
jiè shào huì lù zuì
  • crime of introducing a bribe
  1. 介绍贿赂罪司法疑难问题探究

    The inquisition of the crime judicial knotty problem on bribery-pander

  2. 论介绍贿赂罪的本质

    Thesis on the Essence of Intro-bribe Crime

  3. 论介绍贿赂罪

    On Medium Bribery Crime

  4. 介绍贿赂罪应为目的犯&兼谈受贿罪的犯罪目的

    Between-bribery Crime Should be Taken as Object-oriented Crime & also Taken about the Object-Oriented Crime and Bride Crime

  5. 接着论述了对向犯中介行为处罚的一般原则和特例(介绍贿赂罪)。

    Then discuss the general principles and specific cases in punishing the intermediary action ( introduced bribery ) .

  6. 介绍贿赂罪是指向国家工作人员介绍贿赂,情节严重的行为。

    Bribery-pander crime is brief the national staff member on the bribery-pander , with a serious nature behavior .

  7. 在定罪时,我们应注意混合主体共同受贿犯罪与介绍贿赂罪的区别。

    We should pay attention to the boundary about the crime of joint offence and the crime of introducing bribery .

  8. 第二章在上述争议的基础上,以共同犯罪理论为视角,阐述了介绍贿赂罪独立存在的必要性。

    Based on the above , the second chapter illuminates the necessity of its independent in the view of collective crime .

  9. 第三章论述了利用影响力受贿罪和受贿罪、斡旋贿赂罪、诈骗罪、介绍贿赂罪等类似犯罪的区别。

    The third chapter discusses the difference between the bribery the use of mediation bribery , fraud , Introduction bribery and other common crimes described .

  10. 本文还对行贿罪的犯罪形态以及行贿罪与非罪、行贿罪与受贿罪、与介绍贿赂罪之间的关系进行了探讨。

    This article also carry on the discussion with the criminal form of offering bribes , the relation among offering bribes , accepting bribes and introducing bribes .

  11. 对介绍贿赂罪的实行行为作了界定,进而明确了受贿罪、行贿罪的帮助犯与介绍贿赂罪的实行犯的界限。

    The definition of crime of introducing taking bribe is conducive to the definition of taking bribe , accessary in crime of giving money and performing criminal in introducing bribery .

  12. 贿赂罪是多发罪,包括受贿罪、单位受贿罪、行贿罪、对单位行贿罪、介绍贿赂罪、单位行贿罪,是检察机关多年来立办案件的重点。

    Bribe crimes are multiple crimes , including bribery , institutional bribery , bribing crime , bribing institution crime , introducing bribe crime , institutional bribing crime , which are the working emphasis of prosecution these years .

  13. 第三,从犯罪对象、犯罪客观方面、犯罪主体和犯罪目的要件等方面对影响力交易罪与我国现行刑法规定的斡旋受贿罪和介绍贿赂罪进行比较。

    Third , it separately compares the trading in influence established by the convention with the crime of bribery-Mediate and the crime of bribery-pander in our criminal law at the aspects of their object , conduct , actor and intent .

  14. 在文章的第四部分,对利用影响力受贿罪和混合主体共同受贿罪、斡旋受贿犯罪及其介绍贿赂罪进行了区别分析并提出了自己的见解。

    In the article fourth part , the article carried on analyzing and proposing own opinion to the use influence bribery crime , the mix main body common bribery crime , the mediation bribe crime and the introduction crime of bribery .

  15. 司法实践中对介绍贿赂罪与受贿罪、行贿罪的共犯的界限一直难以真正划清,刑法通论对于介绍贿赂罪客体要件的界定并不能有效区分两者的界限。

    Introduced in the judicial practice of the offence of bribery and corruption and bribe the complicity has been difficult to really draw the boundaries , the introduction of the Criminal Code-object elements of the crime of bribery defined and can not effectively distinguish between the two boundaries .

  16. 引言部分:介绍了中国目前贿赂罪的治理状况,简单分析了介绍贿赂罪在刑法中的位置。

    The introduction part introduces the situation of bribe crime in our country , and analyze the position of introducing bribe .

  17. 向国家工作人员介绍贿赂在本质上不足以成为介绍贿赂罪的全部。

    In essential , one major part of the crime of introducing a bribe is to introduce people to bribe state civilian officials according to the criminal law .