
  • 网络MCC;mission control;Mission Control Center;Mission Control Centre
  1. 220磅重的着陆器“菲莱”(Philae)成功着陆的消息,在德国达姆施塔特本地时间下午5时03分(美国东部时间上午11时03分)到达了那里的“罗塞塔”任务控制中心。

    News of the touchdown of the 220-pound lander , named Philae , arrived at the mission control center in Darmstadt , Germany , at 5:03 p.m. local time ( 11:03 a.m. Eastern time ) .

  2. 几分钟后,航天飞机按时着陆。Hobaugh和其他宇航员受到得克萨斯休斯顿任务控制中心的欢迎。

    Moments later , the shuttle landed on time , and Hobaugh and the other astronauts were welcomed home by Mission Control in Houston , Texas .

  3. 而在德国的任务控制中心在等待罗塞塔的唤醒中如坐针毡。

    And mission control in Germany was on pins and needles during Rosetta 's wakeup call .

  4. 雄雄的宇航员和偏执任务控制中心的“微管理”之间的冲突,可能会成为一出闹剧。

    The collision of macho astronauts with the obsessive micro-managers of Mission Control sometimes results in farce .

  5. 任务控制中心在星期天向这些成员发出了一个通知,警告他们不要过度使用新的浴室。

    Mission Control sent up a note to the crew on Sunday warning them to not overuse the new bathroom .

  6. 任务控制中心通过无线电向机组成员表示祝贺,“祝贺你们完成这次真正壮观的试验飞行,欢迎回家,朋友们。”

    " Congratulations on a truly spectacular test flight ," mission control radioed the crew . " welcome home friends . "

  7. 随着欧洲飞船罗塞塔两年半冬眠的清醒从5亿英里外的发回信号,在任务控制中心响起了欢呼声。

    Cheers ring out in mission control as European spacecraft Rosetta signals from 500 million miles away that it 's awake after its two and a half year hibernation .

  8. 他的选票通过安全电邮连接“旅行”到休斯敦宇航任务控制中心,随后转到德克萨斯州加尔维斯顿县的选举办公室,加尔维斯顿县是焦立中通常居住的地方。

    His ballot traveled via a secure e-mail connection to Mission Control in Houston , which forwarded it to the Galveston County clerk 's office in Texas , where Chiao normally resides .

  9. 任务控制中心要求宇航员们要尽量少地使用它,因为他们害怕污染国际空间站的新的增加物,不能把废水倾卸到舱外。

    Mission Control wants the astronauts to use it as little as possible because they can 't dump the waster overboard for fear of contaminating the new addition to the space station .

  10. 带着快乐释然的微笑,两名宇航员(一名来自美国,一名来自俄罗斯)从国际宇宙空间站安全返航。俄罗斯任务控制中心称,联盟号宇宙飞船按计划在哈萨克斯坦北部着陆。

    Smiles of happiness and relief , as a US astronaut and a Russian cosmonaut return safely to earth from the International Space Station . Russia 's Mission Conrol said the Soyuz space capsule landed in Northern Kazakhstan as planned .