
  1. 但是,享有任意解除权并不等于行使权利的行为就一定具有合法性。

    However , the enjoyment of the right does not mean that the exercise of the rights of a certain legitimacy .

  2. 商事委托合同的任意解除权行使问题,在理论界与实务界都引起了广泛关注,是学术研究和司法实践中争论的热点问题之一。

    The exercise of the right of termination without any reason of the commission contract , it is one of the hot issues of debate in the academic research and the judicial practice .

  3. 本部分即是关于前述重点的介绍,从前面部分得出的结论出发,总结出任意解除权的适用范围。

    This part is exactly about the introduction of the key points before , to start from the conclusions of the front part to sum up applicable scope of the right of discretionary dissolution of contract .

  4. 这种对于任意解除权的系统性研究的缺失造成了其在具体应用过程中存在着各种各样的问题,使得其作用没有得到有效的发挥,从而使其失去了应有的制度价值。

    The lack of systematic research of the right of discretionary dissolution of contract causes sorts of problems in the application process , so its function has not been effectively played , so that the value of the system has lost .

  5. 而任意解除是一种特殊的合同解除,其只适用于某些特定的合同类型,同时,享有任意解除权的人也只是某些特定的当事人。

    Discretionary dissolution of contract is a special type of the dissolution of contract , and it is only suitable for certain types of contracts . Meanwhile , the right of discretionary dissolution of contract only belongs to certain parties .