
  • 网络lectin;GNA
  1. 甘露糖也是聚唾液酸和植物外源凝集素(lectin)的成分,而这两种甘露糖蛋白又是植物的细胞壁成份之一,他们都与植物的抗虫和抗病性有关。

    Mannose also is the basic component of saliva acid and plant lectin . These two kinds of glycoproteins are parts of plant cell wall components and highly related to disease and insect resistances of plants .

  2. 树突状细胞表面还存在与免疫耐受有关的抗原受体如:C型外源凝集素、整合素及Fc受体。

    There are also some antigen receptors such as C-type lectin , integrin , and Fc receptor expressed upon DC which is associated with immune anergy .

  3. 用外源凝集素ConA、PHA对沙门氏菌HO、O抗原作了凝集及糖类抑制试验。

    Agglutination of lectin ( ConA and PHA ) with " HO " and " O " antigens of Salmonella groups and inhibition of saccharide were assayed .

  4. 本综述文章介绍了若干个免疫组织化学标记物的检查方法,如胶体金、铁蛋白、外源凝集素、辣根过氧化物酶(HRP)、二次电子像、背散射电子像等在扫描电镜上的应用。

    This paper introduced several immuno-histological makers , examining methods , such as Colloidal gold , ferritin , lectins , HRP ; Secondary-electron imaging , backscattered-electron imaging , and So on under the Scanning electron microscope .

  5. 结果表明与D-甘露糖和D-葡萄糖专一结合的外源凝集素,如conA(伴刀豆球蛋白A)、豌豆及蚕豆凝集素可抑制~(125)Ⅰ-胰岛素与其受体的结合。

    The binding of insulin with fat cells could be inhibited by the lectins with carbohydrate-binding specificity of mannose ( or glucose ) and its derivatives , e. g. Con A , the lectins from garden pea and broad bean .

  6. 采用ABC组化技术,对84例甲状腺良、恶性结节上皮细胞或上皮源性细胞做了三种外源凝集素染色,即ConA,WGA,DBA。

    Three kinds of lectin ( ConA , WGA , DBA ) receptors were examined and analysed in 84 cases of benign and malignant nodules of the thyroid gland by means of the ABC immunohistochemical method .

  7. 中华绒螯蟹血清中外源凝集素的凝集作用及影响因素

    Agglutination and effective elements of hemagglutinin from serum of Eriocheir sinensis

  8. 雪花莲外源凝集素基因的克隆及其多态性分析

    Cloning and Sequencing of Snowdrop Lectin cDNA and Polymorphism Analysis

  9. 雪花莲外源凝集素基因在大白菜中的表达和抗蚜性遗传分析

    Expression and Inheritance of Snowdrop Lectin Gene ( gna ) in Chinese Cabbage

  10. 应用离子交换纤维素提取外源凝集素的研究

    Exraction of lectin from white or colour kidney beans by applying ion exchange cellulose

  11. 外源凝集素诱导的肿瘤细胞凝集作用与转移潜能相关

    Correlation of tumor cell metastasis potentials and tumor cell aggregation actions induced by lectins

  12. 三种外源凝集素对三种癌的阳性结合率基本是乳头状癌高于滤泡癌,滤泡癌高于未分化癌、腺瘤和结节性甲状腺肿有乳头增生者阳性率高于未增生者;

    Positive incidence of thyroid adenomas and nodular goiters with papillary proliferation were higher than in those without papillary proliferation .

  13. 猪甲状腺球蛋白-对氨基苯砜乙基-交联琼脂&一种可分离多种外源凝集素的亲和吸附剂

    Porcine thyroglobulin-p-aminobenzylsulfonylethyl ( abse ) - cross-linked agar & an affinity adsorbent to purify a variety of lectins of different specificities

  14. 子实体和纯系培养的菌丝体可以分离得到多种活性代谢产物如活性多糖、活性核酸、活性甾醇类及外源凝集素等。

    Active metabolites can be isolated from fruiting bodies and pure culture mycelia , such as active polysaccharides , active nucleinic acid , active sterin , lectins and so on .

  15. 考察了影响反应的因素,并对操作条件加以优化,用制得的介质从大豆匀浆液中提取了外源凝集素。

    The effects of operating conditions on the process were investigated and optimized . Lastly , these media were successbully used to purify the Glycine Max Lectin from the soybean .

  16. 转外源凝集素基因棉花工程植株在蚜虫发生期稳定地表现出抗蚜性状,转化一代群体抗、感植株分离比例符合3∶1,抗蚜基因是以单一位点整合到棉花染色体组中。

    During aphis occurring period , aphid-resistant character can express stably in engineering plants of trans-exogenous agglutinin gene cotton . The segregation proportion of the first transformed generation population accords with 3 ∶ 1 , the aphis-resistant gene is integrated into cotton genome with single locus .

  17. 冰冻条件下两种外源植物凝集素对水曲柳幼叶叶绿体外膜的影响

    Effects of Two Exogenous Phytolectins on Outer Envelope Membrane of Chloroplasts from Young Leaves of Fraxinus mandshurica under Freezing Stress