- 名prime rate ;preferential interest rate

There is some expectation that the prime rate will soon be lowered .
Banking giant Wells Fargo said it was cutting its prime rate to3.25 percent .
CNPC , parent of PetroChina , said that China Development Bank had agreed to provide a five-year loan at a discounted interest rate that would be used to fund its go global strategy .
The EFSF last week obtained a triple A rating , which will help it raise cash in the bond markets at good rates .
A bugbear for Mr McEwan is the temporary " teaser " rates many banks offer on credit cards and savings products - a practice that does not exist in Australia or New Zealand , he says , and one he has curtailed at RBS .
Including the use of concessionary rates on existing loans .
Second , the national prime rate policies made the investment in fixed assets of the Northeast Border Regions grow rapidly .
The maximum maturity of housing loans was extended from 15 years to 20 , and a six-month preferential rate is applied .
The Export-Import Bank extends long-term loans at favorable rate to foreign buyers , thus financing the purchase of US goods and services .
Just like homeowners who relied on teaser rates , the Government will face a similar problem when all its low-yielding short-term debt matures .
Income from interest on loans made at a preferential interest rate to Chinese State Banks by foreign Banks shall be exempted from income tax ;
Some have asked me whether the mortgage rate has reached equilibrium , or some kind of minimum level , relative to the prime rate .
The legislation would allow the auto companies and parts suppliers to receive ' bridge loans ' of at least ten years with favorable interest rates .
The Chinese central bank says the funds released will be channeled to eligible locally incorporated banks at preferential interest rates over the next four months .
Thus , even though the cost of funds has changed considerably , it may not be readily reflected in any change in the prime rate .
In the meantime , the state bank of Thailand raised funds via collecting more money and provided the funds for export enterprises at preferential interest rates of commercial banks .
In the studies of the selective monetary policy : focused on the significant implications of the real estate credit control and preferential interest rates on the real estate prices .
As a lender , we make quick decisions , provide you with advance rates higher then most lenders , and require no personal guarantees from officers and directors of public companies .
The survey shows that 58 % of negative equity property owners pay interest rates lower than the best lending rate , up from the 56 % at the end of December last year .
Avoiding a loss of capital , having an asset that can be used as collateral with the ECB and acceding to peer pressure may be enough to cause creditors to create new loans at favourable rates .
The average interest rate paid by negative equity property owners was0.60 % less than the current best lending rate , 3 basis points lower than the average interest rate obtained by the survey of December last year .
Mr Dodd said Mr Bernanke also indicated that he was not satisfied with the market 's response to the Fed 's decision last Friday to make direct loans available to banks on attractive terms through its discount window .
Original interest rates have been adjusted down from Prime plus two per cent to LIBOR plus zero point eight seven five per cent . Before he had finished praying silently he saw Rebecca coming out with her water - jug on her shoulder .
The composite interest rate and best lending rates are end-of-period figures .
" Pricing " means mainly " good " loan rates and liberal loan policies .
The Fed 's decision was matched by a reduction in the prime lending rate .
Preferential and fixed interest rates should be the important feature of the agricultural insurance concessional loan .
The IDa was established in 1960 to make loans to low-income LDCs at a concessionary interest rate .
It would also encourage companies to continue paying dividends , which are taxed at a more favorable rate .
The movement of the best lending rate quoted by major banks matched that of the savings deposit rate .