
  1. 莉娜身体很好,还让我转达她对你的爱和祝福。

    Lina is fine and sends you her love and best wishes .

  2. 如果说真有一个男人需要你的爱,那就是我。

    If ever a man needed your love , I need it .

  3. 我对你的爱从未改变!

    I have loved you with an everlasting love !

  4. 我对你的爱永不止息。

    My love for you will never die

  5. 你的爱可以帮助他们睁开眼睛看世界。

    Your love can help them open their eyes to the world .

  6. 通常的做法是写封信,感谢她给你的爱,给她寄张卡片或给她买份礼物。

    Common things are to write a message that thanks for the love she has given you , send her a card or buy her a gift .

  7. 不要紧闭心门,来吧,分享你的爱。

    Open your heart instead . Share your love instead .

  8. 我不能表达对你的爱

    I cannot deliver your love

  9. 以创作歌手BuddyHolly为例,他所演唱的《真爱永存》中有这样一句歌词:我对你的爱胜过卡迪拉克。

    You can start with songwriter Buddy Holly singing " Not Fade Away ": " My love is bigger than a Cadillac " .

  10. 对你的爱,情深似海。

    My love for you is as deep as the sea .

  11. 所以有你的爱比什么都重要。

    The love you have so more important than anything else .

  12. 太感谢你的爱了宝贝!

    Thank you so much , baby , for your love !

  13. 但是什么束缚了我,是你的爱吗?

    But what are shackled me , you are in love ?

  14. 雨水也无法浇熄我对你的爱。

    The rain can 't cool down my love for you .

  15. 我对你的爱不能消灭在萌芽状态。

    My love for you cannot be nipped in the bud .

  16. 你的爱,虽多,并不那么大:

    thy love , though much , is not so great :

  17. 我不会停止对你的爱,永远爱你!

    I 'll always think of you and love you forever .

  18. 你的爱不是你,从这孤独的生活。

    Your love is not you , from this lonely life .

  19. 但是不可能会像我对你的爱一样真实可靠。

    But it cannot recognize or return a love like mine .

  20. 在憎恨之处播下你的爱。

    Where there is hatred , I may bring love ;

  21. 他们对你的爱与呵护是上帝额外赐予你的两份礼物。

    Their love and protection are two more of God 's gifts .

  22. 这些花朵象征着我对你的爱。

    These flowers are a small token of my love for you .

  23. 我对你的爱胜过黄蜂的叮咬。

    I love you more than a wasp can sting .

  24. 你的爱若渐冷淡,你的信心必渐枯萎。

    If love be cold , be sure that faith is drooping .

  25. 我需要你的爱。愿上帝赐给我你的爱。

    I need your love , God speed your love to me .

  26. 如何展现你的爱和光的耶稣吗?

    How are you demonstrating the love and light of Jesus today ?

  27. 你的爱是我今生唯一的渴求。

    The only thing I expect on the world is your love .

  28. 再次感谢你的爱祝你好运。

    Once again thanks for your love and good luck .

  29. 我的宝贝我对你的爱是永不会改变的。

    I was touched . I 've never being this happy before .

  30. 只显示你的爱给他,祝你永远

    Just show your love to him , best wishes for you forever