
  • 网络What is Mathematics;Richard Courant
  1. 什么是数学研究性学习?

    What is mathematics research study ?

  2. 数学观是对什么是数学这一问题的回答,是指人们对数学的认识和看法。

    " Mathematical concept " is " what is Mathematics " answer this question refers to people ' sunderstanding of mathematics and views .

  3. 数学哲学观解决什么是数学的问题,是数学教学理论的基础。

    The views of mathematics philosophy are the base of the mathematics teaching theories .

  4. 什么是数学活动课程?

    What is maths extracurricular activity ?

  5. 从为什么要学习数学谈及什么是数学素质,阐述21世纪中学生的数学素质应包括的5个方面,浅论中学生数学素质培养的5个方面。

    The essay Shows the5 aspects of math accomplishment of the21st century students and how to foster the accomplishment of the students in math teaching .

  6. 同时综合现代教育理论,对什么是数学语言转换,数学语言转换的类型,以及数学语言转换对数学学习的影响,作了较为深入的探讨。

    Simultaneously the paper synthesize the modern educational theories and discusses to depth the definition of mathematical language , the types of the conversion of mathematical languages as well as its influence on the math study .

  7. 针对这些问题,本文首先通过文献分析对数学课题学习进行概念界定,然后利用案例研究重点分析了以下几个方面的问题:1.什么是好的数学研究性课题?数学课题不同于常规的数学问题。

    According these problems , this passage is to define the mathematics project-based learning by investigating relevant literatures , and then discuss the following questions by case study : 1 . What is a good mathematics inquiry project ? A math project is different from general math problems .

  8. 你最难学的课程是什么?是物理,数学还是化学?

    Which be the most difficult subject for you : physics , mathematics or chemistry ?

  9. 但是长期以来,我们对什么是理解,什么是数学理解,以及理解的标准一直都处于混沌状态。

    But long times since then , for what is the knowledge , what is mathematical knowledge , and what is the standard of mathematical knowledge are still in a mess .