
  • 网络prooxidation;prooxidant
  1. 但是,抗氧化剂在一定的条件下也能变成促氧化剂而加速脂质过氧化或者诱导DNA氧化性损伤。

    On the other hand , it was reported that an antioxidant might become a prooxidant to accelerate lipid peroxidation and / or induce DNA damage under special conditions .

  2. 但是,NIH的研究人员验证了一个观念:在大剂量注射维生素C时,它具有促氧化而不是抗氧化活性。

    The NIH researchers , however , tested the idea that ascorbate , when injected at high doses , may have prooxidant instead of antioxidant activity .

  3. CK和VC处理的样品的低的抑制率也许是因为NaCl的促氧化作用。

    The lower inhibition effect of CK and VC treatment samples may be due to the pro-oxidant effect of NaCl .

  4. Hcy在体内代谢产生细胞毒性、促氧化应激和炎症反应,并且抑制内源性硫化氢(hydrogensulfide,H2S)生成。

    It can product cytotoxicity , oxidative stress and inflammatory reaction in Hcy metabolism . Also Hcy inhibits the formation of hydrogen sulfide ( H2S ) in vivo .

  5. 然而,Cu,Zn-SOD在较高浓度(>200U/ml)下,表现出强烈的促氧化效应,能够加剧DNA氧化损伤。

    On the other hand , Cu , Zn-SOD at high concentrations ( > 200 U / ml ) exhibits a significant prooxidant effect on DNA , and enhances DNA damage .

  6. 但事实上Genistein不但具有抗氧化的作用,同时也具有促氧化的作用,而在抗肿瘤诱导肿瘤细胞凋亡方面,其促氧化作用更为重要。

    Yet in fact , Genistein is not only an anti-oxidant but also a pro-oxidant , and the pro-oxidative action may be more important for its anti-tumor and inducing apoptosis properties .

  7. pH3.7磷酸盐缓冲溶液,50℃,儿茶素、表儿茶素和绿原酸酶促氧化,产物浊度增加小、褐变增加大;

    Intensity of browning was increased in the enzymic oxidation model system of catechin , epicatechin and chlorogenic acid at 50 ℃ in pH3.7 buffer , but the turbidity of haze was increased few .

  8. 茶黄素酶促氧化制备技术的研究

    Studies on the Preparation Technology of Theaflavins by Enzymatic Oxidation

  9. 果酒模拟体系中单酚酶促氧化聚合的研究

    Polymerization of Enzymatic Oxidation in Model System of Wine

  10. 茶多酚表没食子儿茶素-3-没食子酸酯对红细胞膜的促氧化作用

    Pro-oxidative effect of epigallocatechin 3-gallate on human erythrocyte membranes

  11. 结果表明,通过水相中的酶促氧化及非酶反应,合成了红酚。

    The immobilized enzyme was used for transforming pyrogallol into purpurogallin in aqueous phase .

  12. 荔枝中表儿茶素酶促氧化及其抑制的研究

    Inhibition Studies on Enzymatic Oxidation of ( - ) - Epicatechin in Litchi Pericarp

  13. 不同金属辅基和酶剂量对超氧化物歧化酶抗氧化、促氧化作用的影响

    Effects of different metal prosthetic groups and concentration on antioxidant and prooxidant activities of superoxide dismutase

  14. 在促氧化和抗氧化之间有着复杂的相互作用,这在维持细胞内环境稳定相当重要。

    Complex interactions between the pro-oxidants and antioxidants are crucial in the maintenance of normal intracellular homeostasis .

  15. 抗坏血酸盐在药理学剂量下做为促氧化剂起作用并且减少小鼠中移植侵入性肿瘤的生长。

    Pharmacologic doses of ascorbate act as a prooxidant and decrease growth of aggressive tumor xenografts in mice .

  16. 氧化应激是自由基的促氧化与机体的抗氧化失衡造成的。

    Oxidative stress results from an imbalance between the generation of oxygen derived radicals and the organism 's antioxidant potential .

