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  • 网络vector
  1. 如同老传统的传病媒介控制一样:这种情况就是要以虫治虫。

    Along with good old vector control : in this case , fighting bugs with bugs .

  2. 控制传病媒介环境管理专家小组

    Panel of Experts on Environmental Management of Vector Control

  3. 流行病监测和传病媒介监测也得到了加强。

    Epidemiological surveillance and vectoral surveillance is also being reinforced .

  4. 柬埔寨的国家登革热传病媒介控制项目似乎没有对登革热的发病率产生影响。

    The national vector control programme appeared to have little impact on disease incidence .

  5. 传病媒介疾病科学委员会将研究此问题,并为预防及控制策略提供意见。

    The Scientific Committee on vector-borne diseases will study these issues and advise on the prevention and control strategies .

  6. 如欲获得关于控制传病媒介和使用杀虫剂的更多信息,请见世卫组织杀虫剂评价方案的网站。

    For more information on vector control and the use of pesticides , please see the web site of WHOPES .