
  1. 文章回顾了人力资本需求的基本理论;

    The article first reviews the basic theories of human capital demand .

  2. 人力资本需求与工资差距:技术、贸易和收入的影响

    Demand for Human Capital and Wage Gap : the Influence of Technology , Trade and Income

  3. 因此,探讨技能型人力资本需求与职业教育发展之间的关系显得十分必要。

    Therefore , to research the relationship between the demand of skilled human capital and the development of vocation education becomes very necessary .

  4. 在股权激励政策和人力资本需求的背景下,股权激励逐步引入我国信息技术企业实践并得到了推广和进一步的发展。

    Under the background of equity incentive policies and human capital demand , equity incentive has been gradually introduced , expanded and further developed in information technology enterprises in our country .

  5. 文章认为,苏南工业园区人力资本需求增长不足的重要原因是人力资本供给不足引起的。

    The article thinks the important factor of which human capital demand not be increasing enough in the industrial parks of Southern Jiangsu is due to the supply of human capital .

  6. 本文的目的在于探索新型工业化与苏南工业园区人力资本需求的相关性及其人力资本需求提升的规律性。

    The aim of the article mainly explores the relevance between taking a new road to industrialization and the demand for human capital in the industrial parks of the southern area of Jiangsu province .

  7. 在构建区域产业结构调整对人力资本需求模型的基础上,通过对山东省2010年经济增长目标的分解以及对常规物质资本的投入预测,影射山东省产业结构调整对人力资本的需求。

    The chapter first builds a model as the basis of depicting the demand , then divides the economic growth goal and anticipates the physical capital input available of Shandong Province in 2010 , finally indirectly determines the demand .

  8. 而职业技术教育培养的各种不同层次、不同类型的技术人才正好适应了先进技术对人力资本需求的结构,职业技术教育完全有等同于甚至优于普通教育的价值。

    But the Vocational and technical education cultivate a variety of different levels and different types of technical personnel to adapt the advanced technology . Technical education is fully equivalent to or even superior to the value of general education .

  9. 在施行改革开放政策初期,中国在培养有能力、有国际背景和负责任的管理人才,与改革的人力资本需求之间,面临着巨大的缺口。

    In the early days of the policy of reform and opening up , China faced a wide gap between the capacity to develop competent , internationally literate and responsible managerial talent and the human capital needs of the reforms .

  10. 第二部分:对软件产业自身的发展特征及软件产业人力资本的需求特点进行了经济学分析。

    The second part is a theoretical analysis of the software industry 's characteristics and its demand for human capital ;

  11. 做好高存量人力资本的需求规划是吸纳工作的前提,在吸引人才过程中,招聘的细节往往容易被人忽视却又非常重要,良好的人事政策是吸引人才的重要因素。

    Demand planning of high-ability human capital is the first step , then perform staff recruit properly , the good acquisition mechanism is very important .

  12. 这一假说能够合理解释当前中国居民人力资本投资需求强烈这一典型化事实,并为中国公共教育政策调整提供了一定的政策依据。

    As a result , the analysis not only has explained properly the stylized fact which concerns strong demand of human capital investment in China , but also leads to some important implication on the policy adjustment of public education in China .

  13. 本文从儿个方面提出了促进职业教育发展的政策和建议,以期能够满足湖南经济增长对技能型人力资本的需求,促进湖南经济又好又快地发展。

    At last , this paper proposed some policies and suggestions to promote the development of vocational education , in order to meet the needs of economic development in Hunan province . Eventually , promoting sound and rapid development of the Hunan province economy .

  14. 最后根据分析结果对欠发达地区如何提高对创新型人力资本的有效需求提出了政策建议。

    Finally , this essay puts forwards some suggestions to improve valid requirement of innovative human capital in underdeveloped areas .

