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  1. 这个节日起源于春秋战国时期介子推的故事。

    I know this festival came from the story about Jie Zitui in the Spring and Autumn period . /

  2. 有一次,介子推甚至割下自己腿上的一块肉来给重耳吃。

    On one occasion , he even cut his own flesh from his leg and boiled it for hungry Chong'er .

  3. 也有人指出,其实早在周朝就已经有暮春禁火的记载了,恐怕把寒食与介子推之死联系在一起的说法经不起推敲。

    Therefore , it sounds dubious when people connect the death of Jie Zitui with the practice of eating cold food .

  4. 这时,忠心耿耿的介子推从自己的腿上割下一块肉献给了重耳,公子重耳得救了。

    One of the prince 's faithful followers , Jie Zitui , cut a piece of muscle from his own leg and served it to his master .

  5. 朝里有几个大臣向重耳谏述了介子推受到的不公正待遇,重耳认识到自己错了,遂派人寻找介子推。

    When several of the ministers to Chong'er 's court presented a memorial protesting the shoddy treatment shown Jie Zitui , Chong'er saw the error of his way and sent people to search for him .

  6. 随着时间的推移,慢慢地形成了这一习俗,在介子推死的那天不准烧火,但各家各户要收集柳枝,插在自家房前。

    In the ensuing ages it gradually grew into a popular custom that on the day of Jie Zi-tui 's death no fire must be lit , but willow branches to be gathered and planted in front of each family 's home .