首页 / 词典 / good

  • be;be really;be indeed
  • so;therefore;hence;only then
  • you;your
  • 才:今~得之。“断其喉,尽其肉,~去”。

  • 是,为:~大丈夫也。

  • 竟:~至如此。

  • 于是,就:“因山势高峻,~在山腰休息片时”。

  • 你,你的:~父。~兄。“家祭无忘告~翁”。


(是; 就是; 实在是) be; be really; be indeed:

  • 失败乃成功之母。

    Failure is the mother of success.


(于是) so; therefore; hence:

  • 因山势高峻,乃在山腰休息片时。

    It was a steep climb, so we rested for a while halfway up the hill.


(才) only then:

  • 今乃知之。

    I didn't know it until now.

  • 惟虚心乃能进步。

    You can make progress only if you are modest.


(你; 你的) you; your:

  • 乃父

    your father

  1. 这间在派拉蒙(Paramount)的老字号食店是街边美食的宝库,里面的烧鸡摊乃其中的佼佼者。

    This old-timer kopitiam in Paramount is a treasure trove of delicious hawker food and one of them has to be the roast chicken stall .

  2. 深入研究农业土壤N2O排放与这些因素间的数量关系,客观估计区域或全球农业土壤N2O的排放总量并提出切实可行的减排措施乃是未来的研究方向。

    It is recommended that further study be focussed on quantitative description between N2O emissions and these key factors , estimation of regional and / or global amount , and development of reducing N2O emission from agricultural soils in the future .

  3. 严厉批判政治人物乃是新闻界常事。

    Bashing politicians is normal practice in the press .

  4. 丝绸床单乃是极度的奢侈品。

    Silk sheets are the ultimate luxury .

  5. 所有证据都表明该犯罪乃他们所为。

    The sum of evidence points to the crime resting on them

  6. 这些女人认为他的死乃是天意。

    These women regard his death as an act of providence .

  7. 他的长子约瑟夫继承了乃父的传统。

    His eldest son Joseph carried on his father 's traditions

  8. 尽快寻求帮助和建议乃明智之举。

    It is wise to seek help and counsel as soon as possible .

  9. 两人都有失慎重,此乃人之常情。

    Both have committed their indiscretions , as human beings are wont to do .

  10. 多年以来我们都被教导美国和外资乃是问题所在。

    For years we were taught that Uncle Sam and foreign investment were the problem .

  11. 很大一部分案件乃是十几岁的少年和二十多岁的青年男子所为。

    A high proportion of crime is perpetrated by young males in their teens and twenties .

  12. 他的统治乃是天命。

    His rule was ordained by heaven

  13. 当前的这一系列政治谋杀乃是那些想阻挠和平谈判的人所为。

    The present wave of political killings is the work of people trying to derail peace talks .

  14. 惟虚心乃能进步。

    You can make progress only if you are modest .

  15. “骄必败”乃至理名言。

    “ Pride comes before a fall ” is a famous dictum .

  16. 今乃知之。

    I didn 't know it until now .

  17. 痛乃逾甚。

    Then the pain became even more acute .

  18. 需要乃发明之母。

    Necessity is the mother of invention .

  19. 胜败乃兵家常事。

    For a military commander , winning or losing a battle is a common occurrence .

  20. 失败乃成功之母。

    Failure is the mother of success .

  21. 毋乃太简乎?

    Is it not too simple ?

  22. “诚实乃上策”是他做生意的信条。

    “ Honesty is the best policy ” was his creed in all his business dealings .

  23. 因山势高峻,乃在山腰休息片时。

    It was a steep climb , so we rested for a while halfway up the hill .

  24. 以逸待劳,以主制客,此乃百战百胜之势。

    We are as hosts at home awaiting the arrival of our weary visitors . This will give us victory in every battle .

  25. 此种歧异现象的发生,乃不可避免且是自然的。

    That differences should occur was inescapable and natural .

  26. 这诗人乃是现身说法。

    The poet is speaking in his own person .

  27. 民乃国本。

    People are what a nation relies on .

  28. 人乃万物之灵。

    Man is the deity over all creatures .

  29. 工农业乃立国之本。

    Agriculture and industry are the base on which to build up the nation .

  30. 骄傲乃万恶之源。

    Pride is the parent of all evils .