
  1. 当我通读完会议调查时,发现我们似乎取得了巨大的成功。

    As I read through the conference surveys , it seems we were a big hit .

  2. 会议调查了动物卫生状况,尤其是牛瘟、口蹄疫和媾疫。

    The Conference proceeded to examine the animal health situation , in particular in regard to rinderpest , foot and mouth disease and dourine .

  3. 高盛交易业务秘密会议受调查马萨诸塞州金融监管负责人盖文(WilliamGalvin)向华尔街公司高盛集团(GoldmanSachsGroupInc.)发出了传票,要其提供公司研究分析师与交易员每周就交易业务所举行秘密会议的信息。

    Goldman Subpoenaed On Huddles William Galvin , Massachusetts 's chief financial regulator , has subpoenaed Wall Street firm Goldman Sachs Group Inc. , demanding information on the firm 's weekly trading huddles between its research analysts and traders .

  4. 联邦经济会议名誉调查法庭

    Court of Honour of the Federal Chamber of Economy

  5. 您还应该能够从访谈、会议和调查中,将含糊不清的表述转换为准确的需求声明。

    You should also be capable of turning sometimes vague impressions from interviews , meetings , and surveys into unambiguous statements of the requirements .

  6. 当今的形势还要求我们跨越地区界限交流经验和观点,举办覆盖来自不同发展中地区的国家的会议和调查。

    The situation today also calls for an exchange of experiences and perspectives across regional lines , with meetings and surveys covering countries from different developing regions .

  7. 在商业圆桌会议的调查中,73%的首席执行官表示,预计他们企业的销售在未来六个月中将会出现增长。这一比例高于去年12月调查中的69%。

    In the survey , 73 per cent of chief executives said they expected their sales to increase over the next six months , up from 69 per cent in December .

  8. 我们还评价了IBM不同类型的Web会议,并调查了不同类型的会议访问服务。

    We also evaluated IBM 's different types of online Web conferencing , and investigated many different conference call services .

  9. 据圆桌会议组织的调查,第一季度的CEO经济前景指数上升至92.1%。

    According to Roundtable , the CEO Outlook Index rose to 92.1 in the first quarter .

  10. 会议将要调查研究当前的经济风险。

    The meeting will examine current economic risks .

  11. 新的指导原则建立在国际调查机构会议的“调查统一指导原则”的基础上,该指导原则得到国际社会的广泛认可。

    The new guidelines build on the Conference of International Investigators ' " Uniform Guidelines for Investigations ," which are widely endorsed in the international community .

  12. 网络环境下,图书馆读者调查方法有了新的变化,主要方式有:网站问卷调查、基于视频会议系统的读者调查、基于数据库检索技术的读者调查和基于Web挖掘技术的读者调查。

    In the networked environment , there are new patterns of library reader surveys , including website questionnaire , survey based on video conferencing system , survey based on database search technologies , and survey based on Web mining technologies .

  13. 首先是需求获取,采用会议讨论、市场调查与分析历史数据等多个方法相结合的方式对本投资管理系统工作进行需求获取。

    First , using the combination of multiple methods of discussion during meeting , market research and analysis of historical data on the investment management system work to realize requirements elicitation .

  14. 据国家海洋工作会议消息,此次调查将对部分重要海岛进行地形地貌专项调查,这些海岛就包括南海的岛屿。

    According to a national conference on maritime affairs , work will also be undertaken to monitor the geological features of the country 's important islands , including those in the South China Sea .

  15. 基本功能模块集中了短信发送、接收、会议通知、投票调查等功能,数据管理模块,提供短信数据管理的功能,包括缓存数据,上行数据和下行数据记录等,用户可以查看历史数据的明细。

    Data management module , it provides short message data management function , includes the records of cache data , upstream data and downstream data , and the users can check detail list of historical data .