
rén ɡōnɡ ɡuānɡ
  • artificial light
  1. 人工光照对黄腹角雉繁殖行为的影响

    The effect of artificial light on reproduction of cabot 's Tragopan

  2. 酒店建筑大堂人工光环境设计探讨

    Artificial light environment design of hotel lobbies

  3. 即将离体叶片放入水中经高光强处理,造成低CO2、低O2、高光强的人工光氧化条件,经过这种筛选压可选出耐光氧化的材料。

    The appearances of photooxidation in various materials were detected when the excised leaves were submerged in water under low CO_2 and low O_2 with high light .

  4. 本试验利用人工光照培养箱进行水培试验,对水稻幼苗进行重金属Cd胁迫处理,研究水稻苗期对Cd的吸收及其生物学效应;探讨苗期水稻对Cd的耐性评价指标。

    Effect of heavy metal Cd on Cd uptake and Cd-resistant indices in rice seedlings grown in hydroponics was studied under the condition of artificial illumination incubator .

  5. 适宜使用VDT的办公空间人工光环境研究

    Research on the Appropriate Artificial Lighting Environment for VDT Using in the Office Space

  6. 因此,铁皮石斛组培苗在人工光型密闭式植物工厂内培育的适宜光照强度为60 ̄70μmol/(m2·s)。

    Therefore , the suitable lighting intensity for D. officinale in vitro is 60 ~ 70 μ mol / ( m2 · s ) in the closed plant factory under artificial lighting .

  7. 把胚乳单独接种于B5基本培养基附加BA(2ppm)及2,4-D(0.5ppm)等培养基上,置于白天加1000lux的人工光照下培养,诱导出愈伤组织。

    The endosperm callus has been induced from the endo - sperm , which was separated from embryo sac and only inoculated on the B_5 basal media supplemented with BA ( 2ppm ) and 2,4-D ( 0.5ppm ) with duration of about 1000 lux light for daytime .

  8. 为研究光周期敏感雌性不育苎麻(PFSR)雌性育性转换的光温效应,在自然温度条件下进行了人工光周期处理,并对自然光温变化与PFSR雌性育性变化的相关性进行了分析。

    Under natural temperature artificial photoperiod was carried out to research the photoperiod-sensitive critical day-length of female sterility alteration in photoperiod-sensitive female sterile ramie ( PFSR ) . The correlation between the changing of natural photoperiod-temperature and sterility alteration of PFSR was analyzed .

  9. 人工光周期及致盲对树鼩繁殖的影响

    The Effects of Artificial Photoperiod and Blinding on Repro-duction of the Tree Shrew

  10. 城市景观道路的人工光环境营造方法研究

    Research on the Building Methodology of the Artificial Luminous Environment in Urban Landscape Road

  11. 室内人工光环境设计的方法

    Design Method of Artificial Illumination Environment Indoor

  12. 强春性小麦品种的人工光温反应及短日种植

    The artificial photo-temperature reaction and the short-day growing for THF variety of strong Springness Wheat

  13. 对草莓进行人工光氧化处理,并测定各项光合生理指标。

    Two strawberry varieties were treated under photooxidation condition and their physiology index was measured .

  14. 室内设计与人工光的运用

    Interior Design and Application of Artificial Light

  15. 铁皮石斛在人工光型密闭式植物工厂的适宜光照强度

    Suitable Lighting Intensity of Dendrobium officinale in vitro in Closed Plant Factory under Artificial Lighting

  16. 人工光照对中国古建筑油饰彩画影响的初步研究

    Prelimimary Study on the Effects of Artificial Lighting on Paint and Colored Drawing of Chinese Classical Architecture

  17. 密闭式人工光组培室的环境控制与洁净技术的研究

    Study on Environment Control Combined with Clean Technology in a Closed Tissue Culture System under Artificial Lighting

  18. GB/T16996-1997硫化橡胶暴露于自然气候或人工光后性能变化的评定

    " Rubber , vulcanized & Assessment of changes in properties after exposure to natural weathering or artificial light "

  19. 与上海科技馆生物万象展区内人工光照下热带雨林植物的养护相结合,本文探讨了大型室内热带雨林地区植物的光合作用特性。

    The photosynthesis of the tropical rainforest plant in the exhibition area with weak artificial illumination in Shanghai Science & Technology Museum was studied .

  20. GB/T15596-1995塑料暴露于玻璃下日光或自然气候或人工光后颜色和性能变化的测定

    " Plastics & Determination of changes in colour and variations in properties after exposure to daylight under glass , natural weathering or artificial light "

  21. 最后介绍了人工光创造的室外光环境,包括建筑物夜景、道路夜景、绿地夜景及水面夜景。

    Also on the exterior luminous environment created by the artificial light which comprises the nocturnal scenery by lighting of buildings , roads , greens and waters .

  22. 此种方法要求设计方法和实践操作相结合,并且丰富和完善了餐饮空间的人工光环境,具有一定的现实意义。

    This method requires a combination of design methods and practices , and to enrich and improve the artificial light environment of restaurant space , has the certain practical significance .

  23. 本文概略地综述了三个问题:一、照明工程与卫生学的关系,两个学科从不同角度研究天然光、人工光的利用。

    In this paper are briefly discussed three problems : a , The relationship between illuminating engineering and hygienics , and the use of natural and artificial light based upon different views of the both ;

  24. 在现代室内设计中,人们不仅利用人工光创造良好的光照条件以满足视觉要求,而且利用人工光的表现力,对室内空间进行艺术加工。

    In modem interior design , people not only create good lighting condition by artificial light to satisfy vision requirement , but also conduct artistic processing at indoor space by the expression of artificial light .

  25. 选用中国大豆主要生态区的代表品种12个,在南京春播,通过人工光照处理,比较了各类型品种开花前和开花后的光周期反应敏感性。

    12 representative varieties collected from main ecological regions in China were sown in spring in Nanjing and different , photoperiod treatments were carried out to compare pre - and post-flowering photoperiod response of the various ecotypes .

  26. 伴随着中国城市照明的快速发展,以及照明向生态型园林、甚至生态保护区的快速推进,人工光对自然生态环境特别是野生候鸟的生存及迁徙环境带来了不可忽视的影响。

    With the rapid development of China urban lighting and lighting projects in ecological protecting regions , artificial light has engendered an undeniable impact on the natural ecological environment , especially on the survival of wild migratory birds and their migratory environment .

  27. 人工控光对银蓝狐精液生产和品质的影响

    Effect of Artificial Photoperiod Control on Semen Producting and Semen Quality of Fox

  28. 采用人工控光,缩短光照时间的方法,对比观察了貉冬毛的生长情况。

    Effect of artificial control light and shortening light on fur growth of Nyctereutes procyonoides in Winter was observed .

  29. 基于人工光源光照辐射拔色的原理,设计开发了一种连续式毛皮草上霜拔色设备。

    Based on the principle of the artificial light radiation , the equipment for making fur top snow was developed .

  30. 在武汉自然长日高温下,对4个不育系进行人工短光照处理,可以诱导育性显著降低。

    Under the conditions of natural high temperature in Wuhan , shortage of photoperiod treatments can cause a significant reduction of fertility .