
  1. 陕西并购重组企业文化整合路径探讨

    Discussion on Cultural Integration of M & A Enterprises in Shaanxi

  2. 基于消亡模式的并购企业文化整合

    Enterprise Culture Integration in Mergers and Acquisition Based on the Vanishing Mode

  3. 跨国购并中企业文化整合策略

    Corporate Culture Integration Strategy in Transnational Merger and Acquisition

  4. 兼并企业文化整合:模式与关键环节研究

    Acculturation in the Management of Mergers : Study on Modes and Key Links

  5. 所以,企业文化整合需要分阶段进行。

    So the cultural conformity in enterprises should be carried out step by step .

  6. 并购企业文化整合的影响因素及策略研究

    On the Influence Factors and the Tactics of Enterprise Culture Integration in Mergers Acquisitions

  7. 跨国并购中的企业文化整合模式:理论与运用

    The Theories and Practices of Integration Pattern of Corporate Culture in Transnational M & A

  8. 同样,文化背景的巨大差异也会使企业文化整合工作面临多种困难。

    Likewise , the big gaps between cultural backgrounds pose multiple difficulties for the company culture integration .

  9. 而企业文化整合是企业并购成功的关键。

    And the enterprise culture conformity is a key factor in deciding the enterprise merger and acquisition success .

  10. 忽视企业文化整合、文化整合失败是企业兼并低绩效的一个重要原因。

    It is safe to believe the falune of cultural integrity contribute to those mergered enterprises'low efficience and effectiveness .

  11. 可以这么说,企业文化整合是其他整合的基础。

    So we can draw the conclusion that the integration of corporate culture is the basis of the other integrations .

  12. 合理实施企业文化整合,营造良好的企业发展所需要的文化氛围是探讨文化整合的意义所在。

    Rationally implementation of enterprises culture conformity and creating a good culture environment of enterprises ' development are an important meaning .

  13. 第五,从战略整合、组织与制度整合、人力资源整合、企业文化整合、财务整合等五个方面介绍了哈尔滨医药行业企业并购后的整合管理。

    Fifthly , it introduces the integration management from strategy integration , human resources integration 、 financial integration and so on .

  14. 按照一定的整合原则、整合方法及整合流程,建立了中美企业文化整合模型。

    According to certain integrating principles , integrating methods and integrating process , the models of Sino-American corporate culture conformity are established .

  15. 第二章为基本概念的界定。主要对于企业文化整合、企业家及企业家行为这几个概念从管理学和经济学角度进行了综合阐述与界定,为下文的进一步讨论奠定基础。

    Chapter Two aims to define the meanings of acculturation , entrepreneur , and entrepreneur behavior in the light of economics and management .

  16. 在此基础上,本章论述了企业文化整合的涵义及重要意义、文化整合中存在的问题及困难,并提出了并购中文化整合风险判定模型。

    And this chapter also discusses the meaning and importance of culture integration , potential culture advantage , the problem and difficulties in integration .

  17. 但目前的研究工作大都集中于企业文化整合、人力资源整合、财务整合等方面,在品牌整合方面涉及较少。

    However , present research mainly focus on enterprise culture integration , human resource integration and finacial integration etc. , with a little on brand integration .

  18. 整合包括人力资源整合、企业文化整合、财务整合、经营战略整合、组织制度整合和资产债务整合等多个方面。

    The integration includes human resources integration , corporate culture integration , financial integration , business strategy integration , organizational systems integration and other aspects of integration .

  19. 需要说明的是,本论文主要侧重点和创新点在企业文化整合的模式分析、风险控制与企业文化价值评估这三大块内容。

    What needs to explain is that the innovations in the thesis are the culture conflict ; risk control of integration ; integration models and so on .

  20. 即从组织、制度、人力资源、管理几个方面阐述保障企业文化整合策略实现的相关措施。

    From the organization , systems , human resources , management , protection of several aspects of corporate culture integration strategy set out to achieve the relevant measures .

  21. 其中企业文化整合与人力资源整合最为重要,企业文化整合是并购整合的基础,人力资源整合是并购整合的关键。

    Enterprise culture integration and the human resources integration is most important , the enterprise culture integration is the foundation , and the human resources integration is the key .

  22. 据相关统计资料对并购失败案例的分析可以发现,由于企业文化整合不当引起的并购失败案例占比达到80%,因而并购企业有效的文化整合是决定并购成败的关键。

    According to relevant statistics analysis of mergers and acquisitions , we can find that failures of mergers and acquisitions caused by improper corporate culture integration accounted for up to80 % .

  23. 根据中美企业文化整合模型,找出企业文化整合过程中存在的问题,并给出下一步的改进措施。

    According to the models of sino-US corporate culture conformity , the problems existing in the process of corporate culture conformity are pointed out , and the improving measures are proposed .

  24. 在企业文化整合和建立新文化方面,不仅要选择合适的目标模式。而且要构建一种具有兼容性的文化体系。

    In terms of company culture integration and the establishment of new cultures , appropriate target pattern should be chosen and a kind of compatible cultural system should be set up .

  25. 最后,论文通过分析阿里巴巴并购中国雅虎的企业文化整合案例,以案例分析的形式诠释论文观点的准确性和主要内容、方法的有效性。

    In the end , through analysing the real case , Alibaba merged Yahoo China , which undoubtedly proved the accuracy of the view of the article and the efficiency of methods mentioned .

  26. 在文章的末尾以石家庄卷烟厂资产重组后的企业文化整合作为案例进行分析研究,佐证文章研究观点。

    At the end of the article , we take the case study of Shijiazhuang cigarette Company in its corporate culture intergration after reorganization as an example to support research point of view .

  27. 最后,论文提示说明了在并购中的企业文化整合过程中要重视非正式组织的作用,因为它对企业文化具有很大影响力。

    Finally , the thesis proves that we should pay attention to the function of unofficial organization when we combine the culture in course of enterprises M & A , because it has very great influence power to the corporate culture .

  28. 接着通过一个数学模型的建立,介绍一种判定兼并收购中企业文化整合风险的方法,以期在整合之前清楚地认识到有多大风险存在。

    Then introduce one kind of methods of judging the risk of the corporate culture combination in course of enterprises M & A through the setting-up of a mathematics model , expect to make people realize how great risk exists clearly before combining .

  29. 最后,以理论逻辑为基础,贯穿三个层次的综合体系研究,实现我国集团公司的企业文化整合与创新,完成从理论价值到实践价值的战略转变。

    Finally , a comprehensive system research covering three levels is carried out based on the theoretical analysis to achieve the cultural integration and innovation . Strategic change from theory to practice is achieved by the analysis of the culture integration of corporate company in China .

  30. 然后,通过具体分析并购过程中企业文化整合的文化冲突和潜在文化优势,指出其整合过程中可能存在的问题及困难。

    Then , for the sake of pointing out it combines question and difficulty that may exist in course of enterprises M & A , the author has made a concrete analysis of the cultural conflict and potential cultural advantage that the corporate culture combines in course .