
  • 网络Optimization Service
  1. 预先构建的可见性和优化服务,可以根据SLA监视业务服务性能

    Pre-built visibility and optimization services to monitor business service performance against SLAs

  2. 有大批的专业的公司,专业的技术人员在为广大客户网站提供全方位的搜索引擎优化服务。

    A large number of professional companies , professional and technical personnel help a range of customers do some search engine optimization services .

  3. 这个特殊的模式菜谱使用SOA模式实现和优化服务。

    This particular pattern recipe uses SOA patterns to implement and optimize services .

  4. 基于迭代Bargaining策略优化服务合成执行路径

    An Iteratively Bargaining-based Strategy for Optimizing Service Composition Execution Path

  5. 爱立信端到端优化服务:GPRS数据业务的倍增器

    Ericsson 's End-to-end Optimized Service : GPRS Multiplier

  6. 加入WTO后,中外银行的激烈竞争促使我国商业银行必须尽快提高认识,优化服务手段,完善人才培养机制,防范市场风险,加快发展中间业务。

    After WTO entry , the drastic competition between Chinese banks and foreign banks spur Chinese commercial banks to increase the recognition , optimize the service methods , perfect the talents cultivating mechanism , prevent the market risks , and speed up the development of the intermediate business .

  7. 确保优化服务的顺利交付并实现客户预期。

    To ensure the optimal service delivery and achieve customer satisfaction .

  8. 运用业务流程再造理论优化服务流程

    To optimize the service flow using the operation flow reconstruction theory

  9. 优化服务就是占领市场!

    The optimization of service means the occupation of market .

  10. 谈谈上海大唐移动网络优化服务

    On Network optimizing Service of Shanghai Datang Mobile Telecommunication Company

  11. 现代参考咨询的新特点及其优化服务

    The New Features and Optimized Service of Modern Reference Consultancy

  12. 浅谈成人高校图书馆的深化改革与优化服务

    Deepening Reform and Giving Good Service in the Adult Higher Learning Library

  13. 计量数据被用来优化服务交付以及计费。

    Metering data is used to optimize service delivery as well as billing .

  14. 可优化服务流程,方便病人就医;

    Optimizing service delivery and facilitating admission of patients ;

  15. 成功的移动优化服务一定专注而有品位。

    Successful mobile-optimised services must be focused and elegant .

  16. 优化服务流程提供高效奥运门诊护理

    Optimizing nursing service flow-sheet and providing high performance Olympic Games clinic nursing care

  17. 为探讨基层医院护理服务文化的构建,采取了一些措施:加强培训,规范服务行为,再造护理服务流程,创建特色护理服务,优化服务形象。

    Objective : To explore the establishment of nursing service culture in primary hospital .

  18. 高职院校图书馆创新和优化服务的探索与思考

    Research and Reflection on Innovation and Perfection of Library 's Service in Vocational Colleges

  19. 目前的数据管理体系结构是模块化的,主要部件有复制定位服务、复制元数据服务、复制优化服务、复制订阅等。

    Service components include replica location service , replica metadata service , Replica optimization service , etc.

  20. 优化服务强化管理促进台州民营造船业可持续发展

    Optimizing service and strengthening management to improve continuous development of the collective shipbuilding industry in Taizhou

  21. 在此阶段中,将优化服务和总体操作环境以满足业务目标。

    During this phase , services and the overall operational environment are tuned to meet business objectives .

  22. 该系统的运营对于移动公司业务拓展和优化服务质量都有深远的影响。

    The system of operation for mobile company business development and optimization service quality have far-reaching effects .

  23. 建立了跨逻辑域传输的分层覆盖机制,并提出了相应的传输优化服务方法。

    After establishing the layered covering mechanism for cross-domain transmission , the corresponding optimization service method is proved .

  24. 要完善运行机制,优化服务模式和用人机制,推进后勤保障社会化;

    Improving running mechanism , optimizing serving mode and way of employing personnel , advancing socialization of logistic support ;

  25. 最后,运用改进的广义指派算法分派周期内每车每天服务任务,并优化服务线路。

    Finally , assign everyday service tasks to every vehicle using modified Generalized Assignment algorithm , and optimize the result .

  26. 管理会计要为企业管理提供决策支持,就必须发展出相应的技术为时间优化服务。

    Accounting must develop corresponding technology of optimized serving for time in order to offer decision support for business administration .

  27. 第三章概述了上海贝尔公司网络优化服务的服务内容、发展动因、历程及现状。

    Chapter Three briefly summarizes the network optimizing service content , development purpose , history and current situation of Shanghai Bell .

  28. 基于开发的校园网格实验床,通过实验显示该方法可以优化服务网格的性能,减少作业的平均执行时间,提高系统的吞吐率。

    Experiments on a campus grid test bed show a significant reduction of the average execution time and a higher throughput .

  29. 目的:了解军人伤病员就医需求,优化服务措施,提高服务满意度。

    Objective : to investigate the medical demands of army patients , optimize medical service and improve satisfaction of medical service .

  30. 库存管理的目的包括满足需求、提供补给、优化服务、降低成本等4个方面。

    The purpose of the inventory management includes 4 respects of meeting the demand , offering supply , optimizing service and lowering costs .