
  • 网络Corporate Communication;corporation communication;enterprise communication
  1. 即便如此,这依然给所有公司上了一课:当无视企业沟通之三大铁律时,必将贻笑大方。

    Even so , it has set an example to companies everywhere of how silly you can look when you ignore three basic rules of corporate communication .

  2. 在当今大多数的公司里,与市场营销、财务、生产、会计和人力资源的功能各不相同一样,企业沟通属于一个截然不同的功能领域。

    In most companies today , corporate communication is a distinct functional area similar to the marketing , finance , production , accounting , and human resource functions .

  3. 它们使我相信,如果能在twitter上做预算,必定也能以同样的方式进行所有的企业沟通,把电子邮件永远扔进垃圾桶。

    They made me think that if the budget can be done on twitter , it must be possible to do all Corporate Communications the same way , and put e-mail in the dustbin forever .

  4. 据该组织的美洲企业沟通负责人佩里·弗林特(PerryFlint)表示,同年,故意非法干预商业运输机并导致乘客殒命的行为只有两起:德国之翼(Germanwings)的9525航班和Metrojet公司的9268航班。

    According to Perry Flint , the organization 's head of corporate communications in the Americas , that same year , there were two deliberate acts of unlawful interference against commercial transport aircrafts that led to the loss of passenger lives : Germanwings 9525 because of a pilot suicide and Metrojet 9268 where terrorism is the suspected cause .

  5. 港口企业沟通与企业文化研究

    Study for Relations between Communication Exchange and Culture of Enterprise in Port Enterprise

  6. 一家传播公司建议改善企业沟通,似乎颇有为己谋利之嫌。

    If it seems self-serving for a communications company to recommend ( surprise ! )

  7. 建立、健全学术机构、研究人员与企业沟通的渠道;

    Effective channels should be built for the communication between academic institutes , researchers and enterprises ;

  8. 本文实证研究了计算机为沟通媒介对企业沟通满意度产生的影响。

    This paper analyses how the communication medium of computer influences on the communication satisfaction degree .

  9. 最后通过对A企业沟通问题的分析思考,提出了企业如何能够更好的沟通的建议。

    Finally through the analysis and thought of A company communication problems , made a suggestion how to have a better communication .

  10. 委托开展这项研究的英国维珍航空公司的企业沟通部主任格雷格道森说:大部分人对于休假时被打扰都很反感。

    Greg Dawson , Director of Corporate Communications for Virgin Atlantic , which commissioned the report , said : ' Most people hate being disturbed whilst on holiday .

  11. 因子分析和相关分析结果表明:我国企业沟通满意度维度的划分具有显著的实际意义,上级对下级沟通、沟通介质质量和沟通氛围是最稳定的沟通满意度因子;

    Factor analysis suggests that the dimension of communication satisfaction has significant stability , and the most stable among the three samples are downward communication , media quality and communication climate .

  12. 第一太阳能公司企业沟通部主任史蒂夫o克鲁姆仅仅表示,氯化镉仍然是该公司生产过程的重要组成部分,它并非生产过程中主要的成本驱动因素。

    Steve Krum , the director of corporate communications for First Solar , would only say cadmium chloride remains critical part of its production process and that it was not a major cost driver in our manufacturing process .

  13. 第一太阳能公司企业沟通部主任史蒂夫o克鲁姆仅仅表示,氯化镉仍然是该公司生产过程的“重要组成部分”,它并非“生产过程中主要的成本驱动因素。”

    Steve Krum , the director of corporate communications for First Solar , would only say cadmium chloride remains " critical part " of its production process and that it was not a " major cost driver in our manufacturing process . "

  14. 事实证明,行业协会是政府和企业沟通的重要纽带和桥梁,它在行业自律、服务企业、参政议政、增强国际竞争力等方面都取得了巨大的成就。

    In fact , it has got the huge achievements in profession self-discipline , serving for the company , participating in politics , strengthening the international competition ability and so on , and become a communication bridge and tie between government and company .

  15. 企业管理沟通是一门实践性极强的研究课题,本文将以RIC集团作为研讨重点,主要着墨于企业内部沟通的管理实践。

    Enterprise management communication is a very practical research topic , this paper will focus on the practices of enterprise internal communication management using RIC group as an example .

  16. 通过STS的成功应用可以看出,应用STS软件系统,即可轻松快速地架构起一个高效、强大的企业内部沟通协同的信息平台。

    It can be seen from the successful application of the STS that a highly efficient and powerful information platform for internal communication and cooperation of an enterprise can be set up very easily and rapidly with the STS software system .

  17. 企业内部沟通中信息传递问题研究

    The Research on Information Transmission Issue of Communication within the Enterprises

  18. 家族企业人际沟通信息系统的构建

    Look the System Changes of Family Firm from Information System

  19. 企业裁员沟通与被裁失业人员再就业关系的概念模型

    Conceptual Model of the Relationship between Corporate Downsizing Communication and Laid-offs Reemployment

  20. 国有企业绩效沟通中存在的问题及对策

    The Problem and Countermeasures of Performance Communication in State-owned Enterprise

  21. 民营企业文化沟通机制的形成与创新

    On the Formation and Innovation of Private Enterprises'Cultural Communication System

  22. 日资企业内沟通不畅的问题及对策分析

    The problems of bad communication in Japanese corporation and analysis of countermeasures

  23. 数据的互相交换是一个很重要的企业内部沟通的手段。

    Data exchange is a very important internal communication tool .

  24. 企业管理沟通中的文化与价值观分析

    An Analysis on Culture and Values of Managerial Communication

  25. 该课题的目标是解决企业的沟通及协同的问题,提高工作效率。

    It aims at solving communication and coordination problems , and improving efficiency .

  26. 企业内部沟通如果不畅通,将严重影响企业的健康发展。

    The enterprise have communication problem which severely affect the healthy development of enterprise .

  27. 企业内部沟通研究与策划

    Communication Studying and Planning in Enterprise

  28. 作者希望这些建议能够为更多企业的沟通问题的解决提供帮助。

    The author hopes these suggestions can give more companies some help to solve the problems .

  29. 中国的部长们一直在与外国领导人及在中国销售产品的企业高管沟通。

    Chinese ministers have been meeting with overseas leaders and with executives of businesses that sell to China .

  30. 品牌忠诚顾客是企业危机沟通的核心对象,是企业迅速渡过危机和恢复元气的重要筹码。

    The loyal customers are important communication target , which are helpful for a company to restore to regulation .