
  1. 全国人民团结紧。

    The whole nation is closely united .

  2. 非洲个性(AfricanPersonality)或黑人性(Negritude)思潮,是20世纪非洲大陆为实现复兴与统一而高举的精神旗帜,是非洲人民团结奋斗的情感认同对象。

    The appeal to " African Personality " or " Negritude " as a trend of thought in the 20th century was a banner upheld by the black continent in its drive towards revival and unification , an ideal objective that Africans identified themselves with .

  3. 发生在四川的地震使全中国人民团结得像一个人似的。

    The earthquake in Sichuan made Chinese people unite as one .

  4. 声援反抗种族主义与种族歧视人民团结周

    Week of Solidarity with People Struggling against Racism and Racial Discrimination

  5. 阿拉伯人民团结一致反抗他们共同的敌人。

    The Arab people stand as one against their common enemy .

  6. 声援南部非洲殖民地人民团结周

    Week of Solidarity with the Colonial Peoples of Southern Africa

  7. 苏联拉美人民团结委员会

    Soviet Committee of Solidarity with the Peoples of Latin America

  8. 与恐怖主义的斗争似乎把全国人民团结了起来。

    The fight against terrorism seemed to unite the nation .

  9. 全国人民团结一致,起来反对外来侵略。

    The nation rose as one man against foreign aggression .

  10. 当美国人民团结在一起时,美国会变得势不可当。

    When America is united , America is totally unstoppable .

  11. 政府能把全国人民团结在一起,面对前面的困难。

    The government can weld the nation together to face the difficulties ahead .

  12. 党徽代表中国人民团结统一。

    The party emblem represents the unity and solidarity of the Chinese people .

  13. 如果人民团结并且房地主们被压制的话。

    If the people unite and the landlords subdue .

  14. 亚非人民团结组织的备忘录

    Memorandum of the Afro-Asian People 's Solidarity Organization

  15. 以及国际社会要与法国人民团结在一起。

    and international solidarity with the French people .

  16. 那个国家的人民团结得像一个人,进行了反侵略的正义战争。

    United as one , the people of that country waged a just war against aggression .

  17. 亚非人民团结理事会

    Afro-Asian People 's Solidarity Council

  18. 在自然灾害面前全国人民团结一致与灾害作斗争!

    In the face of natural disasters , people across the country united and fight against disasters !

  19. 真正让美国与众不同的,是将这个地球上最多元化的国家的人民团结到一起的那些纽带。

    What makes America exceptional are the bonds that hold together the most diverse nation on earth .

  20. 津巴布韦人民团结组织

    Zimbabwe United People 's Organization

  21. 只要全体人民团结一心,国家一定会繁荣昌盛。

    To the extent that all the people are united as one , the nation will surely prosper .

  22. 由于人民团结一致,侵略者终于被逐出我国。

    The invaders were repelled from our country , as a result of people 's unity as one .

  23. 世界人民团结一致反对法西斯。关于反法西斯的国际统一战线

    In my heart I can make the world hang together . ON THE INTERNATIONAL UNITED FRONT AGAINST FASCISM

  24. 在这里,决定的条件就是社会主义制度和人民团结一致的奋斗。

    Here , the decisive conditions are the socialist system and the concerted efforts of a united people .

  25. 人民团结是衡量一个国家政治体制、政治结构和政策是否正确的重要标志;

    People unity is an important symbol to measure a national political system , political construction and policy ;

  26. 军队和人民团结一致,发扬军队的积极性。

    Achieve unity between the army and the people and bring the army 's militant spirit into play .

  27. 2001年9月11日,在我们悲伤的时刻,美国人民团结在一起了。

    On September 11 , 2001 , in our time of grief , the American people came together .

  28. 在我国,社会主义政治文化是全党全国人民团结奋斗的共同政治思想基础。

    In China , the socialist political culture is the whole party and the people of the common political solidarity .

  29. 和以往一样,现在的重要任务是把我国人民团结起来。

    The need to unite the people of our country is as important a task now as it always has been .

  30. 齐贝基和奥廷加做出了履行这项协议的承诺,并且呼吁肯尼亚全国人民团结一致。

    Mr. Kibaki and Mr. Odinga pledged to ensure that the accord is implemented and called for unity among all Kenyans .