
  1. 心理疏导型森林休闲旅游产品的市场认可度初探

    On the Degree of Market Recognition of Psychological Counseling Oriented Forest Recreational Tourism Product

  2. 其次,从休闲旅游产品和休闲旅游市场两方面总结了山东省休闲旅游发展的概况。

    Secondly , the overview of Shandong leisure tourism development is summarized from the products and market .

  3. 环城市带休闲旅游产品开发研究&以重庆市巴南区为例

    A study on leisure tourist product development of belt round city & A case study of Banan District of Chongqing City

  4. 第七部分总结了休闲旅游产品的开发模式,构建了无锡国际休闲旅游的产品体系。

    This part sums up a theoretical model of leisure tourism product development , and constructs a system of international leisure tourism products in Wuxi .

  5. 本文根据市场细分理论,结合哈尼梯田的旅游资源,针对各类客户市场对哈尼梯田进行了旅游产品设计,主要包括观光旅游产品、摄影旅游产品、体验旅游产品、休闲旅游产品和生态旅游产品等。

    Hani Terrace Tourism product including sightseeing , photography , travel products and experience of tourism products , leisure and tourism products and eco-tourism products .

  6. 在上海,目前是中低端休闲旅游产品主打市场,高端市场尚须培育和开拓。

    At present , leisure tourism products in shanghai are mainly middle and low level ones , high level market need to be cultivate and exploit .

  7. 本文对江西需求转型时期休闲旅游产品开发的研究,一定程度会对江西未来旅游产品的开发和旅游业的可持续发展有积极意义。

    With the focuses on the research of leisure tourism products , the thesis will contribute to the sustainable development of tourism industry in Jiangxi province .

  8. 在综述国内有关城市滨水区旅游开发的文献基础之上,对苏州市沿江地区休闲旅游产品开发的必要性、开发策略和具体措施进行了探讨。

    Based on the reviewing of other literatures and works of waterfront , this paper focuses on the necessity , strategy and measures of tourism product development of Suzhou recreational waterfront .

  9. 该公司为全国汽车零配件市场提供各种零配件和休闲旅游车产品。

    The company serves the national automotive aftermarket with a broad range of accessory and recreational-vehicle products .

  10. 分时度假(timeshare)对消费者而言是一种休闲度假旅游产品;

    To consumers timeshare is a product of leisure tourism , while to corporations it is an operation mode of tourism real estate .

  11. 休闲农业旅游产品在三明市受到了越来越多旅游者的欢迎,迫切的社会需求成为了三明发展休闲农业的重大机遇。

    Leisure agriculture is becoming more and more popular among tourists in Sanming .

  12. 山地旅游是休闲度假旅游产品的最佳载体,但山地旅游优越区在数量上较为稀缺。

    Mountain tourism is the best carrier of leisure tourism products , but optimal area is less .

  13. 云南中小城市庭院休闲式旅游产品开发研究

    Study on the Development of Leisure Courtyard-Style Tourism Products in Medium and Small Cities in Yunnan Province

  14. 长沙市观光休闲区旅游产品开发的原则与体系初探

    A Preliminary Probe into the Principle and System of Developing the Tourist Product of Sightseeing and Leisure Region in Changsha

  15. 论文以分时度假这个全球盛行的休闲旅游新产品为研究对象。

    The thesis mainly focuses on the studies of Timeshare , a new leisure product that is gaining popularity in this world .

  16. 结合农业科技园建设观光农园的探讨&以潮州鹤陇山农业科技园与观光农园的规划设计为例长沙市观光休闲区旅游产品开发的原则与体系初探

    TO COMBINE THE AGRICULTURE SIGHTSEEING PARK WITH THE AGRICULTURE TECHNOLOGY GARDEN A Preliminary Probe into the Principle and System of Developing the Tourist Product of Sightseeing and Leisure Region in Changsha

  17. 与此对应的则为桂林休闲度假型旅游产品、专项旅游产品的开发。

    So it is suitable to develop leisure-tourism products and special tourism products .

  18. 产业公园,即是一种新兴的依托企业场景、设施及优美的周边环境而开发的观光、休闲类工业旅游产品,是工业产业和旅游业横向交叉所形成的一种新型产品。

    Industrial park , which is relying on an emerging business scenario , facilities and beautiful environment surrounding , is just the outcome of the convergence between secondary industry and tertiary industry .

  19. 随着山东省旅游业发展的日益成熟及游客审美情趣与旅游需求不断提高,传统的大众观光型旅游产品已不能满足旅游需求,休闲度假型旅游产品正悄然兴起。

    As tourism industry in shandong province is becoming more mature and tourist demand is continuously improving , the traditional tourism products cannot satisfy tourist demand , leisure tourism products are quietly emerging .

  20. 双休日休闲旅游市场特征及产品开发

    The market characteristics of the leisure tour in two-day weekends and the products design

  21. 即有针对性的将青岛的休闲旅游资源和传统旅游资源进行整合,通过开发相关休闲旅游产品,构建青岛休闲旅游产品体系,以促进青岛旅游的创新与再发展。

    For instance , integrating Qingdao leisure tourism resources and traditional tourism resources , developing relevant leisure tourism products , establishing product system of Qingdao leisure tourism to stimulate the innovation and great development of Qingdao tourism .

  22. 休闲旅游是未来旅游发展的主流,本文对黑龙江省休闲旅游产品开发体系的研究,相信会对黑龙江省未来旅游产品的开发和旅游业的可持续发展有一定的借鉴意义。

    This paper studies the development system of leisure tourism product in Heilongjiang province , which hopes to give some advice to the development of the future tourism product and the sustainable development of the tourism industry in Heilongjiang province .

  23. 最后,论文从提升烟台滨海地区休闲旅游吸引力,完善休闲服务功能的角度,对滨海休闲旅游资源开发与整合、休闲旅游服务完善、休闲旅游产品开发、滨海城市形象塑造提出了相应措施。

    At the end , the thesis rises the measures of coastal leisure tourism resources development , leisure tourism service perfection , leisure tourism product development , coastal city image establishment .