
  • 网络credit expansion;Inflation;credit inflation;credit expansina;over-expansion of credit
  1. 信用膨胀和泡沫时有显现,各种非理性竞争行为屡禁不止,犯罪分子内外勾结从事票据诈骗活动,给银行造成风险和损失。

    The risks and losing of the bank are caused by the credit inflation and the bubble shows occasionally , all kinds of non-sensible competition behavior occurs repeatedly , bill crook activities played booty inside and outside by criminals .

  2. 认为现阶段信息约束导致了我国信贷市场局部信用膨胀和局部信用紧缩同时并存的局面,严重制约了我国信贷效率。

    As a result of information governing , both credit inflation and deflation exist and lower the market efficiency .

  3. 同时,信用膨胀的私募股本公司,转变成股票市场的高借贷角色。

    At the same time , private equity firms , bloated on credit , turned into a highly borrowed play on the stock market .

  4. 由于工业繁荣时期商品价格上涨和利润优厚,大量信贷被投机者用来从事投机活动,信用膨胀大大超过生产的增长。

    As the boom of commodity prices and profits are good , a lot of credit to be used for speculative activities of speculators , the credit expansion greatly exceeds production growth .

  5. 在全球信用不断膨胀的背景下,信用风险暴露也越来越严重。

    Under the background of fact that global credit is inflating constantly , the credit risks expose more and more serious .

  6. 治理的根本措施在于严格控制投资需求、消费需求和社会信用需求膨胀。

    The primary cure for inflation is strictly to control the expansion of investment demand , consumption and social credit demand .

  7. 从模型中可以看出,投资需求不足来源于居民收入分配差距的扩大和市场经济中信用规模的膨胀&收缩机制。

    From the model we find that the insufficient of investment demand comes from the disparity of income distribution and the inflation-shrinkage mechanism of credit .