
  • 网络human engineering activity
  1. 自然产生的和人类工程活动引起的滑坡灾害在我国都相当严重。

    The naturally occurred and human engineering activity induced landslide hazards are rather serious in China .

  2. 峡谷桥位斜坡岩体工程地质问题是人类工程活动与岩体工程地质条件之间矛盾的反映。

    Rock mass engineering geological problem of bridge site in gorge slope reflect the discrepancy between human engineering activity and engineering geological conditions .

  3. 在采用GPS监测、深部位移监测、宏观地质巡视的同时,还监测降雨量、地下水位、库水位及不合理的人类工程活动。

    While adopting GPS monitoring , deep displacement monitoring and macro-geological inspection tour , we monitor rainfall , the change in groundwater level and reservoir water level as well as improper human engineering activities .

  4. 根据地质灾害详细调查数据和DEM数字高程模型,建立了灾害点密度、坡型、坡度、坡高、植被、人类工程活动、降雨等7个因素构成的地质灾害危险性评价指标体系。

    Set up geological hazard indexs system of 7 factors include geological hazards points density , slope shape , slope gradient , slope height , vegetation , human engineering activities and rainfall .

  5. 中国地质环境的基本特征及其对人类工程活动的制约

    Characteristics of geological environments in China and their restraints to engineering activities

  6. 自然地理地质环境背景条件为内因,人类工程活动为外因。

    The internal causes include the background conditions of geography and geological environment .

  7. 我国主要人类工程活动引起的滑坡、崩塌和泥石流灾害

    Disasters of landslides , rockfalls , and mudflows induced by human engineering in China

  8. 人类工程活动对秦皇岛海滩侵蚀及淤积的影响

    The effect of man 's engineering activities on beach erosion and sediment at Qinhuangdao coast

  9. 人类工程活动的生态环境效应&以大连市金州区七顶山乡一带生态环境演变为例

    Eco-environmental effects of the mankind engineering activities & qidingshan area of Jinzhou district , dalian City

  10. 大气降水既增大了斜坡的静水压力,又减弱了岩土体的抗剪强度,河流侧蚀掏空坡脚,使岩体失去支撑以及人类工程活动破坏斜坡稳定条件等因素是滑坡形成的外在原因。

    Precipitation , unsupported rock body from erosion of river , human activity are external reasons .

  11. 论述主要由于人类工程活动而引起的塌陷灾害及塌陷工程学。

    The subsidence disaster caused by engineering activities of mankind and the subsidence engineering are discussed .

  12. 而暴雨和人类工程活动是危岩失稳的主要激发因素。

    Rainstorm and human engineering activities are main triggering causes for the instability of local dangerous rock .

  13. 人类工程活动,改变了河流的自然形态和水文泥沙过程,导致新的河床冲淤变化。

    Human engineering activities change the natural form of the river and the process of hydrological sediment .

  14. 人类工程活动因素往往是造成水土流失的直接原因。

    The factor of human project activity is often the immediate cause resulting in soil and water loss .

  15. 高切坡是人类工程活动对自然斜坡的改造而形成的人工陡坡。

    The high cut slope is the artificial steep slope transformed from natural pitch through human project activity .

  16. 研究发现青岛市地质灾害发生的主要诱导因素是人类工程活动和强降水作用。

    Discover that the main factor of bringing out this district geological calamity is human activities and heavy rainfall .

  17. 并从地形地质条件、大气降水、人类工程活动诸方面分析了滑坡的形成机理。

    Based on the topo-geological conditions , precipitation , haman activities , the formation mechanism of the landslide is analysed .

  18. 滑坡多为人类工程活动使土体稳定性遭到破坏所致,主要发生在南京和镇江地区;

    The landslide caused mostly by man ′ s engineering activity impairing earth stability occur mainly in Nanjing and Zhenjiang areas ;

  19. 泥石流隐患主要受人类工程活动影响明显,具有易起动,中易发,破坏性强的特点。

    Under the influence of Human project activities , the mudslides hidden dangers are characterized by start easily and greater destructive .

  20. 地下空间为人类工程活动提供了主体环境,包含了大量工程相关信息,如何表现、挖掘这些信息隐含的地质信息,构建三维地下空间信息系统,是许多学者一直在关注的问题。

    The underground space , including mass geologic information data associated with projects , provides the environment for human project activities .

  21. 高填土边坡是人工形成的边坡,是人类工程活动中最基本的地质环境之一。

    The high filled slope is artificial slope , which is one of the most basic geological environments in human engineering activities .

  22. 其形成和发展与自然地质环境关系密切,但也与人类工程活动有直接的联系。

    Although the formation of these geological hazards problems relate firstly to their natural geology , but human activities are direct relation .

  23. 滑坡13处,占灾害点总数的39.4%,且90%为土质滑坡,多与人类工程活动有关;

    13 landslides , occupying 39.4 % , 90 % of which are soil slopes and majority of them relate to human engineering ;

  24. 随着自然条件的突变和人类工程活动的强度和规模的增大地质灾害发生频度呈上升趋势,对人类生命财产造成巨大损失。

    With the sudden change of natural condition and grow in strength and scale of human activities , geological hazards frequency is going up .

  25. 因此,建立完备准确地建设地下空间信息对于规划、设计、施工等人类工程活动是至关重要的。

    So , to build a complete and accurate underground space information system is essential to the activities of planning , design , constructing etc.

  26. 分区的结果还揭示了地质灾害空间分布特征及其与人类工程活动和地质环境背景的关系。

    The result of the regionalization reveals the spatial distribution feature of geologic hazards and their relations with the human activities and geological environment .

  27. 中国正处在快速城镇化发展时期,强烈的人类工程活动已经成为一种十分重要的作用力,对城市地质环境产生显著影响。

    Intensive human engineering activity has become a very important process that remarkably affects the urban geo-environment during the period of quick urbanization of China .

  28. 地形地貌和地质构造对地裂缝的发育有一定的控制作用;降雨、人类工程活动等因素对地裂缝裂缝的发育起着诱发和影响作用。

    Topography and geological structure of the basin control the growing of the ground fissures . Rain and human engineering activities can influence ground fissures .

  29. 煤矿区的地质环境受自然地质作用控制和人类工程活动的扰动,其地质环境又具有一定的抗扰动能力。

    Geological environment in coal-mining area is controlled by natural geological process and disturbed by humankind engineering activity . Geological environment has resist disturbance capacity .

  30. 文章分析了十堰市矿业开发及人类工程活动对环境的影响,并对其保护地质环境提出了建议和意见。

    The paper analyses the influences of mining development and human engineering project to environment , and it puts forward suggestion on protecting geological environment .