
rén ɡōnɡ zhì pǐn
  • artifact
  1. 它比任何一个人工制品都要古老,

    It is older than any human artifact ,

  2. 在错误手这强有力的人工制品有能力解开灵魂。

    In the wrong hands this powerful artifact has the ability to unravel the soul .

  3. 挖掘出的骨头和人工制品表明,在后来建造房屋和仓库之前,这个地方曾一直是一个逗熊场兼酒吧。

    Bones and artefacts that were uncovered show the site went on to become a baiting pit and pub before homes and warehouses4 were later built on it .

  4. 本研究通过深圳(赤湾)港的案例演示了所提人工制品(artifacts)解决工业界问题的应用性。

    The use of the proposed artifacts is illustrated by applying them to a real world case in the Shenzhen ( Chiwan ) port .

  5. 你不仅仅可以使用VisualStudio编写代码,同时也可以使用OSLO的建模工具把创造的人工制品(artifact)整合到工作流程中。

    You 've got to use Visual Studio to write the code but can use Oslo modeling tools to assemble created artifacts into a work flow .

  6. 来自布里斯托大学考古学与人类学学院的AidanDodson检查了这一人工制品,发现它可以追溯至18世纪埃及王朝的图特摩斯三世统治时期,距今3500年。

    Dr Aidan Dodson , from the Department of Archaeology and Anthropology at Bristol University , examined the artefact and found it dated back to the reign of Thutmose III - the 18th Dynasty of Egypt , 3500 years ago .

  7. 经由研究人工制品可以探查出古代的惯例。

    One can trace ancient practices through the study of artifacts .

  8. 这次挖掘使一批数目惊人的青铜时代人工制品重现天日。

    The excavation exposed a staggering numBer of Bronze age artifacts .

  9. 制作或者加工人工制品。经加工制作的金属制品

    Create or manufacture a man-made product . fabricated metal products

  10. 但最酷的史前人工制品比这些还要早。

    But the most intriguing prehistoric artifacts are older even than this .

  11. 如今,“千克”是最后一个由人工制品标示的计量单位,它正在等待着改变。

    Now the kilogram , the last artefact-based unit , awaits its turn .

  12. 人工制品包括矛,针和刀。

    The artifacts include stone spear points and knives ;

  13. 由意大利一位伟大的键琴制作者.制作或者加工人工制品。

    By a harpsichord maker in Italy . create or manufacture a man-made product .

  14. 千克是目前唯一一个以人工制品为参照标准的计量单位。

    The kilogram is the only unit of measurement still based on a man-made artifact .

  15. 据悉,这个由皮绳固定、三块木头组成的人工制品正在开罗埃及博物馆中展出。

    The three-part wood and leather artifact was housed in the Egyptian Museum in Cairo .

  16. 同性恋的东西已经在考古的人工制品和古希腊文明的遗迹中被发现。

    Homosexual things have been found in the archeological artifacts and remains of ancient Greek civilization .

  17. 这些人工制品的用途是什么?

    What were these artifacts for ?

  18. 人造蜡制水果,整体模制制作或者加工人工制品。

    Artificial fruit of wax , mouled in one piece create or manufacture a man-made product .

  19. 把人工制品与天然品一比,其差别是很明显的。

    When the synthetic is contrasted with the natural one , the difference is very apparent .

  20. 在史前期村落遗址找到的人工制品中有箭簇和陶器。

    Arrowheads and pottery were among the artifacts found at the site of the prehistoric village .

  21. (用来指人或者人工制品)以思想或者行动上的独立性和创造性为特点。

    ( used of persons or artifacts ) marked by independence and creativity in thought or action .

  22. 这门课程包含杰出的课堂讲稿和专题,并特别着重于未来科技的数位人工制品。

    This class contains excellent lecture notes and project proposals , highlighting possible future technologies in digital artifacts .

  23. 准备用于收藏的艺术品、样品和人工制品,安排和组织展览。

    Prepares artworks , specimens and artefacts for collections , and arranges and constructs gallery or museum exhibits .

  24. 或者区隔出中世纪这段期间,只是为了回顾学习事件时的人工制品?

    Or is our periodization of the middle ages ( merely ) an artifact of our backwards reading of events ?

  25. 他举了一些例子:发现在图像上无法看到的肿瘤及人工制品。

    He cited examples of finding tumours that weren 't seen on imaging , as well as artefacts that were .

  26. 隐喻界面的最大问题在于,它们将界面与机械时代的人工制品束缚在一起。

    The most significant problem with metaphors , however , is that they tie our interfaces to Mechanical Age artifacts .

  27. 这是碧玉被用作一种镶嵌物的一只带子钩的例子,而不是这种完整的人工制品。

    This is an example of a belt hook where jade was used as an inlay , rather than for the complete artefact .

  28. 经此交换过程,名片这个人工制品的价值也增加了,如同一张播放了很久的唱片,一封手写的书信,甚至是一张报纸一样。

    The artefact – like a long-playing record , a handwritten letter , and perhaps even a newspaper – has also gained in value .

  29. 自然哲学从哲学角度阐释技术的本体存在,并影射到人工制品的二重性问题。

    Natural philosophy explicated the ontological reality of technology from a philosophical point of view , even alluding to the discussion of the dual nature of artifact .

  30. 我想知道人工制品他们提到是否是秘密地只耳语这些零件黑色的臭名昭著的书?

    I wonder if the artifact they refer to is the infamous " Black Book " which is only whispered of behind closed doors in these parts ?