
  • 网络exhibition economy;mice
  1. 河南会展经济发展的SWOT分析

    SWOT Analysis of Exhibition Economy Development in Henan Province

  2. 会展经济:中国城市经济的新视点

    Exhibition Economy & a New View of China 's Urban Economy

  3. 基于SWOT分析的城市会展经济发展研究&以日照市为例

    A SWOT analysis of urban convention exhibition industry development : the case of Rizhao

  4. 2008年1月14日主题为“汇聚成长的力量”的第四届中国会展经济国际合作论坛(CEFCO)在成都骄子国际会议中心隆重举行。

    Jan14, 2008.The4th China International Exhibition Cooperation Forum ( CEFCO ) was held under the theme of " Influx of Growing Strength " at Chengdu Pride International Conference Center .

  5. 中国会展经济发展研究

    Study of the Development of Convention and Exhibition Economics in China

  6. 经济全球化与提升江苏·南京会展经济竞争力

    Promote the Competitive Power of Conference Exhibition Economy in Jiangsu Nanjing

  7. 乌鲁木齐市在西北地区会展经济中的战略地位

    The Strategic Position in the Exhibition Economy of Urumqi in Northwest China

  8. 郑州市会展经济的市场培植与拓展

    Market cultivation and extension of MICE economy in Zhengzhou City

  9. 合肥市会展经济发展现状与对策研究

    Research on the Development Situation and Countermeasure of Hefei Convention Exhibition Economy

  10. 长春市会展经济的现状与发展对策

    Present Situation of Changchun Exhibition Economy and Countermeasures of Development

  11. 我国体育会展经济发展战略研究

    On the Strategy of Developing Sports Exhibition Economy in China

  12. 会展经济的区域特性分析

    On the Regional Features of the Convention & Exhibition Economy

  13. 云南发展会展经济的战略构想

    The strategy speculation of developing MICE economy to Yunnan Province

  14. 香港会展经济发展及对内地的启示

    On Conference and Exhibition Economy in HongKong and its Reference to China

  15. 对发展湛江会展经济的若干思考

    On the Development of Conference and Exhibition Economy in Zhanjiang

  16. 第二部分,会展经济的发展。

    The second section is the research on the development of exhibition economy .

  17. 会展经济的价值反思与路径抉择

    Value Reflection on Exhibition Economy and Choice of Approaches

  18. 我国三大会展经济地带发展模式研究

    Research on the Developing Models of China 's Three Main MICE Economic Zones

  19. 武汉会展经济开发价值研究

    Research on development of convention and Exhibition economical show

  20. 重庆市会展经济发展探讨

    Discussion on the Development of Conference and Exhibition Economy

  21. 会展经济在中国正呈现出蓬勃的发展势头;

    Exhibition economy is developing vigorously in China ;

  22. 略论产业集群与会展经济的耦合与非耦合关系效应

    On Coupling and Non-Coupling Relation Effect between Industrial Cluster and Conference & Exhibition Economy

  23. 具体探讨了制约南京会展经济发展的因素及其成因,及南京会展经济发展的有利因素。

    The restrictive and advantageous factors of MICE economy development in Nanjing are elaborated .

  24. 广州会展经济发展的思考

    Reflections on the Development of Guangzhou Mice Economy

  25. 发展南京会展经济的对策

    Suggestions on Developing the Exhibition Economy of Nanjing

  26. 基于城镇体系的中国会展经济空间结构研究

    Research on the Spatial Structure of China 's Exhibition Economy Based on Urban System

  27. 我国会展经济的完善与发展

    Perfecting and Promoting China 's Trade Fair Economy

  28. 美国招牌赏析我国会展经济发展浅析

    U.S.A The United States of America The Development of Convention & Exposition Industry in China

  29. 大连会展经济的发展及对舟山的借鉴意义

    Conference and Exhibition in Dalian and The Economic Development of The Reference to the Zhoushan

  30. 会展经济具有包容性、开放性、表征性的特征。

    Comprehensive , open and token are three main features of Convention and Exhibition Economy .