
  • 网络Business structure;Corporate Structure;Structure
  1. 论企业结构调整中的机制创新

    On the System Innovation in the Adjustment of Business Structure

  2. 他们已尝试在自己的产品方面(提供更大透明度),但他们对自己的企业结构也需要这么做。

    They have tried to [ provide more transparency ] with regard to their products , but they need to do so with regard to their business structure .

  3. 工程价值链及建筑业企业结构研究

    Research on Engineering Value Chain and the Enterprise Structure of Construction Industry

  4. 航空工业结构调整包括企业结构调整和产业结构调整。

    Aviation industry structure adjustment includes enterprise structure adjustment and industry structure adjustment .

  5. 继续进行炼油企业结构调整加快我国加氢工艺技术发展

    Carrying on Oil Refinery Structural Adjustment , Accelerating China 's Hydrogenation Process Development

  6. 提高连铸比是优化钢铁企业结构的关键环节

    Improvement in Concasting ratio ── key to optimization of structure of steel enterprise

  7. 能适应企业结构的调整,具有很大灵活性。

    Also it can adapt adjustment of corporation structure , and have great flexibility .

  8. 中国建筑业企业结构分析及调整对策

    Analysis of the Enterprise Structure of China 's Construction Industry and Policies of Readjustment

  9. 知识型企业结构、特征及报酬递增效应分析

    Analysis of the structure , the characteristics and the domino effect of reward progressive increase in the knowledge-intensive enterprise

  10. 本文从企业结构、产品结构和原料结构与发展前景对广东造纸工业的生产情况作了论述。

    This paper introduces production circumstances of Guangdong paper industry from enterprise , product , raw material construction and development perspective .

  11. 各国的法律制度,商业习惯,企业结构等等,往往领先于理论而先有突破性发展。

    The legal institution , commercial conventions and enterprise structure in many countries firstly affect a breakthrough , instead of concerning theories .

  12. 传统的静态企业结构不能适应快速变化的环境,企业需要可以快速重构的动态结构,以内部变化来适应外部变化。

    Severe structures face strong challenges in unpredictable changing environments , nowadays companies need dynamic reconfigurable structures to cope with external changes .

  13. 从企业结构和战略角度看,提高产业集中度旨在培养具有较强国际竞争力的大型钢铁企业。

    From the perspective of enterprise structure and strategy , improving industry concentration should be aimed at nurturing large steel enterprise with stronger international competitiveness .

  14. 甚至,人们认为:模块化极具可能彻底改变现存产业、企业结构、经济系统。

    What 's more , there is the very possibility of the complete change coming with modulization in the current industries , enterprises structures , and economic system .

  15. 最后从企业结构、品牌扩张、改革税制和增加核心竞争力四个方面对行业今后发展提出建议。

    In the end , it proposed some suggestions for the industry development in four aspects , which are enterprise structure , brand enlargement , tax reform , and strengthening the competition ability .

  16. 本文从世界钢铁工业的发展过程、我国钢铁工业的设备现状和技术经济指标,说明了企业结构优化的必然性和必要性。

    The poper explains the necessity on constrction optimization of enterprise through the developing process of iron and steel industry in the world , present equipment condition and technical economic indexes of iron and steel industry at home .

  17. 本文论述了国我公路冷藏运输和冷藏保温汽车的现状,存在的问题与发达国家之间的差距,并对冷藏汽车的市场需求,产品技术和企业结构等发展趋势作了初步分析;

    In this paper the present situation of highway refrigerated transport as well as the refrigerated and insulated vehicle , the problems existed and the technical difference with developed countries are discussed . The trend of market demand , production technology and structure of enterprise are analyzed .

  18. 应用MM定理分析我国企业资本结构

    Analysing the Corporate Capital Structure of China 's Enterprises on the MM 's Theorem

  19. 此外,采用企业体系结构的组织会希望通过试验实现来验证SOA解决方案。

    Additionally , organizations with enterprise architectures look toward a pilot implementation to validate the SOA solution .

  20. 现代企业融资结构理论中MM定理及修正理论在一系列的假定条件下认为100%负债最优。

    Modem enterprise financing structure MM theory and revising theory think that complete debt financing is the best .

  21. 我们现在所说的企业体系结构和面向服务体系结构(SOA)都与IT的实现无关。

    We now speak of enterprise architecture and Service-Oriented Architecture ( SOA ) that are independent from IT implementation .

  22. AMC持股形式及其对企业治理结构的影响

    On the Quality of the Stock Owned by AMC and Its Influences on the Corporate Governance

  23. 本文在对ERP管理思想的研究的基础上,分析了锦西石化企业组织结构和设备管理的应用现状与业务流程。

    This article on ERP management thought on the basis of the study , analysis of the organizational structure of jingxi petrochemical enterprises and device management applications and business processes .

  24. ZJ建筑施工企业战略性结构重构研究

    ZJ Construction Enterprise Strategic Structure Reengineering Research

  25. MDM体系结构模式帮助数据、信息和应用程序架构师对企业体系结构做出合理的决策,帮助记录重要的决策方针。

    The MDM architecture pattern specification helps data , information , and application architects make informed decisions on enterprise architecture and document decision guidelines .

  26. 无套利均衡分析在公司理财领域的运用最早体现在莫迪格莱尼和米勒(1958)研究企业资本结构与企业价值之间关系的MM理论中。

    While it is Modigliani and Miller who first use no arbitrage principle in corporate finance field to explain MM theory , which is about the relationship of firm 's capital structure and it 's value .

  27. 通过ERP系统优化企业内部结构&规范管理,提高各业务组织运行协作能务,降低企业运行成本,实现数据统一与共享,从而提高企业管理效益,是企业创造财富的源泉。

    By applying ERP system , it streamlines the internal structure of enterprises , regularizes management , improves operation cost of enterprises , realizes data unity and sharing , thereby improving management effectiveness and benefit of enterprises , which are the resources of enterprises making profits .

  28. 本文提出的新的企业计算结构以对等计算技术为核心的基于松耦合消息协同的企业计算模型UECM可以完全适应这种自下而上的集成需求。

    This paper brings forward a novel model named UECM for enterprise computing which is based on the coordination of loose coupled messages and peer to peer technology .

  29. 企业组织结构:基于蚁群算法的阶段性设计方法

    Corporate Structure ── Designing Approach by Stages Based on Ant Method

  30. 企业资本结构对宏观政策的动态适应性分析

    An Analysis of Dynamic Adaptability of Capital Structure to Macroeconomic Policy