- 名metabolic energy

And only in the first week of test , the rate , egg production and material eggs are significantly higher than metabolic energy ration group ( P0.05 ) on the net energy fitting day food group .
The levels of nutrient solution , corn , and soybean had significant effect on stalk degradation ( P0.05 ) . ( 4 ) Substitution method and emptying-force-feeding method were used to determine the apparent metabolic energy of BFCS separately .
The result show that the metabolizable .
Both plasma total lipid and cholesterol concentrations were decreased as dietary ME or CP was increased ( P < 0 . 01 ) .
The relationship between protein metabolism and CF level in diets was not consistent .
Assay on GI of several common coarse fodder in sheep and study on their ME model
The average daily gain ( ADG ), ADFI , leg muscle weight of 21-day male mule duck , serum urea nitrogen and uric acid concentration were affected by the interaction of ME and CP ( p < 0.05 ) .
The interaction between ME and CP had significant influence on bodygain ( P < 0.05 ) > the trials with middle ME and middle CP level ( ME 12.54MJ / kg , CP 18 % ) was the best ;
The present experiment indicated that only a small part of nutritional substances ( 0.098-0.192 % of metabolic energy and 0.37-0.68 % of nitrogen ) which the sika deer took in daily was used for antler growing .
The Effect of Dietary Metabolism Energy Levels on Adipose Deposition and LPL Gene Expression of Beijing-You Chicken
The result of trait of 4-8 weeks male mule duck shows : ADFI , feed efficiency , energy metabolism ratio were decreased with increased the level of dietary ME which affected the 59-days-old abdominal fat weight significantly ( p < 0.05 ) .
TME value of QPM and CC were 16.29 MJ / kg and 16.30 MJ / kg respectively ( P > 0.10 ) .
The results of experiments indicated that there were different apparent metabolizable energy ( AME ) vaIues of black soya bean in different districts .
2 , com-soybean meal diet with low nutrition level ( decrease 0.1 % NPP , 0.1 % Ca and 75kcal / kg ME respectively );
Compared with maize , apparent metabolizable energy ( AME ) and true metabolizable energy ( TME ) of brown rice were higher by 16.38MJ/kg and 16.68MJ / kg , respectively .
The apparent and true metabolizable energy values of all diets had no significant difference between 80 g and 100 g input level .
However , the ME values of corn - soybean - alfalfa meal diet had no significant difference after forced feeding 24 h.
TME trial in broiler shown there was no difference of ME or crude protein ( amino acids ) availabilities between two meals ( P > 0.05 ) .
The results indicated that with the increasing of diet ME : ① The crude fat and energy content in empty body was linearly increased ( P0.05 or P0.01 ), but no significant effect on the content of crude protein in empty body ( P0.05 );
The results indicated that ME in HVS was 1.72 MJ / kg higher than that in DSBM , or ME level in HVS was 11.55 MJ / kg .
According to the result of performance , the rate of energy and protein deposition , and body quality , the optimal diet ME requirement of broilers were 13.376 , 12.958 and 12.540MJ/kg respectively .
After a 16 h collection period , there were no significant difference of ME values in corn-soybean meal diet and corn-soybean-wheat bran meal diet , between all collection periods .
Avain adult cocks were selected to study the nutrient availability and the metabolizable energy value of 8 species of early paddy brown rice and maize with true metabolizable energy ( TME ) method .
Taking carcass composition as evaluating indices , 12.540MJ/kg was the best diet ME level of female yellow broilers .
The utilization ratio of metabolizable energy for growth ( Kpf ) was 25.93 % and the requirement of metabolizable energy for one gram live-weight gain was 5.30 kcal .
Available energy in high oil corn varieties for swine and poultry was significantly greater ( P0.05 ) than that in conventional corn .
Interactions among line , dietary CP and ME had significant effect on plasma very low density lipoprotein ( VLDL ) . Triglyceride and total lipids concentrations ( P < 0.01 ), and had no evident effect on plasma total cholesterol concentration at 9 weeks of age for broilers .
In trial 1 , the in vitro gas production ( GP ), in vitro organic matter digestibility ( OMD ) and metabolizable energy ( ME ) of rice straw block ⅰ,ⅱ,ⅲ,ⅳ and alfalfa block were measured .
The fourth part was conducted to study the mathematical model predicting corn metabolizable energy of ducks with enzymic hydrolyzate gross energy ( EHGE ) .
The results showed that : 1 ) The metabolizable energy ( ME ) values changed with the variety of feedstuffs . The apparent metabolizable energy ( AME ) values of corn , paddy , wheat-bran , soybean , cottonseed and alfalfa were 12.23,10.93,8.03,8.99,6.67, 4.25 MJ / kg , respectively ;