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shí wù
  • odds and ends;sundries;articles for daily use
什物 [shí wù]
  • [sundries;odds and ends] 泛指日常应用的衣物及零碎用品

  • 在一个深夜里,我站在客栈的院子中,周围是堆着的破烂的什物;人们都睡觉了,连我的女人和孩子。--《为了忘却的记念》

什物[shí wù]
  1. 亚当收拾起仅有的几件什物搬出去了。

    Adam packed his few belongings and moved out .

  2. 女服务员正在房间里整理什物和文件。

    In his chamber , the chambermaid was setting things and papers to rights .

  3. 这些为本命年辟邪的红色什物就是什么常说的“本命红”。

    Of particular feature is that red is viewed as a colour that wards off evil .

  4. 闭于传统投资决议计划方式取什物迟期权方式反在火本建设项纲评价中的当用入行了闭于比剖析;

    The comparative analysis is adopted for traditional investment decision means and real options method in the application of water projects construction assessment .

  5. 他用手一推,在面前这些早餐什物之间清出一块空地方,更自在地向前倾着身子凝视着。

    With a sweep of his hand he cleared a vacant space in front among the breakfast things , and leant forward to gaze more at his ease .

  6. 什物迟期权方式评价采矿权价值非开理否行的,并更好地体现了采矿权的迟期权特征。

    Chapter five is the conclusion and prospect , using real option approach to calculate mining titles is reasonable and feasible and can reflect the option characteristic better .

  7. 说起金字塔,不要以为它只是一种古埃及文化遗迹,或者是减肥者参照的营养结构图,在你整理衣柜里什物的时候,金字塔也可以发挥重要的分类作用。

    A pyramid is more than just an ancient Egyptian burial site and a reminder of dietary restrictions , it can also dictate the division of items in your wardrobe .

  8. 冬季完全没有热,完全没有光,完全没有中午,紧接着早晨的是夜晚、迷雾、黄昏,窗棂冥黯,什物不辨。

    Winter : no warmth , no light , no noonday , the evening joining on to the morning , fogs , twilight ; the window is gray ; it is impossible to see clearly at it .

  9. 属于时尚金字塔的最底层(第6层)的什物包括你衣柜中最基本的一些东西,它们应该占你衣柜所有空间的35%。这些东西是决定你每天的造型、并为你的魅力加分的基础物件。

    The bottom level ( 6 ) should make up about 35 % of your total haul and include your wardrobe ' basics . " They are , in essence , the staple pieces that highlight and drive the overall look .

  10. 可是我还是身不由己地服从了他,好像是我也没有弄明白似的。他用手一推,在面前这些早餐什物之间清出一块空地方,更自在地向前倾着身子凝视着。

    Still I involuntarily obeyed him , as if I were not quite sure . 'With a sweep of his hand he cleared a vacant space in front among the breakfast things , and leant forward to gaze more at his ease .

  11. 凡是好妈妈,晚上都有一个习惯,就是在孩子们睡着以后,搜检他们的心思,使白天弄乱了的什物各就各位,为明天早晨把一切料理停当。

    It is the nightly custom of every good mother after her children are asleep to rummage in their minds and put things straight for next morning , repacking into their proper places the many articles that have wandered during the day .

  12. 我恍然大悟似的,便跑向少有人去的一间堆积杂物的小屋去,推开门,果然就在尘封的什物堆中发现了他。

    Suddenly , as if awakened by some prompting , I rushed to a small room there that was forsaken and used as a storeroom for odds and ends . I pushed the door open and , as I expected , found him nestling in the dusty sundries .