
  1. 何逊研究

    Research on He Xun

  2. 素族之士何逊亦如此,因而只能四处奔波,终其一生。

    In the family , He Xun also so , and can only be running around in their lives .

  3. 声律自南齐而传,何逊在前人声律成果上继续创作。

    Rhythm of the Southern Qi Chuan He Xun continued to write on the outcome of the previous sound legal .

  4. 比起何逊,阴铿的诗格律非常成熟,形式浏亮新俊。

    Compared with He Xun , Yin Keng 's poetry was clear and fresh , and very mature in form .

  5. 这部分为:历史之桥&谢朓山水诗对何逊、阴铿的启发。

    This part is mainly about : the bridge of history - the enlightenment of Xie 's landscape poetry to He Xun and Yin Keng .

  6. 何逊家族,人才济济,上至祖父,下至族兄,皆为官,好文学,他们创作的诗歌受到时人好评。

    IIe Xun family , talents , from his grandfather down to cousin of all officials , good literature , the poems by the time people praise .

  7. 总而言之,何逊是我们值得注意和研究的诗人,他在中国文学史中亦应有相应的地位。

    All in all , He Xun is noteworthy and study of the poet , he should also have a corresponding position in the history of Chinese literature .

  8. 何逊诗歌在当时的梁朝有一定的名气,在南朝诗人行列中不能忽视,他的诗歌被许多诗论家点评。

    He Xun Liang poetry at the time of a certain reputation , can not be ignored in the ranks of the Southern Dynasties poet , his poetry is many poetic home reviews .

  9. 何逊为官梁朝,虽然当时的门阀制度相对较松,但统治阶级仍然赐予士族特权,使他们高官厚禄。

    He Xun official Liang Dynasty , when the patriarch system is relatively loose , but the ruling class is still given the the Nobles privilege , so that they have high position and handsome salary .

  10. 这一章分析了何逊诗歌对唐、宋、元、明、清各代文人的影响,尤其是他的咏梅诗和名句对后人的影响。

    The chapter analyses the influence of He Xun 's poems to Tang , Song , Yuan , Ming and Qing Dynasties , especially the impact on descendant of his chants the plum blossom poem and well-known phrase .

  11. 但瑕不掩瑜,其诗歌依然充满着深刻的思想内涵,是诗人情感的表征,心灵的坦露。通过对何逊及其诗歌的研究,使我们对何逊有更深层次的认识。

    Outweighed the bad ones , and still full of profound ideological content , the characterization of the poet emotional , soul candidly reveal , He Xun and his poetry , so we have a deeper understanding of He Xun .

  12. 何逊变清丽为清新,钟情于素暗之色、黄昏之景,倾向白描抒写,追求语言自然明畅。

    He Xun change " elegant " as " fresh " in love with the dark pigment of the color scenes of the evening , the tendency of line drawing and describe , the pursuit of the language of natural Ming Chang .