  15. 第二章阐释了大学生村官的核心概念,探讨了大学生村官工作的相关理论,主要包括人力资本理论、需求层次理论以及职业规划理论等,并分析了实施大学生村官计划的重要性。

    The second chapter explains the core concept , say university-graduate village official , and probes into the related theory , mainly including human capital theory , hierarchic need theory and career planning theory , and analyzes the importance of the implementation of " university-graduate village official " plan .

  16. 高新技术企业人力资本的职能及其需求

    Human Capital Competence and Its Demand in High-tech Enterprises

  17. 由于政府具有强制性、垄断性和规模经济的优势,因而不管在农村人力资本流动的有效需求上,还是有效供给上,政府都发挥着积极的促动作用。

    Since the government has such advantages as being compelling , monopolizing , the government will play an active part in making demands and supplies of floating rural man capital .

  18. 信息产业的迅猛发展,带动了对相关产业人力资本结构的不同需求,促进了人力资本结构的创新性调整和优化重组。

    The rapid development of the information industry creates different demands towards the human capital structure of related industries , and spurs the innovation adjustment and optimization restructure of human capital .

  19. 大都市便利的基础设施,高素质的人力资本及充裕的需求有利于吸引知识密集型服务业的集聚,这也是现有知识密集型服务业集聚于大都市的原因。

    Metropolitan convenient infrastructure , quality human capital and abundant demand for the accumulation of conducive to attracting knowledge-intensive service industries , which is the current knowledge-intensive service industries concentrated in the metropolitan reasons .

  20. 高等人力资本密集型产品的生产引起了高等人力资本水平劳动力需求的增加,扩大了工资差距。

    The production of high-level human capital intensive products causes the increase in the demand for high-level human capital laborers and enlarges the wage gap .

  21. 三是提高了RD人才的实际工资水平,降低了企业投资RD人力资本的成本支出,从而提高了RD人力资本的供给和需求。

    Third , tax incentive policy stimulates the supply and demand of enterprise 's R D personnel through increasing the actual wage level of R D personnel and reducing the capital cost of enterprise 's R D personnel .

  22. 加大制度创新力度,提高创新型人力资本使用效率,以缓解我国创新型人力资本供给短缺与需求旺盛的矛盾,促进我国经济的长期增长。

    Enhancing system innovation and making use of creative human capital more efficiently will relieve the contradiction between the short supply of creative human capital and its strong demand , and prompt the long-run economic growth of our country .

  23. 精神补偿是对人力资本的非物质的补偿,根据人力资本激励理论,人力资本的需求不单单是物质层面的,控制权激励就是一个很好的例子。

    Mentality compensation is a non-material compensation to human capital . According to the theory of human capital incitement , not only material need is required .

  24. 随着人力资本在社会发展的过程中所做出的贡献越来越大,经济发展对人力资本的需求越来越多,学者们更加注重对人力资本理论的研究。

    With the human capital made more and more contribution in the process of social development , and the economic development needs more and more human capital , the scholars paying more attention to the research of the human capital theory .

  25. 人力资本水平的提高和技术贸易的发展都会促进人力资本密集型技术的进步,增加高等人力资本水平劳动力的需求,从而扩大了工资差距。

    Both the improvement of human capital level and the development of technology trade promote human capital intensive technology progress , increase the demand for high-level human capital laborers and then increase the wage gap .

  26. 是全球范围内人力资源服务领域中的世界领先公司,竭诚为客户提供一系列人力资源服务以满足客户不断增长的人力资本及商业需求。

    Manpower Inc. ( NYSE : MAN ) is a world leader in the employment services industry , offering customers a continuum of services to meet their needs throughout the employment and business cycle .

  27. 创新型人力资本对欠发达地区发展起着重大的作用;但由于一些地域因素的影响,欠发达地区无法对创新型人力资本形成有效需求。

    Innovative human capital shows great important to the development of underdeveloped areas , but for some reasons , requirement of innovative human capital in underdeveloped areas is not very valid .