
While its One series of phones have been praised by some as the most attractively designed smartphone , the lack of marketing clout to support it has left the company floundering .
They are a hardened bunch who have earned a reputation as ferocious and merciless warriors .
The peony is praised to be a national beauty and heavenly fragrance by Chinese people .
Sichuan Brocade is endowed with rich cultural and artistic connotation as well as value for appreciation and collection .
Modesty is viewed as a virtue in China . In the Chinese language , there are all kinds of modest terms .
As their title suggests , they are dreamy night pieces , with melodies many people consider among the most beautiful ever written .
Mortgaging the guarantee crosses the real right method and legal right method two greatest realms , was been a " king of the guarantee " by person 's.
The Chorography of Japan is the first systematic classics masterpiece of recording foreign contemporary history in modern times of china , which was praised as " Church for " by contemporaries .
The six violin Sonatas without company composed by Bach in 1720 have laid a milestone for polyphony performance in melody instrument and are reputed as " the Bible for Violin Music " .
Hence Hakkas are praised as an ethnic group with " forever rising sun ," one of the world 's most widely distributed and most influential ethnic groups .
People have called Shanghai the city of the future !
On the same expedition was a young ambitious climber who was regarded as the superstar of climbing and mountaineering in Italy .
When he revealed himself as the source , he was acclaimed as a hero by some - others recommended the electric chair .
With an evening coat and a white tie , as you told me once , anybody , even a stock-broker , can gain a reputation for being civilized .
The No. 10 he wore on his jersey became synonymous with him , as it also had with Pele , the Brazilian great with whom Maradona was regularly paired as the best of all time .
However , the rapid marketing development is not synchronous with the rule . The marketing has the confused competition at present . There are no real famous enterprises and the person who engaged with the industry is short of brand consciousness .
Therefore , credibility theory known as the cornerstone of modern actuarial science .
As millions watched the funeral of the Royal they called " The People 's Princess " one thing was clear : Diana 's legacy as a popular icon and humanitarian was going to endure .
The Serbs ' eviction from Kosovo was hailed as a victory for justice and humanity .