
  1. 基于复合DEA的人才使用效率评价模型

    Appraisal Models in Talent Service Efficiency on the Basis of Composite DEA Method

  2. 第三,人才使用和培养伦理思想。

    The ethical idea of use and training of talent .

  3. 微机在科技人才使用合理化方案研究中的应用

    Application of Microcomputer in Research of Rational Scheme for Employment of Scientists and Technicians

  4. 试论人才使用标准的导向作用及对高等教育的影响

    The Functions of the Standards of the Employment of Human Resources and Their Influence on Higher Education

  5. 其实这只是针对便秘相当严重,而且排便困难的人才使用的。

    In fact , this is only for constipation is quite serious and difficult defecation talents to use .

  6. 我国古代和一些西方国家在人才使用上积累了很多丰富的经验,值得我们学习借鉴。

    Ancient China and some western countries have accumulated a lot of experience of talent deployment that we can learn from .

  7. 军事人才使用效益是指军事人才在部队工作过程中价值实现的大小。

    Military personnel to use effective means of military personnel in the work force the size of the process of value realization .

  8. 企业管理的实质是对人力资源的管理,建立科学的人才使用制度比人才本身更重要。

    The essence of enterprise management is the human resource management , the establishment of scientific system talent of use is more important than the talent itself .

  9. 人才使用效能明显提高。人才发展体制机制创新取得突破性进展,人才辈出、人尽其才的环境基本形成。

    Significantly Improved Performance of Talents : With breakthrough in the restitution of talent development system , a profuse talent resources and right talents should be in place .

  10. 社会应为示范院校提供办学咨询与协助,组建有机的企校联合体,及时反馈人才使用情况等。

    Society should provide school-running consultation and help for demonstration schools , organize and build union of enterprise and school , and timely give feedback of talents application situation .

  11. 文章结合本企业的实际,全面介绍了在质量管理方面如何抓组织机构、人才使用、制定制度、落实检查等项举措,使承担的多项工程达到了优良标准,为山西的交通发展作出了贡献。

    Combined with our enterprise ′ s practice , the paper introduces how to have relative measures in quality management to make all kinds of project up to fine standard .

  12. 因此,如何提高军事人才使用效益,充分开发人才使用价值,是部队现代化建设面临的一项重要任务。

    Therefore , how to improve efficiency in the use of military personnel , the full development of human value , is the modernization of the military facing an important task .

  13. 本文力求通过对军事人才使用现状极其制约因素的分析,初步探讨优化提高军事人才使用效益的方法措施。

    This paper seeks to use the status quo by most military personnel constraints analysis , preliminary optimization of efficiency in the use of military personnel to improve the methods and measures .

  14. 从做好人力资源的储备工作及人才使用工作两方面入手,探讨了如何加强图书馆人力资源管理的有关问题。

    This paper probes into some problems related to strengthening the library 's human resource management from two aspects of doing well the reservation work and employment work of the human resource .

  15. 要纠正这种教育价值取向的偏差,必须要求全社会树立正确的人才使用观念,要求成人高等教育的管理部门、主办机构和受教育者确立正确的教育价值观。

    Furthermore , supervising department , undertaking organization and trainee of adult higher education should establish correct educational concept of value . Using a operator that E. Speech signal is encoded and decoded with recommendation G.

  16. 因此,对人岗匹配问题进行科学系统的研究,对国有企业提高人力资源配置水平,挖掘人才使用潜力,提高人力资本效用具有现实的意义。

    Therefore , a scientific and systematic study of the issue of talent-post matching is of practical significance for State-owned enterprises in enhancing the level of human resource allocation , digging up potentials in the use of talents , and improving human capital utility .

  17. 在绩效管理职能方面,大连PGM自成立以来一直沿用美国总部的绩效评估体系,对于人才的使用、开发、激励和保留曾起到了非常重要的作用。

    In terms of the performance management , Dalian PGM followed the performance appraisal system of the headquarters located in America , that played a significant role in hiring , developing , motivating and retaining talent .

  18. 作为一种宝贵的资源,人才的使用就有一个优化配置和有效开发利用的问题。

    Since talent is a precious resource , there is an optimal distribution and effective use of development .

  19. 我们说资本主义社会不好,但它在发现人才、使用人才方面是非常大胆的。

    We say that capitalist society is bad , but it doesn 't hesitate to discover and utilize talent .

  20. 培养好人才,使用好人才,留住人才,吸引人才是人力资源管理的重点。

    Cultivating good talent , the use of good talent , technicians , attractive is the human resources management focus .

  21. 人事档案的收集、整理和保管,为社会开发人才、使用人才提供了信息和数据。

    The collection , collation and custody and protection of the personnel file provide information of management with the educated person .

  22. 而要更好的培养创新人才,使用创新人才,就必须对创新人才素质进行深入细致的分析研究。

    To cultivate and employ innovative talents better , we must penetrate into analyzing and researching the quality of innovative talents .

  23. 要把好引进关,把用人的范围和视角进一步放宽,努力做到占有人才和使用人才的结合。

    Properly introduce customs , and perspectives of further relaxation of the scope of employment , and strive to occupy and use the combination of talents .

  24. 薪酬是一把双刃剑,使用得当能够吸引、激励和留住人才,使用不当则可能给企业带来危机。

    Compensation is a " double-edged sword ", and the proper use of which can attract , motivate and retain talent , improper use can bring crisis to the enterprises .

  25. 你们还提出把科学技术工作和人才培养使用工作做好,我看最难的是这一条。

    You propose to do good work in science and technology and in the training and employment of talented people . I think this will be the most difficult task .

  26. 如政府对物流业发展进行统一规划和政策上的扶持;重视人才的使用和培养;

    A lot of experience methods of theirs are worth our drawing lessons for example : the government carry though unified planning to the development of the logistics industry and cultivation ;

  27. 美国军队和欧洲原子能机构的成员(主要是伯纳斯李)共同发展和推广了英特网,因此全世界的人才能够使用英特网。

    Another example would be the internet , it required the US and other armed forces to develop , and members of CERN ( particularly Berners-Lee ) who made it accessible to everyone across the world .

  28. 在人才的使用上给予理解、尊重和信任,给员工一个公平的竞争环境,对员工做出的成绩及时予以肯定,注重员工的发展和培养;

    In the talent 's use , The manager should offer understanding , respecting and trust , give staff a fair competition environment , Give the affirmation to the achievement that staff made in time , pay attention to staffs development and cultivation ;

  29. 但我们也清醒的认识到,与西方发达国家相比,我国的文化产业还有很大差距,在政策法规制定、体制机制建设、资金投入运作、品牌化建设、人才培养使用等方面还存在很多问题。

    But we also are acutely aware that , compared with western developed countries also has the very big disparity of culture industry in our country , in the policies and regulations formulated , institutional construction , capital operation , brand construction , talent cultivation using still exist many problems .

  30. 人才选拔、使用与培养的思考

    Reflections on Selection , Placement and Cultivation of Talented People