
  1. 你有种。弟兄们,给我一起上。

    You have seed . Brothers , give me together up !

  2. 托尼:你有种到时候就不要拉着我!

    Tonny : you are not going to grab me ?

  3. 我对你有种很奇怪的感觉

    Rochester : I 've a strange feeling with regard to you ,

  4. 你有种,我给点颜色你瞧瞧,兄弟,给我一起上。

    You have seed I will give you some colour to seebrotherstogether up .

  5. 有时候我对你有种莫名奇妙的感觉。

    Sometimes I have the strangest feeling about you .

  6. 如果你有种爱的餐厅,那么到那儿吃饭,享受吧。

    If you have a favourite restaurant then have dinner there and enjoy yourself .

  7. 因为你有种难以置信的专注。

    And because you 've got unbelievable concentration .

  8. 你有种跟我的法官也这么说。

    Your gut can talk to my judge .

  9. 思维定势让你有种感觉到你的目标已经达到。

    The mind is kind of tricked into feeling that it 's already done .

  10. 他让你有种自己是世界中心的感觉。

    He really made you feel like you were the center of the world .

  11. 你有种天分,让你在适当的时机,做适当的事情。

    Eg. you have a knack for doing the right thing at the right time .

  12. 他说你有种调皮的幽默感。

    He said you 've got a great ... a bit of a wicked sense of humor .

  13. 另外,进一步解释会让你有种负罪感和不确定感,人们可以进一步劝说你看你是否会同意。

    Second , offering a lengthy explanation makes you sound guilty and unsure , so people might push further to see if you will agree .

  14. 对我来说那是很重要的,因为那让你有种社会使命感。,我想知道我自己的故事。

    So For me , that is the core because that tells you to create the social mission I wonder what my own story was .

  15. 她们陶醉于“如果你有种,那就来追我”般的激动。而另一方面,男人则富竞争性和占有欲,他们为获胜而游戏。

    They enjoy the thrill of " catch me if you can . " Men , on the other hand , are competitive and dominant . They play for the win .

  16. 有些人信口雌黄说你们很丑,我很想对他们说:你有种,我要给你点颜色瞧瞧,兄弟们,一起上!

    Somebody letter mouth female yellow , say you are ugly . I want to tell them : you have seed , I will give you some color to see see , brothers ! together up !

  17. 看你是否有种在墓地过夜。

    I dare you to spend the night in the graveyard .

  18. 关于怎么处理,你有很多种想法。

    You have several options on how to deal with it .

  19. 请问,你有多少种直接方法可以爬到楼梯的最高处?

    In how many distinct ways can you climb the staircase ?

  20. 你有一种倾向,&对什么人都感到厌恶,这就是你的缺陷。

    And your defect is a propensity to hate every body .

  21. 你知道有种说法叫“她偷走了我的心”吗?

    You know the expression " she took my breath away "?

  22. 你很有种啊,小子。居然敢就这样现身。

    You got guts , kid , showing yourself like that .

  23. 我问你有没有种当面跟他说这些话。

    I dare you to say these same things to his face .

  24. 你有一种天赋,款待人的天赋;

    You have a gift , a gift of welcome .

  25. 我不知道,呃……你只是有种……

    Shelley : I dunno , uh ... you just have aa ...

  26. 你真有种,知道吗?

    You got a lot of heart , kid , you know that ?

  27. 这能让你有一种成就感,而不会自惭形秽。

    This creates a sense of accomplishment that keeps you from feeling overwhelmed .

  28. 如果我告诉你有一种简单的方法可以让你的身体健康,你会怎样?

    What if told you there was a simple way to better health ?

  29. 在下拉列表中你有两种选择:字元和段落。

    In the drop-down list you have two choices : Character and Paragraph .

  30. 在与教师交谈时,你会有种挫折感。

    When you talk to teachers there is frustration .