
rén dùn
  • human shield
  1. 军事基地以被关在那里的敌军战俘所组成的人盾作为防护。

    Military bases were protected by captured enemy soldiers who were housed there as a human shield .

  2. 我们最初被告知,本拉登死前曾利用妻子作为人盾,而且他手持武器,但这两点均不属实。

    We were initially told that bin Laden died using his wife as a human shield and that he was armed , neither of which was true .

  3. 抢劫银行的歹徒将人质作为人盾使警察不能靠近。

    The bank robbers used hostages as human shields to keep the police away .

  4. 而其中一个居然没有用另一个的身体来当人盾,抵挡飞射的破片残骸。

    and one didn 't use the other 's body to block her from the flying debris .

  5. 阿萨德表示,对叙利亚怀有敌意的国家仍在保护那些以平民为人质和人盾的人,不能以牺牲公民的生命、安全与稳定为代价继续纵容这种行为。

    Assad says countries hostile to Syria are still protecting those taking civilians as hostages and human shields , which cannot be allowed to continue citizens ' lives , security and stability .

  6. 每个士兵掩护他左边的人用盾挡住他的大腿到脖子。

    Each Spartan protects the man to his left from thigh to neck with his shield .

  7. 一列火车相撞,在以色列南部与周四小巴,造成至少7人,红大卫盾会救护车服务机构说。

    A train crashed with a minibus in southern Israel on Thursday , killing at least seven people , the Magen David Adom ambulance service said .

  8. 这天噪声两人都没有用盾,所以这是一场在甲板前后挥砍与避闪的游戏。

    Neither man had taken up a shield this morning , so it was a game of slash and parry , back and forth across the deck .