large Enterprise ) becomes more and more important for enterprises . Importing voices , graphics , animations and videos into the MIS is widespread now .

  11. 随着WWW上信息爆炸式的增长,对信息的查询提出了严峻的挑战,如何快速、准确而又全面的查询到所需信息是现代查询技术研究的关键。

    As the explosive increase of information in WWW , there is a austere challenge to Information search . How to get the needed information quickly , accurately and roundly is the key of the research of modern search technology .

  12. 当前人们正处于一个信息爆炸的时代。

    At present we are in an " information explosion " age .

  13. 这个阶段以信息爆炸为最突出特征。

    The most outstanding characteristics of this stage is the information explosion .

  14. 在信息爆炸时代,信息的利用率出现不升反降的现象,称之为信息过载。

    In this information explosion era , a phenomenon named Information Overhead appears .

  15. 这是一个信息爆炸的时代。

    This is an era of information explosion .

  16. 21世纪是知识爆炸的时代,也是信息爆炸的时代。

    The21th century is a time of knowledge explosion , and of information explosion .

  17. 近几年来信息爆炸的趋势日益彰显,分析数据的方法也层出不穷。

    The recent years have seen explosion in information and ways to analyze it .

  18. 浅谈信息爆炸背景下的图书馆转型

    Talking about the Transformation of Library on the Background of " Information Explosion "

  19. 数据挖掘是信息爆炸问题的一种解决方案。

    Data mining is a kind of program to solve the problem of information explosion .

  20. 22我们现在已经进入一个信息爆炸的时代,每天我们都得面对各种各样的广告。

    Having entered an information-explosion epoch , we are exposed to various advertisements per day .

  21. 高效的阅读能力是解决当今信息爆炸时代的一种重要能力。

    Nowadays , efficient reading ability is an important ability to solve " information explosion " .

  22. 在这个知识和信息爆炸的时代,知识成为企业最重要的资源。

    In this explosion of knowledge and information era , knowledge becomes the most important resources .

  23. 信息爆炸为海量数字资源管理带来的挑战之一就是海量信息的存储问题。

    Information Explosion brings a big challenge to the storage system of Massive Digital Resource Management .

  24. 在信息爆炸时代,互联网已经成为企业对外宣传的一个重要平台。

    The internet has become an important platform for enterprise international publicity in the information explosion era .

  25. 当前的信息爆炸已经促使许多新技术产生了,以帮助消化所有这些上千兆字节的数据。

    The recent explosion of information has spawned many new technologies that help digest all these gigabytes .

  26. 在当今时代,信息爆炸,人们对信息的渴望是随时随地的。

    In modern world , going with information exploding , people want to get information at any moment .

  27. 但是,与此同时,人们也面临着巨大的挑战&信息爆炸。

    However , people also face a big challenge & " information explosion " at the same time .

  28. 在这样一个信息爆炸的时代,学生们阅读着大量的信息。侯教授说。

    In an era of information explosion , students read information in a large quantity , said Hou .

  29. 随着互联网的广泛应用,当今世界进入了一个信息爆炸的时代。

    Along with the widespread application of internet , the world has gone into a information explosion age .

  30. 然而伴随而来的就是信息爆炸的问题,在互联网上分享的资源太多,用户很难从互联网海量的信息中找到自己需要的信息或者用户对自己需求的信息不是很明确。

    However the concomitant is the information explosion problem as users sharing too much information on the Internet .