
  • 网络Credit Plan
  1. 由此,刺激计划基本上演变成了一个信贷计划。

    The stimulus plan became largely a credit plan .

  2. 在前两种模式下,由于计划经济的浓厚色彩使得真正意义上的信贷市场并不存在,信贷资金的分配主要是财政拨款,信贷计划是计划经济的产物。

    In the first two models , true credit market never exists because of planned economy . The way of the allocation of credit money is the finance rationing and credit plan is the result of planned economy .

  3. 瑞士信贷计划同北京的方正集团(FounderGroup)合资。

    Credit Suisse 's proposed joint venture is with Founder Group , a Beijing-based conglomerate .

  4. 坦桑尼亚妇女生产活动信贷计划

    Credit Scheme for Productive Activities of Women in Tanzania

  5. 美国央行并没有减缓其紧急信贷计划。

    The central bank is not yet throttling back its biggest emergency credit programs .

  6. 英联邦青年信贷计划

    Commonwealth Youth Credit Initiative

  7. 将培训元素加入组群小额信贷计划对获得更广泛的保健效益至关重要。

    The addition of a training component to group-based microfinance programmes may be critical for achieving broader health benefits .

  8. 扶轮社员将可参加不同主题的研讨会,涵盖成功的超小额信贷计划和聆听扶轮社员作家史蒂芬?卡威有关领导能力之简报。

    Rotarians will attend workshops on topics including successful microcredit projects and listen to Rotarian author Stephen r.covey 's presentation on leadership .

  9. 在那次峰会上,中国做出承诺要加倍向非洲提供援助,同时还宣布了数十亿美元的信贷计划和商业合同。

    That meeting resulted in China pledging to double aid to Africa and announcing billions of dollars in credit lines and commercial deals .

  10. 社会信用规划包括商业银行、政策性银行、非银行金融机构信贷计划和企业融资计划。

    The social credit planning includes the credit plans and enterprise financing plans of commercial banks , policy banks and non-bank financial institutions .

  11. 自绿色信贷计划实施以来,环保总局总共已向银行业监管机构报告了约3万家环保违规程度较轻的企业。

    Altogether , since the programme 's launch , the names of about 30,000 companies with less serious breaches have been reported to the banking authorities .

  12. 根据2007年中期出台的绿色信贷计划,环保总局应向央行和银监会提交造成严重污染的企业名单,银行对这些企业的贷款应予以限制,甚至拒绝。

    Under the programme launched in mid-2007 , Sepa was to provide the central bank and the banking regulator with a list of serious polluters for whom loans would be limited or declined altogether .

  13. 金融机构要按照人民银行的有关规定,编制上报信贷计划,人民银行将其纳入社会信用规划综合平衡后用于指导金融机构的信用活动。

    Financial institutions shall , according to the relevant regulations of the people 's bank , prepare and submit credit plans , and the people 's bank shall bring them into the aggregate balance of the social credit planning and use them for directing the credit activities of financial institutions .

  14. 最好的办法就是大幅扩大信贷担保计划。

    The best way to do this would be through a much expanded credit guarantee scheme .

  15. 区域出口信贷保证计划

    Regional Export Credit Guarantee Scheme

  16. 财务分析职能被分割到财务、信贷、计划等多个部门,没有形成完整、统一的体系。

    The function of financial analysis is divided and assigned to the finance department , credit department , and planning department etc.

  17. 自营性住房贷款纳入主管行的信贷收支计划,并实行比例管理,单独考核。

    The self-operating housing loan shall be put into the credit receipts and payments plan , managed in proportion and examined separately .

  18. 丁午寿议员就申请中小企业营运设备及器材信贷保证计划的资助的事宜提出质询。

    Hon Kenneth Ting raised a question on matters relating to applications for assistance under the SME business installations and equipment loan guarantee scheme .

  19. “绿色信贷”计划是中央政府正在实施的一系列政策之一,这些政策的宗旨是控制污染、限制快速增长的温室气体排放。

    The " green credit " programme is one of a number of policies being used by the central government to try to limit pollution and soaring emissions of greenhouse gases .

  20. 在英国,银行仍然面临着高借贷成本,不敢向中小型企业发放更多的贷款:英格兰银行和英国财政部迟迟没有推出一项新的信贷宽松计划。

    In Britain , banks still face high borrowing costs and remain nervous about lending more to small and medium-sized enterprises : a new credit-easing programme about to be introduced by the BOE and the Treasury is long overdue .

  21. 直到这个时候,欧洲央行才宣布延长“强化信贷支持”计划,最重要的是,它将开始购买国债,“以保障运行失常的市场的深度和流动性”。

    Only then did the ECB announce that it would extend its enhanced credit support programme and most crucially begin buying government bonds " to ensure depth and liquidity in those market segments which are dysfunctional " .

  22. 发展消费信贷有利于破除计划经济体制下形成的陈旧储蓄观念,是建立社会主义市场经济的必由之路。

    Developing consumptive credit is beneficial to Smash old savings idea , it is the only road to establish socialist market economy .