
jiè cí
  • preposition
介词 [jiè cí]
  • [preposition] 用在名词、代词或名词性词组前边,合起来表示方向、对象等的词。如:从、往、在、当、把、对、同、为、以、比、跟、被等

介词[jiè cí]
  1. 语法规则中并没有规定句子以介词结尾是错误的。

    There is nothing in the rules of grammar to suggest that ending a sentence with a preposition is wrong .

  2. 这个词是由一个介词和一个动词复合而成的。

    The word is compounded of a preposition and a verb .

  3. 冠词和介词是初学英语者的绊脚石。

    Articles and prepositions are stumbling blocks to the beginners of english .

  4. 介词和连词是小品词。

    Prepositions and conjunctions are particles .

  5. 很难将我们的研究成果与在美国进行的研究成果相比较。在这种意义上,使用哪个介词都可以。

    It is difficult to compare our results to studies conducted in the United States .

  6. 它同preferAtoB的句型一样,后也常与介词to连用.第一个选择比第二个更好。

    The first choice is preferable to the second .

  7. 尽管动词prevent可以带介词from,它也可以不用介词。

    Although the verb prevent takes the preposition from , it can also be used with no preposition .

  8. 汉语介词短语(pp)的蒙古语转换规则研究

    A Study on the Rules of Rendering Chinese Prepositional Phrases into Mongolian

  9. 介词save和savefor辨义超音段特征在英汉歧义句中的辨义功能

    On the Distinction between Prepositions Save and Save for Effects of Suprasegmentals on Ambiguity in English and Chinese

  10. 基于SVM融合多特征的介词结构自动识别

    Feature-rich Prepositional Phrase Boundary Identification based on SVM

  11. 方位词里可以附着在名词或者名词性短语后面组成X里的方位结构,也可以与介词构成介词短语。

    This direction word can be attached to the noun or noun phrase and constitutes a prepositional phrase with preposition .

  12. 当school、hospital等词指机构时,在介词后不加定冠词

    School NOTE ON USAGE When a school , hospital , etc is being referred to as an institution , we do not use the definite article after a preposition

  13. 正如温斯顿·丘吉尔(WinstonChurchill)那句戏言所说,“用介词结束一句话,是件很可怕的事情(Aprepositionisaterriblethingtoendasentencewith)。”

    As Winston Churchill joked , " A preposition is a terrible thing to end a sentence with . "

  14. 根据传统语法理论,介词与分词词组搭配使用是不符合语法的,但是在语言现实中,像FROMUNDERTHETABLE这类结构经常出现。

    According to the traditional grammar a preposition followed by a prepositional phrase is abnormal . But in the linguistic reality such structure as FROM UNDER THE TABLE is not rare .

  15. 用一个介词来结束一句话——比如“She'snotsomeoneIwouldgotothebattingcagewith(译为我不会跟她一起去打棒球的)”——这样是很好的。

    Ending a sentence with a preposition -- something like " She 's not someone I would go to the batting cage with " -- is perfectly fine .

  16. 结合原型理论(prototypetheory),他们认为一个介词的原型意义通过一套认知法则相互作用可以派生出更多的区别性意义(distinctsense),最后形成一个高度活跃的语义网络。

    Basing on the prototype theory , they built a highly motivated polysemy network of prepositional polysemy in which distinct senses derive from the prototypical sense through interacting with a set of cognitive principles .

  17. 作为北欧研究中心(CenterforNordicStudies)主任,黑德尔博士能在每个角落找到诺尔斯文化的痕迹:将介词放在句子最后的奥克尼方言;

    As the director of the Center for Nordic Studies , Dr. Heddle sees evidence of Norseness almost everywhere : in the Orkney dialect that puts its prepositions at the end of sentences ;

  18. 英语介词数量较大,用法灵活,长期以来一直是TEFL教学的一项重要内容。

    A good master of English preposition has long been an important item of TEFL activity .

  19. 基于CLEC语料库的大学英语四、六级学习者介词错误分析

    Corpus-based Error Analysis of CET Band-4 and Band-6 English Learners ' Acquisition of Prepositions

  20. 本文从格语法的角度,运用变换分析和语义指向分析等方法,对后跟体词性成分NP的介词用所标记的三种格关系进行区分。

    From the case grammar aspect , this paper distinguishes three kinds of case relations which " Yong " with substantive components marks , using transformational analysis and semantic reference .

  21. 本文研究得出的结论是将PIM理论应用于英语介词教学可以帮助中国学生准确地理解和运用英语介词,使英语介词不再是中国学生学习英语的障碍。

    It is clear that the application of PIM in English preposition teaching has great significance in helping Chinese students correctly understand and translate English preposition . English prepositions are no longer a barrier for Chinese learners .

  22. 最后,针对处理介词短语歧义时遇到的数据稀疏这一所有统计语言模型都面临的难题,分析介绍了基于N-Gram的回退法介词短语消歧及平滑技术。

    Finally , in connection with the sparse data problem in the processing of PP disambiguation and current statistical language models , the author introduces the backed-off N-Gram based algorithm and similarity-based smoothing .

  23. 详细论述SOC测试相关概念、SOC测试结构、SOC测试面临的挑战,重点介绍SOC测试数据压缩的两种主流研究方法。该种与秦岭无心菜A.3与介词结构有关的后置形式。

    The main work of the thesis are showed as following : Describe the related conceptions of SOC test , structure of SOC test and faced challenges of SOC test in detail . Especially , introduce two kinds of main current research methods of test data compression .

  24. 添加个副词或副词词组或介词词组。

    Add an adverb or adverb phrase , or prepositional phrase .

  25. 新疆少数民族学生汉语介词习得中的空间认知

    On Space Cognition of Chinese Preposition Acquisition by Ethnic Minority Students

  26. 解读英语中由介词短语引起的歧义句

    Syntactic Interpretation of Some Ambiguous Sentences Caused by English Prepositional Phrases

  27. 介词短语是汉语中一种重要的短语类型。

    Prepositional phrase is one of the most important Chinese phrases .

  28. 英语介词的认知分析及其在教学中的应用

    English Prepositions : A Cognitive Analysis and the Implication for Teaching

  29. 现代汉语介词的内部差异及其影响

    Internal Differences Among the Prepositions of modern Chinese and Their Influences

  30. 介词对于的主位推进方式

    The Thematic Progression Pattern of the Chinese Preposition " Duiyu "