- 网络guarantee insurance contract

Nature of Guarantee Insurance Contract and its Legal Application
Differently defining the nature of guarantee insurance contract will bring different legal application .
The Legal Character and Responsibility of Auto Loan Guarantee Insurance Contract
The applicable law of the guarantee insurance .
Analysis on the Nature of Guaranty Insurance Contract
The contract of guaranty insurance may be terminated by the reason of contract or law .
There are two alterations , which is permitted in that contract : double insurance and excess insurance .
Chapter One of this thesis generally introduces the origin , features and classification of bonds insurance contracts .
The bonds , especially performance bonds play an important role in the world where the credit system will be perfect gradually .
What law stipulates this obligation is abided by is the biggest sincere letter principle , its purpose is to make sure insurance contract fairness is reasonable .
The author thinks that to define the character of the guaranty insurance of automobile credit we must first analyze the legal relation of the guaranty insurance contract of automobile credit .
Three factors will be evaluated carefully before any suretyship agreements is made : the character of the principal , the financial capacity of the principal , and the experience of the principal .
This is a legal obligation of the underwriter , law stipulates this obligation basically is the interest to protect policy holder , uphold honest credence principle , the fairness that assures insurance contract is reasonable .
Secondly the legal relationship of performance bonds is analyzed from the aspects of subject , object and contents , and in stating the subject of performance bonds the insurable interests of performance bonds are also discussed .
Insurance credit is one kind of behavior criterion that guarantees the fulfillment of insurance contract in accordance with business ethics during insurance activities , basing on the utmost good faith and under the guidance of laws and principles of market economy .
As to guarantee insurance contract being an insurance contract or a guaranty contract , our na-tional laws don 't give a definite definition , but there are different point-views coming from theory field and practice , judicial field and insurance field .
The second chapter discusses the major legal ramifications of the bonding contracts ; it analyzes the concept and features of bonding contracts , parties to the bonds , the subject matters bonded , and the special characters of bonds as compared with property insurance .
Aplly the United-Linked Insurace Contracts with Guarantee to give out the basic payment mode .
The thesis compares the guaranty contract with the guaranty insurance contract , hoping to give a correct definition to the legal nature of the guaranty insurance contract .
At the same time , this article has clarified the multiple legal relationships that guaranty insurance involves , analyzes the tri-party agreement , and insists that the guaranty insurance contract shall be the critical foundation in settling the guaranty insurance disputes .
The insurance company should not only focus on researching to the nature of guarantee insurance , then timely adjust and improve the terms of the insurance contract , and should focus on prevention of business risks , and adjust the management mode .
There are totally nine clauses in MIA 1906 . In China , warranty is a peculiar regime of marine contract .
There are two controversial theories in the field of the guarantee insurance , which are the character of the guarantee insurance and the independence of the contract of guarantee insurance .