
xìn yǎnɡ zhǔ yì
  • fideism
  1. 司法仪式与法律信仰主义文化的建构

    Judicial Ceremony and Building of Culture of Legal Fideism

  2. 培养现代法律信仰主义文化则应先从重视司法仪式开始。

    Therefore , building the culture of modern legal fideism should start with emphasizing judicial ceremony .

  3. 公民道德建设的信仰主义路径

    The Fideistic Approach to Building Morality of Citizens

  4. 笛卡尔为了对抗经院哲学的盲目信仰主义和怀疑论提出了普遍怀疑方法。

    Descartes puts forwards the method of general doubt to counteract the fideism in scholasticism and skepticism .

  5. 也正是通过这一典型,塞万提斯怀着悲哀的心情宣告了信仰主义的终结。

    Also was precisely through this model , Cervantes harbors the sorrowful mood to announce the fideism end .

  6. 她精通唯信仰主义的理论和《圣经》教义,现在显然是来上课的。

    She was great at Antinomianism and Bible-classes , and was plainly going to hold a class now .

  7. 信仰主义千方百计去证明某种教条,迷信权威,完全丧失了检验、反驳既有结论的科学理性精神;

    The fideism tries to prove some doctrines in a thousand and one ways and has blind faith in the authority and lose all the science spirit inspecting and refuting fixed conclusion ;

  8. 这种最终的精神目的本身就可视为后世信仰主义的萌芽,而论证和追求这种最高精神目的的过程也包含有后世理性思维的萌芽。

    The spirit of such an ultimate end in itself could be considered as the seeds of later doctrine of faith , while the process of argumentation and the pursuit of reason is the development of rational thinking process .

  9. 古典理性主义价值的衰微,哲学对超世彼岸的宗教追求,把直觉和体验置于理性思维之上,则构成了基督教信仰主义取代古典理性主义的逻辑基础。

    The decline of classical rationalism value , the religious pursuit of philosophy of a " nirvana " transcending worldliness and the placement of intuition and experience above thinking constitute the logic basis for the substitution of Christianity fideism for classical rationalism .

  10. 罗马帝国后期,社会陷入失序状态,精神空虚和物欲主义成为人们普遍的生活态度,这为基督教信仰主义文化的诞生提供了现实基础。

    In the late Rome Empire , the society was in a state of disorder , and the pursuit of material gains together with spiritual emptiness became prevalent among the general public . This fostered a realistic basis for the emergence of Christianity fideism culture .

  11. 他们是一些信仰神秘主义宗教的人,花许多时间祈祷和沉思。

    They are religious mystics who spend a lot of time praying and meditating .

  12. 在我这个年龄的人中,信仰爱国主义这类价值观是另类,22岁的卡梅洛·拉亚(CarmeloRaia)说。拉亚是法律系学生,上个月从西西里岛的阿格里真托来到罗马守卫万神殿。

    Believing in values like patriotism is fairly atypical among people my age , acknowledged Carmelo Raia , 22 , a law student who last month traveled to Rome from Agrigento , Sicily , to stand guard in the Pantheon .

  13. 在中国,很多人信仰马克思主义。

    In china , most of people believe in marxism .

  14. 我们信仰马克思主义理论。

    We believe in the Marxist theory .

  15. 你信仰马克思主义吗?(信仰)

    Do you believe in Maxism ?

  16. 两人都信仰马克思主义和唯物主义。

    Both of them believed in Marxism and materialism . A believer in the principles of humanism .

  17. 相异则缘于各自的哲学观不同,所信仰的主义和对进化论的接受与改造不同,理论参照体系及工作侧重点存在差异。

    The differences result from their different philosophical views , belief , acceptance and reform of the evolution theory , theoretical standants and working emphasis .

  18. 新时代的青年知识分子要以他们成长的道路为榜样,热爱祖国,忠于人民,坚定地信仰马克思主义。

    By following their example , the young intellectuals in the new epoch should love our country and be loyal to our people and believe in Marxism firmly .

  19. 中国近代的部分自由主义知识分子,一方面深受西方文化的影响,宗奉理性,信仰个人主义;

    Part of the liberal intellectuals of modern China faced an embarrass situation : on the one hand , they were strongly influenced by western culture , they believe in reason and individualism ;

  20. 1927年中国大革命失败是其政治思想变化的分界点,大革命失败前郑超麟信仰马克思主义,大革命失败后畈依托洛茨基主义。

    The Failure of the Great Revolution in 1927 was the boundary of his political ideology evolution . Before the failure of the great revolution , Zheng accepted Marxism , after then he relied on Trotskyism .

  21. 在大学,她信仰了马克思主义。

    At college she was converted to marxism .

  22. 那些真正关心的人看到权威、信仰、国家主义、整个等级知制度的致命处。

    The man who is concerned sees as false the obviously pernicious things such as authority , belief , nationalism , the whole hierarchical spirit .

  23. 面对大自然,人会一无所有除了成为自然的附属物和奴隶,这必然也导致人朝着宗教信仰和超自然主义发展。

    In face of nature , man would havebeen reduced to nothing , except as appendices and slaves to nature , inevitably leading man toward religious beliefs and supernaturalism .

  24. 并且作为中国主流信仰的马克思主义信仰在当代也面临了一些问题。

    At the same time , Marxist faith as the main current faith in China is facing some problems , and this is the reason why we should conduct faith construction .

  25. 本文从分析《贫民院集市》里两个层面的矛盾入手,揭示这些矛盾实际反映了现代社会中宗教信仰和世俗主义及物质主义的对立冲突。

    This thesis is to demonstrate , through analyzing the clashes of two dimensions , that Updike intends to reveal the conflicts between religious belief and materialism and secularism in modern society .

  26. 尽管几乎没什么人极力主张他所信仰的共产主义,但与此同时,也几乎没什么人反对将他列为他所处的那个时代的伟大史学家。

    Almost no one makes big claims for the communism that he professed , but almost no one dissents , either , from the view that places him among the great historians of his time .

  27. 在当代中国,马克思主义信仰是马克思主义理论向实践转化的中介;是对合理的人生意义的追求;

    In the present China , Marxism belief is the medium transformed from the Marxism theory to the practice , the pursuit of the significance on the life and the source and motive force for Chinese people .

  28. 大部分学者偏重于探讨小说中的原罪意识、霍桑的道德观念、宗教信仰和女性主义思想、个人与社会的关系、以及大脑和心灵之间的冲突等主题。

    It seems that scholars have shown major concern with such themes as the original sin , Hawthorne 's moral vision , religious beliefs , feminist ideas , the relationship between individual and society , and the conflict between the head and the heart .

  29. 只有当宪政主义变成一种根植于社会的文化和信仰,宪政主义才能真正的发挥出它将从政治权力中解脱出来的权利变成推动社会进步的强大动力的重要作用。

    Only when the constitutional doctrine is rooted in society into a culture and beliefs , constitutionalism can really play out of it freed from political power , the right to become a powerful driving force to promote social progress in an important role .

  30. “毛主义”的基本内涵是在一个以农民为主体的社会结构中,按照列宁主义组织原则,建立一个由于信仰马克思列宁主义的若干基本准则而充满活力的政党。

    The basic contents of " Maoism ", embodied in the social structure with peasants as the main body , are to establish , in light with the organizational principles of Leninism , an energetic Party whose members believe in the basic rules of Marxism and Leninism .