  17. 在非酶促氧化条件下,对模拟苹果酒体系中,这四种单酚的聚合反应速度都较为缓慢。

    Under the condition of non-enzymatic oxidation , the speed of the polymerization of these four phenols was relatively slow .

  18. 使用部分纯化后的酶液进行特性分析。该酶能迅速地催化焦性没食子酸的酶促氧化反应,而对邻苯二酚、间苯二酚、对苯二酚和绿原酸则完全无催化活性。

    The purified enzyme quickly oxidized pyrogallic acid , and had no activity towards catechol , resorcinol , hydroquinone and chlorogenic acid .

  19. 机械摩擦力造成叶细胞损伤,使茶多酚酶促氧化,诱发香气,具有外在效应;

    Friction damaged leaf cell , which affiliated the enzymatic oxidation of the tea polyphenols , induced fragrance with its outer effect .

  20. 促氧化作用将产生自由基并形成过氧化氢,而科学家假定后者可以杀伤肿瘤细胞。

    Prooxidants would generate free radicals and the formation of hydrogen peroxide , which , the scientists hypothesized , might kill tumor cells .

  21. 酶促氧化制取茶色素与红茶中提取的茶色素进行比较,茶黄素的含量明显高于后者;

    Compared to the tea pigments from black tea , the content of TFs of tea pigments prepared by enzymatic oxidatic was higher ;

  22. 结果表明,悬浮发酵中多酚氧化酶活性虽明显受抑,但仍可完成正常酶促氧化作用;

    The results showed that although the activity of polyphenol oxidase was obviously inhibited during fermenting process , it could fulfill the enzymatic oxidation .

  23. 在创面愈合的炎症阶段,氧化应激作为促氧化剂与抗氧化剂内环境平衡失调而导致的组织损害。

    In the inflammatory stage of wound healing , oxidative stress induced the damage of tissue because of the imbalance of prooxidant and antioxidant .

  24. 对结果进行分析表明,在低浓度下具有抗氧化作用,但在高浓度下具有促氧化作用。

    The results indicated that plants had anti-oxidant ability in the low concentration cultivating , and had pro-oxidant ability in the high concentration cultivating .

  25. 酶促氧化结果表明,发酵80分钟时,茶黄素的生成量最高(为15.05%)。

    Results of enzymatic oxidation showed that the highest content of theaflavins ( 15.05 % ) was formed at 80 minutes fermentation with polyphenol oxidase .

  26. 说明在非酶促氧化过程中,儿茶素和表儿茶素是在苹果酒酿造后期及陈酿过程中起主要作用的酚类物质。

    It was proved that catechin and epicatechin had a leading role during the final fermentation and storage of ciders in the process of non-enzymatic oxidation .

  27. 说明在酶促氧化过程中,绿原酸和咖啡酸是主要进行聚合反应的底物。

    It was proved that chlorogenic acid and caffeic acid were the main substrates in the process of enzymatic oxidation which ran the reaction of polymerization .

  28. 进一步证实了酶促氧化与非酶促氧化下,聚合反应的底物、产物及反应过程存在差异。

    These results further testified that there were great differences of the substrates , products and the course of reaction in the enzymatic oxidation and non-enzymatic oxidation .

  29. 放射性破坏的其中一种方式是产生促氧化的分子,所以,大量类胡萝卜素的供给可免受辐射之害。

    One of the ways that radiation causes harm is by generating molecules that promote oxidation , so a good supply of carotenoids protects against such damage .

  30. 该酶迅速催化焦性没食子酸的酶促氧化反应,但对邻苯二酚、对苯二酚和间苯二酚的催化活性较低。

    This enzyme could quickly catalyze the oxidation of pyrogallic acid as a substrate , but exhibited relatively low catalysis activity towards catechol , hydroquinone and resorcinol .