
rén yì
  • benevolence and righteousness;gentle;kindheartedness and justice
仁义 [rén yì]
  • (1) [kindheartedness and justice]∶宽厚正直

  • 故文王行仁义而王天下。--《韩非子.五蠹》

  • 仁义之举

  • (2) [gentle]〈方〉∶性情温顺,通达事理

仁义[rén yì]
  1. 史学研究的方法一是用儒家的仁义批评历史,二是原始要终见微察著。

    It stresses that the method of the study of historical science is to use confucian kindheartedness and justice to criticize history .

  2. 在很大程度上,孔子提倡的是一种以文德合的仁义之交,尤其强调交友质量,对交友对象有明确而明智的选择。

    To a greater extent , Confucius advocated kindheartedness and justice , especially emphasized the quality of making friends and specific and sensible choice of friends .

  3. 于是,孟家学文的儿子跑到秦国,向秦王鼓吹“仁义”。

    Thereupon , the son of the Meng family who studied liberal arts went to the State of Qin to advocate " benevolence7 and righteousness " .

  4. 仁义是一种拘束,一种束缚。

    Benevolence and righteousness are a kind of binding and confine .

  5. 仁义河大桥桥墩刚度与结构体系适应性分析

    The Analysis of the Adaptability for Pier Rigidity and Structure System

  6. 仁义礼智信与现代广告

    Humanity , Righteousness , Rites , Wisdom , Trust Modern Ads

  7. 气在学术思想史上呈现为道,道即儒家仁义之道,道合性理,是人之性、物之理的总和。

    Qi is presented as Tao in the study of ideology .

  8. 所以遵循仁义忠孝道德常常会使人陷入困惑。

    So to follow Confucianism often leads people into confusion .

  9. 为什么又要辛辛苦苦地去提倡什么仁义呢?

    Why do you toil to advocate benevolence and righteousness ?

  10. 其实,自矜仁义的宋襄公是一个凶狠残忍的伪君子。

    In reality , Song was a hypocrite who was fierce and cruel .

  11. 《国语》认为,为政者在面对战争时,除了稳定的国内外环境外,还应该具备智谋、仁义和勇敢精神。

    When facing wars , politicians should have resourcefulness , humanity and braveness .

  12. 仁义及名誉等,都各有其一定的好处。

    Those have benefit respectively , such as fame , benevolence and righteousness .

  13. 人应以仁义待友。

    A man should hold his friends in gree .

  14. 儒家仁义的辩证关系及其在实践中的取舍

    Dialectical Relationship between Goodness and Righteousness of Confucianism and Their Option in Practice

  15. 仁义之根与伪善之果

    The root of benevolence and the fruitage of hypocrisy

  16. 解读《小鲍庄》&在仁义与仁义之间

    Expound Little Village Bao & Between the Benevolence

  17. 它们就像仁义一样,是修行人在修行路上的休息站。

    Like benevolence and righteousness , they are roost on the way of practice .

  18. 道与德弄清楚后,他们才去讨论仁义;

    They did not discuss benevolence and righteousness until made clear Tao and virtue .

  19. 使人处世,领受智慧,仁义,公平,正直的训诲。

    To receive instruction in wise dealing , In righteousness , justice , and equity ;

  20. 他的名字翻译出来,就是仁义之王

    His name , in the first place , means " king of righteousness . "

  21. 因此我们说,仁义不是自性的一部分。

    Therefore , the benevolence and righteousness are sure not a part of the immolation-nature .

  22. 仁义礼智信与建构共同价值观

    Confucianism and the Establishment of Common Values

  23. 人从天道中本然的禀受了仁义之善之资源。

    The human receive kindheartedness and justice of good resources form the law of heaven .

  24. 仁义河特大桥南桥台边坡软岩流变性研究

    Rheological study on soft rocks in the South abutment slope of Renyi river great bridge

  25. 行仁义公平,比献祭更蒙耶和华悦纳。

    To do justice and judgment [ is ] more acceptable to the LORD than sacrifice .

  26. 这就是仁义之情。

    These are benevolence and righteousness .

  27. 同样地,为了屈就仁义等人为的道德标准,人们自然的天性就被破坏了。

    It is the same with the nature of humanity spoiled for surrendering those artificial moral rules .

  28. 儒家崇尚道德至善,追求仁义境界;

    The Confucianism upholds the supreme good of morals , pursuing the realm of benevolence and righteousness ;

  29. 他喜爱仁义公平。遍地满了耶和华的慈爱。

    He loveth righteousness and judgment : the earth is full of the goodness of the LORD .

  30. 在最理想的情况下,海外求学经验有望成为巨大的仁义力量。

    At its best , international study has the potential to be an enormous force for good .