
  • 网络Signalling Theorie;signal transfer theory;signaling model
  1. 市场上招聘者与应聘者之间的信息不对称是其主要原因。而造成人力资本市场上信息不对称的根本原因又是Spence的教育信号传递理论在这里失效。

    Then the reason of adverse selection in the human capital market is investigated , which indicates that asymmetric information between employer and employee is the source of adverse selection and it 's result from the education signaling model of Spence model losing efficacy .

  2. 然后围绕股利如何影响公司市场价值,主要介绍具有代表性的信号传递理论、代理成本理论、客户效应理论的观点内容。

    Then according to how dividend influences the market value of company , it illustrates signal transfer theory , agency cost theory and clientele effect theory .

  3. 本章首先分别运用委托代理理论、非对称信息理论和信号传递理论深入剖析股权结构影响企业RD投资行为的理论基础,然后在此基础上,分析不同股权结构下的企业RD投资行为机理。

    This chapter first studies deeply the theoretical basis of the affection of ownership structure on R & D investment behavior by using principal-agent theory , asymmetric information theory and signaling theory respectively .

  4. 沿着MM理论研究的思路,随着前提条件的不断宽松,又陆续发展出代理理论、信号传递理论、优序融资理论、控制权理论等,使资本结构理论研究进入了一个崭新的阶段。

    Based on the MM theoretical research , with the development of agent theory , Signal Transmission Theory , Pecking Order Theory , Control Theory , the theory of capital structure research has up the new stage .

  5. 本文的理论基础是MM理论、融资优序理论、权衡理论、信号传递理论、控制权理论,这几大理论渗透了公司治理的几大领域。

    This paper is based on the theory of MM theory , pecking order theory , tra Signal transmission theory , the theory of control right , this theories have penetrated into several major areas of corporate governance .

  6. 在信号传递理论部分着重谈了信号传递理论在我国的适用性。

    For signaling theory , the paper emphasizes its application in China .

  7. 本部分从委托代理理论和信号传递理论对内部控制信息披露进行理论阐述。

    This section introduces the principal-agent theory and signaling theory .

  8. 信号传递理论对会计的启示

    Accounting can draw inspiration from the signal transmission theory

  9. 信号传递理论是解决非对称信息传递的基本理论,人力资本在组织内的传递具有非对称性。

    The signaling theory is the basic theory to solve the asymmetric information transmission .

  10. 委托代理理论和信号传递理论;

    Principal-agent theory and Signaling theory ;

  11. 提出了基于信号传递理论的组织内人力资本信号传递影响因素理论模型和假设。

    Based on signaling theory , this paper proposes five factors and assumptions influencing human capital signaling .

  12. 本文立足中国资本市场环境,运用代理理论、私人契约理论和信号传递理论,采用规范研究和实证研究的方法,探讨了我国上市公司自愿性披露行为的选择问题。

    This paper studies the choice of voluntary disclosure behavior of Chinese listed companies through normative and positive study methods .

  13. 因此有必要向承担剩余风险利益相关主体披露相关信息。(3)信号传递理论。

    Therefore , it is necessary to bear residual risk disclosure of relevant information Stakeholders . ( 3 ) Signaling Theory .

  14. 本文主要借鉴代理成本理论、激励理论、信号传递理论、控制权理论以及优序融资理论。

    This paper related to agency cost theory 、 Motivation theory , signal transmission theory , control theory and Pecking Order Theory .

  15. 上市公司为什么自愿披露内部控制鉴证报告?&基于信号传递理论的实证研究

    Why do Listed Companies Disclose the Auditor 's Internal Control Reports voluntarily ? & An Empirical Study Based on Signaling Theory in China

  16. 其代表理论有:代理成本理论、信号传递理论、融资顺序理论和控制权理论等。

    On behalf of its theory : theory of agency costs , signaling theory , theory of the order of finance and control theory .

