
hé shí hé dì
  • when and where;at what time and under what circumstances
何时何地[hé shí hé dì]
  1. 现在还不知道送生日卡的传统到底是从何时何地开始的。

    It is not known when and where exactly the tradition of sending birthday cards began .

  2. 而在公共教育领域,对学校改革的新关注促使辩论双方的研究人员做出更多努力,以获得可以提供奖品何时何地起作用的信息的数据。

    And in public education , a new focus on school reform pushes researchers on both sides of the debate to make more efforts to get data that may provide information on when and where prizes work .

  3. 首先,这事发生在何时何地?

    To start with , where and when did it happen ?

  4. 这一研究的结论是否正确,如果它是对的,生态判决之斧会在何时何地落下,这些都很难准确无误地确定。这也是为什么政府和金融机构现在才开始把这些风险考虑到他们的经济算式中。

    Whether this is right , and if so where and when the ecological axe will fall , is hard to determine with any precision — which is why governments and financial institutions are only beginning to bring such risks into their economic calculations .

  5. B:因为那是你何时何地收到传真的证明。

    B : That 's the proof of when and from where you receive the fax .

  6. 在传统的Ajax/DOMmodel模型中,由于是单独解析各个元素,因此可以作出这些决定,并可以选择于何时何地应用不同的元素。

    In a traditional Ajax / DOM model you are able to make these decisions because you parse each element individually and can choose when and where to apply different elements .

  7. 提取Web服务器访问者信息并构建市政专用的地点标记和指示器集,研究Web站点访问者在何时何地可以看到内容。

    Extract your Web-server visitor information and build a municipality-specific set of place marks and designators to explore where and when your Web-site visitors see your content .

  8. 此分析器应该能够实时地发送消息,指示Web服务何时何地以何种方式表现出性能低下。

    This analyzer should be able to send you a message in real time indicating where , what , and when a Web service is not performing as well as others .

  9. 无论你在何时何地加入Zynga;重要的是,你能够在Zynga取得多大的成就。

    Its not about where or when you enter Zynga its how far you can grow .

  10. 无论何时何地,TCCC公司都为被尊为可信任的生意伙伴和公民而努力奋斗。

    Wherever TCCC does business , we strive to be trusted partners and good citizens .

  11. 不管何时何地,你们都要骄傲地说:“我是KRRP人”!

    No matter where and when you are , you should say proudly that " I am one of KRRP "!

  12. 在坦帕附近和多米尼加共和国的克莱恩特度假村(CalienteResorts),无论何时何地你都可以不着寸缕,在酒楼、餐厅、酒吧、会所和夜总会都是如此。

    At Caliente Resorts near Tampa and in the Dominican Republic you can be completely nude wherever and whenever you want , including restaurants , dining rooms , bars , club house and nightclubs .

  13. 无论何时何地我都祝你幸福快乐。

    Happy birthday to you , and wish you happiness everyday .

  14. 狗是从狼进化而来,但是发生在何时何地?

    Dogs evolved from wolves . But when - and where ?

  15. 你能找到这是何时何地购买的吗

    Could you find out where and when this was purchased ?

  16. 在何时何地召开这次会议尚不清楚。

    When and where we will hold the meeting is unknown .

  17. 我会捡起我看到的垃圾,无论在何时何地。

    I pick up the trash I see anytime , anywhere .

  18. 真爱是,无论何时何地,我们坚持站在一起。

    True love is we stick together in " thick and thin ";

  19. 何时何地建厂还未决定。

    When and where to build the new factory is not decided .

  20. 幸福是无论何时何地、做你所爱、爱你所做。

    Happiness is doing what you love and loving what you do .

  21. 你认为我们将在何时何地野餐?

    When and where do you think we will hxdye a picnic ?

  22. 他多久前改变的又在何时何地绑架她们的?

    How long before he changes when and where he abducts them ?

  23. 奥地利和美国何时何地在发生什么?

    What 's happening where and when in Austria and the us ?

  24. 警察想知道这东西是在何时何地买的。

    The policemen wanted to know when and where it was purchased .

  25. 然而,我们无法预测何时何地会开始。

    However we can 't predict when or where it will start .

  26. 为什么不问我何时何地见不到上帝?

    Why not ask when or where I do not see God ?

  27. 那你就要找出它是在何时何地。

    It is your responsibility to find when , where .

  28. 可是无论何时何地,你需要朋友的话。

    But where ever * Whenever you need a friend .

  29. 我始终喜爱缝纫机,无论何时何地。

    I love my sewing machine whenever and wherever actually .

  30. 无论何时何地,顾客满意是最重要的。

    Regardless time and location , customer satisfaction is priority .