
  • 网络DVP;cash and delivery;cashanddelivery;Delivery against payment;delivery versus payment
  1. 需要多少天与必要人员就付款交货的要求问题进行沟通?

    How many days will it take to communicate requirements on DVP to necessary personnel ?

  2. 延迟付款或交货都是不被容忍的。

    Delays in payment or delivery of goods are not to be tolerated .

  3. 我们就分期付款!交货后两个星期付头期款,以后则每个月付一次。

    We will pay in installments , with the first payment to be two weeks after delivery , then once a month after that .

  4. 在电子商务中,外商可通过互联网直接在计算机上完成谈判、订货、付款、交货等交易活动。

    In E-business , foreign trader can make the trade activities through internet directly , such as negotiation , order , payment and delivery of goods .

  5. 由中介参与的付款与交货流程,提高了双方的互相信任程度;交易双方的直接讨价还价,提高了效率;

    During the delivery and payment , the participation of broker can improve the mutual trust between both parties with direct bargaining available , thus improving the efficiency .

  6. 贵方报价时,请声名付款前提和交货时间。

    When quoting , please state terms of payment and time of delivery .

  7. 假设已成交,向客户提供如付款方式、交货期、交货方式或质量方面的选择。

    Assumes that the decision to accept has been made and offers alternatives such as payment method , delivery dates or procedures , or quantity .

  8. 这是我们的价目表。我公司的付款条件是交货后三个月内支付现金,如果贵公司能在一个月内付清货款的话,我们还能再给您打九折。

    Here is our price list , our terms are cash within three months of date of delivery , if you can pay it within one month , we 'll give you a discount of10 % .

  9. 敝公司目前对贵公司的商品极有兴趣,细节请详见所附2564号询价单,敝公司期待能尽快收到贵公司的报价单,贵公司报价时,请说明付款条件和交货时间。

    At present we are interested in your goods , details as per our Enquiry Note No. 2564 attached , and are looking forward to receiving your quotation as soon as possible . When quoting , please state terms of payment and time of delivery .

  10. 根据你方要求,我们破例同意以即期付款交单的方式交货。

    In compliance with your request , we will accept delivery against D / P at sight as an exception .

  11. 所有由买方支付给卖方或由卖方支付给买方的付款额都应通过各自的银行以付款交货形式电汇支付?

    All the payments either by BUYER to SELLER or by SELLER to BUYER under this CONTRACT through respective bank shall be made by Telegraphic Transfer under the terms of D / P.