  17. 第三部分为相关理论分析,主要分析了委托代理理论、信息不对称理论和信号传递理论在公司治理、审计师变更和市场反应中的体现和支持。

    Chapter three analyses the principal-agent theory , asymmetric information theory and signal transmission theory in corporate governance , auditor change , and market response .

  18. 根据信号传递理论,股利政策传递了会计利润所不能传达的信息,股利政策能较为真实的反映一个公司的价值。

    On base of this theory , Dividend Policy is better than Accounting Profits for the signaling the comparatively real value of company to us .

  19. 第二部分为与内部控制信息披露相关的理论研究及发展历程,主要介绍了三条理论:信息不对称理论、信号传递理论和委托代理理论和内部控制信息披露的发展历程。

    The second part for information disclosure and internal control relevant theoretical research , mainly introduces the information asymmetry theory and the theory of signals .

  20. 本文从西方股利理论入手,介绍了由传统学派到现代学派的发展,并详细地阐述了股利信号传递理论。

    This paper begins with western dividend theory , introduce the development from original school to modern school , and particularly explain dividend signaling hypothesis .

  21. 其次,利用有效市场假说和信号传递理论解释了市场会对独立董事辞职产生反应的原因。

    Then , this paper explains the reason that the market would react to the resignation event by using Efficient Market Hypothesis and Signaling Theory .

  22. 上市公司能否通过制定合适的股利政策,达到提高公司价值的目的?本文利用深市上市公司2001年度与2002年度分红派息数据,运用计量经济学方法,验证了股利的信号传递理论。

    Using econometrical methods and listed companies ' dividend data of 2001-2002 from Shenzhen stock market , empirical analysis is fulfilled to testify the signaling theory .

  23. 研究结论表明代理成本模型和信号传递理论对我国上市公司再融资对经营业绩的影响有较好的解释作用,这也为改善上市公司再融资后的经营业绩提供了方向。

    That is to say , Agent-cost theory and Signal-model theory can explain the influence of refinancing to operating performance of listed companies partly in China .

  24. 从利益相关者角度分析了企业社会责任与股东财富的关系,在此基础上提出了信号传递理论,即企业可以通过传递信号履行社会责任。

    The relation between CSR and stockholders'wealth is discussed with the signal transmission theory proposed , i.e. , an enterprise may perform its CSR through signal transmission .

  25. 本章首先从委托代理理论、信号传递理论、保险理论和受托经济责任理论四个方面进行了理论分析,然后在理论分析的基础上提出两个研究假设。

    The chapter first presents four interrelated theories about the research . They are Principal-Agent Theory , Signal-Transmission Theory , Insurance-Hypothesis Theory , and the Accountability Theory .

  26. 如教育与就业关系的古典思想、人力资本理论和筛选与信号传递理论等。

    For example , classical thought of the relationship of education and employment , human capital theory that employment concern for , screening and signal transmitting theory , etc.

  27. 内部控制信息披露的理论基础有多重委托代理理论、有效市场理论、投资者保护理论、信息不对称理论、信号传递理论。

    Theoretical basis of internal control information disclosure has multiple principal-agent theory , efficient market theory , investor protection theory , asymmetric information theory , signal transmission theory .

  28. 一是使用资产组合平衡理论研究汇率干预的效应,二是根据信号传递理论研究汇率干预的效应。

    Recently researchers mainly focus on whether the central bank is an information trader and the influence of intervention on the information structure of the foreign exchange market .

  29. 第三章西方股利理论对高派现行为的解释本部分主要从股利信号传递理论、代理成本理论、一鸟在手理论、追随者效应理论等西方股利理论的角度来对高派现行为进行解释。

    The third chapter used the western dividend theories to explain this problem , such as signaling hypothesis , Agency Cost Hypothesis , Bird-in-the-hand Theory , Clientele Effect .

  30. 最后,用委托代理理论、财务信息供应链理论、和信号传递理论论述了内部控制与财务信息质量的关系。

    Finally , the principal-agent theory , the financial information supply chain theory and signaling theory discusses the relationship between the quality of internal control and financial information .