
  • Biography;BIO
  1. 人物传记不真实问题及其成因和纠正方法

    On Untruthfulness and Genesis of Biography Writing and Its Rectifying Strategies

  2. 撰写人物传记的能力。

    Skills of writing a biography .

  3. 《中国大百科全书》人物传记知识提取加工规范

    The Specification for Biographic Knowledge Acquisition from Electronic Encyclopedia of China

  4. 我对人物传记和老片子很感兴趣。

    I 'm very interested in reading biographies and watching old movies .

  5. 《汉书》人物传记的文章风格

    The style of Han Shu ′ s biographies of Characters

  6. 清代人物传记资料的检索

    Retrieval of the Biographical Data of the Figures in the Qing Dynasty

  7. 《史记》人物传记中的究天人之际世界历史只是伟人的传记。

    The history of the world is but the biography of great men .

  8. 基于历史人物传记阅读的大学生健全人格塑造

    The Research on Shaping Health Personality of Undergraduates Based on Reading Historical Biographies

  9. 梁启超在当代人物传记方面的创作成就很少有人注意。

    Liang Qichao 's literary achievement in biographies of contemporary personages was all but ignored .

  10. 政治人物传记文学中的人性化书写。

    Humanitarian Writing in political biographies literature .

  11. 因为原文已经散佚,唯有通过现存辑文记录的内容对这本人物传记进行深入研究。

    Because the original is lost , we get further study from the existing text records .

  12. 指导学生以下面的结构去构思人物传记这种书面表达题材。

    Giving guidance to students on how to write a short essay about someone 's biography .

  13. 我也喜欢看科学和改变世界的人物传记书籍。

    Also I am interested in reading science and biographies of people who have changed the world .

  14. 大量的文本,如小说、戏剧、人物传记、新闻报道等都包含有大量事件。

    The various texts such as novel , play , biography , news , which contain many events .

  15. 他的个人和政治生活中含有人物传记中不会提到的冷酷无情的片段。

    His personal and political life contain episodes of ruthlessness that are glossed over in the biopic version .

  16. 科学人物传记的写法对理解科学史及其科学史中师承关系中的马太效应具有特殊意义。

    The structure of biography is one of the keys to understand the Matthew Effect in history of science .

  17. 一部颇具特色的历史人物传记&《隋文帝杨坚》一书评介

    A Historical Biography with Characteristics & A Comment on and Introduction of the Book Emperor Wen of Sui Dynasty

  18. 明代南京社会高度繁荣的现实,为撰写历史人物传记提供了丰富的资料。

    The high prosperity of Nanjing during the Ming Dynasty provides rich material for biographic writings on historical characters .

  19. 张岱的人物传记呈现写意倾向,对现当代散文影响深远。

    Zhang Dai 's biography showed " freehand brushwork ", which has the far-reaching influence on modern and contemporary essay .

  20. 一部关于苹果联合创始人的新人物传记片寻求的便是这个问题的答案。由塞斯·罗根饰演的斯蒂夫·沃兹尼亚克提出了这一问题。

    A new biopic about the Apple co-founder seeks to answer that question posed by Steve Wozniak ( Seth Rogen ) .

  21. 我国历代人物传记资料,以清代人物传记资料为最多。

    Among all the biographical data of past dynasties , the figures in the Qing Dynasty are of the biggest number .

  22. 像《史记》、《汉书》人物传记的小说化倾向,为小说的人物描写提供了参照和借鉴。

    For example , in Shi Ji and Han Shu , the novel tendency of the biography provided a reference for the character description .

  23. 众所周知,对人物传记片的评价离不开作者自身的艺术风格与主体意识。

    As we well known , the judge of film biography does not leave the auctorial art style and consciousness of main body himself .

  24. 业余时间我喜欢看书,一些人物传记,游记,和介绍中国传统文化的书我很尤其喜欢。

    I like leisure reading . I am interested in biographies and memoirs , travel journals and particularly in books about the Chinese heritage .

  25. 其中占相当比重的人物传记可当悲剧文学作品视之,在中国悲剧文学史上占有重要的地位。

    " Records of the Historian " is the first biographical general history of China , of which many personage biographies can be looked as tragedy literature works .

  26. 熊国华的《美国梦:美籍华人黄运基传奇》是一部文情并茂、史论双佳的人物传记。

    Xiong Guohuas American Dream : The Life and Times of Maurice Chuck is a biography excellent in both content and language and a brilliant exposition on historical background .

  27. 大量的文本,比如小说、史传、回忆录、神话传说、民间故事、叙事诗、戏剧、人物传记、新闻报道等,都包含有各类事件。

    The various texts such as novel , biography , memoir , myth and legend , folktale , epic , drama , press , and so on , include lots of events .

  28. 第四部分明代话本小说与文人传记中徽商形象的比较,主要将明代话本小说与文人所作人物传记中的徽商形象做比较观照。

    Chapter 4 is " Comparison of Huizhou Merchants Between The Colloquial Stories and Scholar Biographies of the Ming Dynasty ", mainly comparing Huizhou merchants in colloquial stories to those scholar biographies .

  29. 导演彼得·考斯明斯金正准备为人物传记片《后备之王》招兵买马,电影将围绕着哈里王子丧母和在阿富汗服役的经历展开。

    Director Peter Kosminsky is set to begin casting for biopic The Spare , which will depict the royal 's experience losing his mother Princess Diana and serving for the Army in Afghanistan .

  30. 本文从它的几篇代表作出发,分析了梁启超当代人物传记的思想内容和艺术特色,肯定他在传记文学创作中的地位和影响。

    This article touches on some of his representative works , analyzing the ideological content and artistic features of his biographies of contemporary personages , and affirming his position and influence in writing biographies .