
  • 网络enterprise trusteeship
  1. 企业托管是在不改变所有权的情况下,将企业委托给有经营管理能力的一方去有偿经营。

    Enterprise trusteeship is to entrust an enterprise to another that is capable of management without changing its ownership .

  2. 企业托管这一特殊的企业经营行为中法律严重缺位是托管实践存在的各种障碍的根本原因,也是其不得不寻求行政帮助的症结所在。

    The serious omission of legal system in enterprise trusteeship is the basic reason of different obstacles exists in practice , and also the reason that we have to seek the administration help .

  3. 河北省国有亏损企业托管环境分析

    Analysis on the Trusteeship Circumstance of State-owned Deficit Enterprises in Hebei

  4. 小企业托管模式研究

    A Study on the Entrustment Model for the Small Enterprise

  5. 企业托管相关法律问题研究

    Study on Relative Legal Problems of Enterprises ' Trusteeship

  6. 企业托管&中小型军工企业建立现代企业制度的一种手段

    Trusteeship & a way to build modern enterprise system in MEDIUM-AND-SMALL-SCALED military enterprises

  7. 制度性缺失导致的实践失范是研究企业托管相关法律问题的动力所在。概念界定的混乱是研究企业托管所碰到的第一个难题。

    Institutional disappearance and practice disorganization is the impetus to study relevant legal problems of enterprise trusteeship .

  8. 主要表现在:第一,对企业托管研究多,对股权托管的系统研究少。虽然企业托管与股权托管有很多相同之处,但他们毕竟不是同一事物,各自应该有属于自身的特点。

    Firstly , the research on enterprise trust is often made , but the research on equity trust system is little .

  9. 企业托管制度的实质是企业所有权与经营权分离,它是通过引入外部经营者来提高企业的经营管理水平及资本营运效益的一种企业经营方式。

    The essence of enterprise trusteeship is the separation of the enterprise 's ownership and managerial authority , it is a managerial way of improving enterprises ' operation level and benefits through introducing a outside operator .

  10. 其中的私法规范应当主要以信托法为主,即通过对信托法理的演绎来构建企业托管核心法律关系,同时对企业托管中涉及国有资产管理等一些问题制定相应的公法规范来调整。

    The private law should rely mainly on Trust Law , i.e. construct key legal relations of enterprise trusteeship through the deduction of the trust legal principle , combining the contract law to regulate the contract of enterprise trusteeship at the same time .

  11. 为了支持在企业级托管Web服务,您将需要许多重要的组件。

    To support Web services hosting on an enterprise scale , you will need a number of important components .

  12. 为使财政投资产业有效地保值增值,提高财政效率,提出了国有企业保值托管退出(CWPTS)的良性循环管理机制参考模型。

    To maintain and increase these financial investments , and improve financial efficiency , the paper proposes a reference model of the virtuously circular management mechanism for state enterprises capital 's worth preserve trusteeship to secede ( CWPTS ) .

  13. 只是国有企业股权托管较为普遍而已。

    Equity trust is quite popular with state-owned enterprises .

  14. 举个例子,Docker向不愿承担管理自身IT工作的小企业提供收费托管服务。

    Docker , for instance , sells a hosted service to small businesses that do not want to take on the work of managing their own IT .

  15. 云服务的销售和营销与终端用户的服务捆绑在一块,而不是传统企业软件那种托管式的从上至下的部署。

    Sales and marketing are now tied to end-user adoption of services , not mandated top-down deployments of enterprise software .

  16. 一个定制化业务应用提供商,最近推出了一款新的服务,为打算缩减维护管理成本的企业提供数据库托管。

    LongJump , a provider of customizable business application , has introduced a new service to provide database hosting to companies that are looking to reduce maintenance and administration costs .

  17. 这些服务通常被称为Platform-as-a-Service(PaaS),因为它们提供了一个完整的平台,在这个平台之上,企业能够构建和托管其IT应用程序。

    These services are often called a Platform-as-a-Service ( PaaS ), because the services provide a complete platform on which businesses can build and host their IT applications .

  18. 企业重组战略与托管经营

    The Restructuring Strategy and Business Trust

  19. 在企业用户使用基于IMS的企业托管式融合通信服务时,涉及端到端不同网络、业务平台及网元之间的交互与传输,将面临认证、防火墙穿越和群文件共享等方面的技术问题。

    When the enterprise users use IMS-based enterprise managed unified communications service , because of involving different network , service platform and the interaction between network elements , it will face some technical problems such as authentication , firewall traversal and group file sharing .