
yònɡ jīn lǜ
  • commission rate
  1. 如果你们订货量大,佣金率就会高。

    You can get a higher commission rate if you order a bigger quantity .

  2. 如佣金率优惠,我们愿意做你方在我们地区的代理。

    We wish to be your agent in our district if the commission rate is favorable .

  3. 如果电子商务服务者收取的佣金率低于一定值,供应商(卖方)不需额外激励也会参与E化供应链;

    When the rate of commission is lowered to a certain level , the supplier will join the E-supply chain even without any extra incentive .

  4. 但如果佣金率高于一定值,即使分销商提供可能的最大补贴仍不足激励供应商参与E化供应链,E化供应链会因缺乏参与者而解散;

    However , when the rate of commission is increased to a certain higher level , the supplier will not join the E-supply chain even if the buyer offers the highest subsidy .

  5. 我们不能同意增加佣金率。

    We can 't agree to increase the rate of commission .

  6. 那么,你们通常给代理人的佣金率是多少?

    Then , what 's your usual commission rate for your agents ?

  7. 我们支付给所有客户的佣金率都是一样的。

    We do not vary the rate of commission to different customer .

  8. 如果是大宗订货,你方是否能增加佣金率?

    Will you Increase the rate of commission In case of large order ?

  9. 我们如果给您一个特别的佣金率,其他买主会产生误解。

    Other buyer is liable to misunderstand if we allow you a special rate of commission .

  10. 这笔业务取决于你方所要支付的佣金率。

    Business depend on the rate of commission you are go to give ( offer ) .

  11. 不同的销售方式要按不同的佣金率来付佣,对于公司来说这是惯例。

    It is common practice for companies to pay different commission rates for various types of sales .

  12. 尽管我们再三请求,他们仍不同意增加佣金率。

    In spite of our repeated requests , they did not agree to increase the rate of commission .

  13. 坦诚地说,贵方打算支付给我们的佣金率太低了。

    Honestly speaking , the rate of commission you is going to grant us is far too small .

  14. 佣金率大幅上升,而且,正如银行一样,赌场经营者过度热衷于向赌徒提供信贷。

    Commission rates were jacked up and , just like banks , operators were overly keen to extend credit to players .

  15. 如果我们保证每年一定数量的订货,你们能给我们特殊折扣(高一点的佣金率)吗?

    If we guarantee an annual order of a certain amount , would you give us a special discount ( a higher rate of commission )?

  16. 分析了大规模的中介收取的佣金率高,小规模的中介收取的佣金率低的关系;

    The relationship of price competition and scale competition is that a larger broker sets a higher commission rate , and a smaller scale sets lower ;

  17. 当佣金率介于以上两者之间时,如果分销商(买方)从自己的获利中向供应商支付一定的补贴,仍可使整个供应链得到协调。

    When the situation is between the above two cases , i.e. , as the buyer gives a certain amount of subsidy to the supplier , the whole supply chain can still be coordinated .

  18. 如果客户端仍然活跃后一个月有较高的机会,他们将继续在其任期结束因此能够支付较高的佣金率子公司。

    If a client is still active after a month there is a higher chance they will renew at the end of their term hence being able to payout a high commission rate to Affiliates .

  19. 通过比较在信息对称与信息不对称情况下的线性契约,分析了不同因素对于佣金率、供应商期望收益以及代理成本的影响;

    By comparing the linear contract under symmetric information with a symmetric information , different parameter 's effect on the commission rate , the agency cost and the expected income of the supplier was analyzed .

  20. 近年来,经纪业务的竞争日趋白热化,净佣金率及收入一路下滑,但2012年收入贡献度仍高达为39%。

    In recent years , the rivalry of brokerage is increasingly intense , the net commission rate and income continued to decline , but its revenue contribution to the whole industry is still high as39 % .

  21. 近年来,随着证券行业竞争的白热化,整体佣金率大幅下滑,而券商间的竞争也从以往简单的佣金战逐步转变为服务战。

    In recent years , with the development of competition in the securities industry , the overall commission rates have fallen sharply , and the competition between broker have a gradual transformation , the war of service replace the previous commission war .

  22. 淘宝商城属于中国电子商务巨头阿里巴巴集团旗下,周二淘宝商城宣布升级商业管理体系,其中一个重大变化就是大幅提高向所有在线店铺收取的佣金率及保证金费用。

    The company , a unit of Chinese e-commerce giant Alibaba Group Holdings Ltd , announced on Tuesday it would overhaul its business management system . One major change was to significantly raise the commission rate and premium fees it charged all online shops .

  23. 广告代理的收费方式是建立在广告主与广告公司双方协商的基础之上的,15%的佣金制不是铁率。

    The charging method of the system adopted is based on the agreement of the advertiser and advertising company . The 15 % commission is not invariable and non-commission or minus is rarely seen .