
  1. 抵销制度的不断发展与完善与该制度的便利价值、担保价值和保障公平价值被社会逐步发掘与认可是分不开的。

    The institution of set & off has convenience value , warrant value and equity guarantee value . It is inseparable with the development and improvement of the system and explored and accepted by society gradually .

  2. 一般的初创企业宣扬颠覆和便利的价值,而这些另类未来主义者指向社会或环境影响。

    Where a typical start-up preaches the values of disruption and convenience , these alternative futurists point to the social or environmental impact .

  3. 通过对8个主成分的因子分析,发现消费者网上购物态度的决定性因素是广泛的选择、便利和价值。

    Through eight principal components factor analysis , we find wide selection , convenience and value is the decisive factor affecting the attitude toward online shopping .

  4. 近日,一名34岁的男子在美国一家便利店里将价值31美元的巧克力棒直接塞进自己口袋被抓之后,他将面临着进入监狱坐牢的审判。

    A 34-year-old man is now facing the prospect of life in prison after allegedly being caught stuffing $ 31 of chocolate bars into his pockets in a US convenience store .

  5. 医院员工的工作价值观与组织承诺存在显著正相关,其中个人成长与发展、尊严取向、人际沟通、单位保障、远离工作焦虑和交通便利分别与价值承诺、努力承诺和留职承诺存在显著正相关。

    Particularly , individual growth and development , self-respect orientation , interpersonal communication , organizational security , avoiding job stress , traffic convenience were positively significant correlated with value commitment , effort commitment , and retention commitment .

  6. 这些变动可能获得便利债权人等价值,但却与债权人代位权的逻辑体系和设立目的、法律的公平正义以及立法欲达到的可操作性和法律间相互协调统一的意图相悖。

    The changes may enable the creditor gain equivalent value , which are , however , contrary to the intentions of logical system and the purpose for the establishment of creditor 's subrogation , legal fairness and justice , legal maneuverability and mutual coordination and unification between laws .

  7. 第一章阐述贸易便利化的基本内容,比较贸易便利化与贸易自由化之间的关系,分析贸易便利化的价值。

    Part I mainly explains the basic content of trade facilitation , relationship between trade facilitation and trade liberalization , and analyzes the value of trade facilitation .