
qīn zhàn zuì
  • crime of embezzlement;crime of misappropriation
  1. 浅析侵占罪行为对象中的遗忘物和埋藏物

    Oblivious Goods and Embedded Goods in the Object of Crime of Embezzlement

  2. 第五,顾某行为构成侵占罪。

    In fifth , Gu Mou act constitutes a crime of embezzlement .

  3. 侵占罪属于侵犯财产罪的范畴。

    Crime of occupation belongs to crime of infringing upon others'property .

  4. 第三部分是侵占罪中的拒不退还或拒不交出问题。

    Third part : Refusing to return or to hand in .

  5. 职务侵占罪理论与实务之探析

    The Theory and Practice of the Offence of Duty Encroachment Offence

  6. 侵占罪的犯罪客体应包括公有财产所有权;

    The criminal object of it includes ownership of public property ;

  7. 侵占罪的认定及其与盗窃罪之辨析

    The Difference Between Maintaining Crime of Occupation and Crime of Theft

  8. 侵占罪的犯罪主体与主观方面的研究

    Study on the Subject and the Subjective Aspects of the Embezzlement Crime

  9. 盗窃罪与侵占罪界限的立法与司法考察

    On the Dividing Line of Crime of Misappropriation and Offense of Theft

  10. 关于侵占罪认定的主要争议问题探析

    Analysis on the Main Disputes of the Seizing Offense Affirmation

  11. 新《刑法》中侵占罪的认定之我见&刑法课教学内容的探讨

    On Cognizance of Criminal of Invading and Occupying in New Criminal Law

  12. 盗窃罪与职务侵占罪在司法实务中都是比较常见的罪名。

    Theft and duties of embezzlement in judicial practice is common offence .

  13. 本文对侵占罪的若干争议问题进行了研析。

    This paper analyses several controversy problems on the accusation of occupation .

  14. 侵占罪与盗窃罪区分之相关问题

    The Difference Between Crime of Occupation and Crime of Theft

  15. 侵占罪中拒不退还的法律分析

    Legal Analysis of " Refusing to Return " in Crime of Encroachment

  16. 第二部分:侵占罪的犯罪构成,这是本文的核心所在。

    Part Two : Constitution of the Crime of Embezzlement .

  17. 论职务侵占罪客体

    Discussion on the Object of Crime of the Crime of Duty Encroachment

  18. 构成侵占罪在主观方面的要求是行为人具有侵占的故意。

    Embezzlement in the subjective requirement is occupied with the perpetrator intentionally .

  19. 侵占罪的本质特征应为变适法占有为非法所有,而不是变合法持有为非法占有。

    The essential feature of the crime of disseizin is illegal possession .

  20. 第二部分:不当得利与侵占罪的认定。

    Part two identified unjust enrichment and offense of misappropriation .

  21. 论职务侵占罪的司法认定及完善

    On the Judicial Holding and Legal Perfection of Crime of Duty Encroachment

  22. 论侵占罪中的遗忘物

    On the Forgotten Property in the Crime of Embezzlement

  23. 侵占罪告诉问题研究

    Research on the Complaint about the Crime of Embezzling

  24. 侵占罪司法适用若干问题研究

    Research on Judicial Application of the Crime of Seizure

  25. 论侵占罪的犯罪对象及其立法完善

    On Targets of Embezzlement Crime and the Legislative Perfection

  26. 论侵占罪中侵占行为的前提要件

    Discussion on the Premise of the Misappropriating Behavior in the Crime of Embezzlement

  27. 民法理论语境下盗窃罪与侵占罪的区分

    The Distinction between Theft and Embezzlement in the Context of Civil Law Theory

  28. 略论新《刑法》中的侵占罪

    A Discussion on the Criminal Offense of Embezzlement in the New Criminal Law

  29. 第三部分,侵占罪的认定问题。

    Part Three : Question on Cognizing the crime .

  30. 侵占罪的客观方面探究

    Inquiring into the Objective Aspects of Crime of Occupation