- 网络demographer

John May , a demographer at the World Bank , warned : Each new billion will pose more problems than the previous billion .
The first to use it in its modern sense was Alfred Sauvy , a French demographer who drew a parallel with the " third estate "( the people ) during the French revolution .
Demographers , however , point out that the'single " trend will have a profound effect on American institutions .
Methods With the mode of disease fail initiated by the demographer Manton , K.
Today , the typical American man marries for the first time when he is 29 years old -- well above the historical low of 23 in 1956 , but only three years older than in 1890 , according to Jonathan Vespa , a Census demographer .
Until recently most discussion in China has been confined to academic demographers .
Some Chinese demographers worry that the country will get old before getting rich .
Committee of Planners , Statisticians and Demographers The Additional Births v.s Population of Yanbian Korean Ethnic Group
With too few workers and too many old people , demographers say China faces an ageing crisis .
Many demographers reckon itis already too late to lift Japan 's birth rate , now at 1.43children per woman .
But netizens and demographers who opposed the clause said that it aimed to encourage people to have fewer children .
Demographers predict that the US and Europe will represent only 12 per cent of the population of the planet by 2050 .
This year , World Habitat Day falls during the month when demographers predict our planet 's seven billionth inhabitant will be born .
The Family Planning Council and demographers need to stop ignoring the facts and put the revision of China 's population policy onto the fast track .
But demographers say what the trend truly reveals is that adults just prefer their own company , living near their families , but not with them .
This may appear shocking to sociologists and demographers since it has been long believed that preference for sons over daughters prevails in populations of East Asia .
This was the grim fact identified by Thomas Malthus , an English demographer , that a country 's economic potential was limited by its food supply .
Shanghai , which demographers say has the lowest birth rate in the world , has launched repeated efforts to encourage procreation – but to no avail .
While demographers acknowledge the Chinese zodiac 's cultural importance , some have thrown cold water on the idea that it affects birthrates on a national scale .
This isn 't the stuff of gloomy philosophical meditations , but a fact of Europe 's new economic landscape , embraced by demographers , real-estate developers and ad executives alike .
At Vichy the demographers were telling each other that their estimates of how many old there would be and how long they will live in countries like England and Wales are due for revision upwards .
While the population of jurists told us that , in20172018 , China probably will be the turning point in the population will be aging society , investors , we need to own the future allocation of assets .
Coddled and helicoptered , catered to by 24-hour TV cable networks , fussed over by marketers and college recruiters , dissected by psychologists , demographers and trend-spotters , the millennial generation has come fully into its own .
Selectivity of human migration long been the focus of demographers and economists .
Selectivity of human migration has long been the focus of demographers and economists .