
  1. 不过,维克森林大学的俄罗斯史教授苏珊·鲁普(SusanRupp)表示,她对个人与事业发展办公室做出的种种动作感到疑惑。她说她不会请那个办公室里的某位工作人员到她的课堂上来解释这门课程的职业价值。

    Still , Susan Rupp , a professor of Russian history at Wake Forest , said she had misgivings about the push from the O.P.C.D. She said she would not be very likely to invite someone from that office into her classroom to explain the class 's professional value .

  2. 对俄罗斯文化史研究的思考

    My thoughts on the study of Russian cultural history

  3. 瞿秋白与俄罗斯文学史研究

    RUSSIA Ju Qiu-bai and Russian Literary History Studies

  4. 俄罗斯科学史走向研究

    Studying the Trend About Russian History of Science

  5. 安娜·安德烈耶夫娜·阿赫玛托娃及其诗歌创作是俄罗斯文学史上辉煌的一页。

    Anna · Akhmatova and her poetry creations is a resplendent page of literary history in Russia .

  6. 近些年来,俄罗斯文化史学者提出了一些值得注意的文化史观。

    In recent years , some noticeable views on cultural history have been raised by scholars of Russian cultural history .

  7. 普希金在俄罗斯诗歌史上的作用和地位是无人可以替代的。

    No one can replace Pushkin on the function and status in the history of poems and songs in Russia .

  8. 通过这种研究,我们可以认识到,俄罗斯科学史在不同的时期,研究内容有所不同。

    By the studying , we realize that Russian history of science has the different study content in different periods .

  9. 现实主义是俄罗斯文艺史中使用时间最长、争议颇多的创作手法。

    Realism is a style whose use is the longest and most controversial in the history of Russian literature and art .

  10. 俄罗斯科学史是世界科学史的重要组成部分,但对其研究的成果在国内并不多见。

    Russian history of science is an important part of world history of science , but study achievements of it are quite rare in china .

  11. 白银时代是俄罗斯文化史上由近代向现代转换的大时代,也是一个创作大繁荣的时代。

    Silver Age is a great age when Russian culture turns from modern time to contemporary time and also an age when literature productions flourishes .

  12. 伊万·阿列克谢耶维奇·布宁是十九世纪末至二十世纪中叶俄罗斯文学史上最重要,同时也是最复杂的作家之一。

    Ivan Bunin was one of the most important and most complex writers in the history of Russian literature during the end of the 19th to the mid-20th century .

  13. П.И.柴可夫斯基是19世纪俄国最伟大的作曲家,在俄罗斯文化史和世界音乐史上都占有重要的地位。

    Tchaikovsky was the greatest music composition in Russia in the 19th century , who occupied an important position in Russian cultural history as well as in world 's music history .

  14. 俄罗斯教会史属于俄罗斯文化史的一部分。教会在俄罗斯的历史中始终占有重要的地位,扮演着不可替代的角色。

    The history of Russian Orthodox Church is part of the history of the culture in Russia , as the church has always played an important and irreplaceable role in Russian history .

  15. 今天,我们站在后人的角度来解读蒲宁,只是为了走近这位大师,强调蒲宁在俄罗斯文学史上应有的地位。

    Today , standing on the perspective of mordern people , we try to decode Bunin , in order to approach this master , and emphasize his position in the history of Russian literature .

  16. 世界反兴奋剂机构在去年11月发表了初步调查报告,使俄罗斯成为史上首个被禁止参加所有田径赛事的国家;在这个禁令被取消之前,莫斯科方面必须证明其运动员没有使用提高成绩的兴奋剂。

    The initial part of the Wada investigation , published in November , led to Russia becoming the first country in history to be banned from all track and field competition , a suspension that will last until Moscow can prove its athletes are clean of performance-enhancing drugs .

  17. 对整个文章的写作进行简要总结,并指出普希金的帝王思想在俄罗斯近代文学史上的意义。

    To sum up the whole article , and notes the significance of Pushkin Russian imperial thinking in the history of modern Russian literature .

  18. 纪念碑内心独白型。对俄罗斯诗歌纪念碑情结的研究有助于俄罗斯文学史的学习。

    The study of the " Monument Complex " in Russian poetry helps to learn the history of Russian literature .

  19. 俄罗斯十九世纪至二十世纪著名的绘画大师谢洛夫,集天赋、勤奋、机遇三大成功重要因素于一身,在俄罗斯乃至世界美术史上占有极其重要的位置。

    Valentin Alexandrovich serov , the most famous artist from 19th century to 20th century in Russia , combined with gift , assiduity and luck , plays a very important role in the history of fine arts in Russian or even in the whole world .